Generational Banter

Dinning the most delicious chicken 'alla cacciatora, both Dal Schiavon were in silence. Eating should be a moment of calm and quietness, that was something they could surprisingly agree on.

They had chose Rifredi, also known as Quartiere 5, as their territory; it was the biggest neighborhood of Firenze, so statistically it was very probable another manasi eventually would step inside.

Specifically, they were staying at a hotel right next to a restaurant in a street by Via Taddeo Alderotti. The hotel was also next to the Giardino Primavera, that was a tiny park. This wasn't the luxury the Dal Schiavon were used, neither today nor in the times of Anzolo; however, it was comfortable and convenient.

After they ended eating, the conversation began. 

"Tell me child, what is the financial state of the Dal Schiavon House? Did my absence lead us to ruin?"

Anzolo broke the silence first, Lunardo thought he was going to start to talk about himself again, so he was surprised about the topic.

"I have a name old man, when are you going to use it?"

"When you deserve it, now, answer."

"When I deserve it? Why do you think I don't deserve it!?" 

"When I was your age—"

"No way you already started with this..."

"—I had already won thirty two duels against other noble families. The streets were full, the public shaking with the expectation of Anzolo Dal Schiavon, the water dragon, would be defeated today! But it never happened, I fought always by the rules and never once I got bested! How many have you won, uh?"

"Magic duels are prohibited under the Europeans Magic Organizations. It's one of the only three things they agree. We couldn't stop killing each other over anything. It wouldn't be well regarded if a noble was seen participating in one. Don't you agree? Nobles can't kill each other in public anymore" 

"Are you telling me, you have never been in a duel!? No wonder the actual generation is such an absurdity!"

"Don't you know to read between lines old man!? A man like this can't make a fortune from nothing, you probably took your wife's credit!"

"Reading between lines!? Why would I need to do that with my own family!? Why don't you go straight to the point, uh! Kids these days!"

"Kids this, kids that! Your parents said the same things about you and you know it!"

"They were right back then and I am right, right now!

"Yes, yes, whatever you say, regardless, I said that I hadn't been seen in any duels, so it's impossible for you to verify what I'm saying; yes, it's true I havent fought any noble; however, I have won thirty one illegal duels." 

"Still less than me, ho ho ho."

"Why are you laughing like that old man, what are you, Babbo Natale?"

"If you manage to impress me, I will call you by your name, child. Now tell me the economical state of the House. I already researched about the actual currency and value of gold, so skip that."

"When did you did that? I can't recall teaching you about the internet."

"An old dog like me can still learn new tricks."

"In the last three decades we have lost half of our fortune. We used to export unicorn based products, but the demand just isn't the same as before. The blood used by the ritual to summon you was the last we have been able to move and we didn't even sell it!"

"Why would we, a family of merchants, mercenaries and duelists base our income on just one source? This isn't the full story isn't it?"

"The actual Dal Schiavon family has seventy five members, excluding you. From this number, only sixteen are able to take decisions about the House economic, internal and external affairs. The problem radiates from this. These sixteen members have very different opinions and are out of touch with the modern world, so they rarely reach a consensus and a decision, and when they do, it's something nonsensical. But they refuse to step down or hear the rest of the family, they are leading us to ruin because of their own vanity! I want to become one of them, to get the power to save the House!"

Anzolo nodded his head, authorizing Lunardo to keep speaking. All this days he had thought of him as a mere unexperienced child even if a lot of time had passed since that was a fitting name for his age. However, he had noticed Lunardo had something more to him; in his time, he couldn't appreciate his brothers, sons or parents as much as he wanted to do it, they lacked something he couldn't exactly define; but now he could find a word for it, vehemence. Lunardo had a strong will.

"Why aren't you one of the sixteen? Who chose them?"

"They are the five oldest members of the family, the five richest members excluding the first mentioned, the five strongest members excluding those already mentioned and the family leader."

"The five strongest and you aren't there? How is that possible?"

"It's by mana pool."

"What? That's nonsensical, you are born with that, it's like choosing the tallest person around as your leader!"

"Yes, it usually happens that they charge those members by newborns, it's a way to reduce the influence of those five specifically; they have methods to reduce the influence of the richest by changing the way the money is counted. Basically we are controlled by six people."

"Who is the leader?"

"Aristides Dal Schiavon. He became leader after his older brother passed away."

"I'm not understanding it, why is there the group of the sixteen when you have a family leader?"

"When it's time to take a desicion, they vote democratically, however, the family's leader vote counts for four normal votes, this causes that unless the five elders agree, then the family leader goes unchallenged."

"And you think that winning this ritual would give you the power and popularity to change the House politics?"

"Exactly, I don't expect perfect immortality, but having one without drawbacks is a big deal they couldn't ignore. Now that I think about it, why did you agree to get into the ritual? You had money, power, love and fame, did death scare you?"

"Death? I don't care about dying, I lived a good life. But I wasn't happy."

"You weren't?"

"Money! Fame! Family! Reputation! Honor! I had it all! And I liked all of it, but it wasn't enough. There is a hole inside of me that I couldn't fill with anything but one thing: the emotion of dueling!"

"Eh? Dueling? Isn't dueling something you do to get all the other things?"

"No! No! No! Those things are just for attracting better adversaries! Strength attracts a even greater strength!"

Lunardo was taken aback by Anzolo's declarations, he was the reverse of common sense. Instead of fighting for a reward, he used the rewards for fighting more!

"I think—"

"You are the same as me child! You just don't know it! For which other reason would you go and participate in illegal duels! It's in your blood!"

"In my blood?"

"Ask yourself a question. Why do you duel?"

"Because that's what we do, that's what the Dal Schiavon have been done for over a thousand years."

"Mistaken. You are mistaken. The Dal Schiavon House has been fighting since it's foundation, but only in the generation before mine the duels started."

"Really? Why was that?"

"You are a duelist, you should know that."

"Because duels have rules?"

"Exactly. Now ask yourself, why do duels have rules?"

Lunardo was about to say that it was so noble families couldn't argue about cheating at the fights, but he intuited that that wasn't the answer Anzolo was searching.

"To make them more exciting?"

He guessed.

"Exactly. Rules makes it possible to have a fair fight without any third-partying, any poison, any secret dagger and any dirty tactic. The only people benefitted by this are those who want to duel. It makes it more exciting as you said."

Lumbardo started seeing Anzolo in a better light. At the beginning he thought he was just a crazy old man; now he was sure of it but he could have a good conversation with him.

"Should we go search for enemies?"

Anzolo suddenly offered, all the talk about fighting appeared to go up to his head.

"There is no one on Rifredi, I bought some danburite pillars, don't worry."

"What are those, we didn't have them back then."

"Danburite is a precious stone which humans use to make jewels. What they don't know is that Danburite makes a reaction when in contact with a manasi. These pillars expand that area to a two hundred meter radius and combined with a simple spell we have an alarm system."

"So it's like having a familiar without the mana waste."

"You are right! And the best part is that they are an expensive item, so, unless there are other manasi nobles in this ritual, it's very probably we are the only ones with this advantage."

Lunardo thought Anzolo was going to keep asking things, but he instead went silent, thinking something he couldn't guess. Some seconds passed before he spoke again.

"Speaking about nobles... Do the Brekalovic House still exists?"

Lunardo understood it quickly, he was remembering his past.

"I have never heard about them."

"Then let's assume they don't. What about the Zinzina House?"

"Extinguished on the thirties."

"Marvelous. The Balossi House?"

"Sadly, they remain today."

"The Balossi? Wonderful, it's certain at least one of them is participating on this ritual. I will find them."

"Why? What businesses could you possibly have with such accursed House? Does the hate between us goes so far back even you are part of it?"

"They are our natural enemies. Users of electricity. We are at disadvantage against them, however, that's what makes the duels so challenging. Three times I fought a Balossi and three times I was very close to death. The feeling was exquisite. I need to experiment it again."

Lunardo thought Anzolo's expression was similar to an addict unable to satisfy his addiction. He wanted victory, Anzolo wanted the challenge. A quote from The Art of War appeared on his mind:

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

Now he was able to recognize both himself and his ally, so he had achieved the part about knowing himself, now, if he has the chance to know his enemies too, he will be able to win every battle.

"Let's make a promise here. You will do everything in your power to make me win this, and I solemnly swear that if I found a Balossi, I will do everything in my power so he fights you."

Anzolo went blank for a couple seconds, the moment he regained himself, he answered.

"The Dal Schiavon House can't be defeated, we will win everything that we set our eyes in, I accept."

They were smiling happily at each other, like two businessesmans after merging their companies creating a monopoly.

"Lunardo, let me give you a gift. It's my favorite achievement."

Lunardo looked at him, curious, what could someone without possessions gift.

"I haven't teach this to anybody, not even my sons, but I think you could give it a good use."

Lunardo opened his eyes to the maximum. There was only one thing he could be talking about, the spell created by him; some even considerated it to be a myth after centuries of failures to replicate it.

"You wouldn't—!"

"The ability to use the strength of a river in a cup of water. I will teach that to you."