Chapter 6: Confronting Deception

Derik knew confrontation with Fantasia's corruption grew near. To prepare, he immersed himself in studying Scriptures brought by Serena, finding insight to fortify wavering spirits. 

One night, Derik realized Malik had been absent lately. He remarked as such to Serena, who eyed the trees pensively. Perhaps it is time you faced him and confronted the deceit he spreads. Derik gulped but nodded, steeling his resolve.

The next eve, as Derik walked alone absorbing Scripture's lessons, Malik materialized beside him smiling softly. We've missed you, Derik. Why have you turned from the bounties offered? His voice remained tender yet carried an edge.

Derik met Malik's gaze steadily. I've learned this land's true nature and your role in corrupting souls. You twist God's word to serve darkness. Malik's smile hardened. Must you ruin such wonders with your naive faith? Look within—do you not hunger for more?

Derik stood firm. I did hunger, but for righteousness alone. You stir baser cravings to enslave minds. No longer will I believe your deceptions. Malik's form shuddered, his bronze glow darkening. So be it, fool. You will see the error of defying me!

With that, Malik dissolved into mist, floating among gnarled branches, swaying to falling music. Derik paused, gathering courage as the Scriptures reassured him. He had survived Malik's honeyed lies and glimpsed his sinister nature. Victory was at hand.

That night, the Company camped near woodland fringes as stormclouds massed overhead in roiling towers. Derik sensed an omen and readied himself, trusting in God's providence and Serena's faith-bolstering counsel. When thunder pealed and shadows attacked as one, the Company met darkness with prayers and songs of hope, prevailing together through unwavering faith. 

Though trials would come, Derik took heart—the truth had triumphed over deception this night. By God's grace, all darkness will be overcome.