Chapter 2: Is it too much to handle?

I woke up a second time and finally found myself in the place where the other me was living. It is completely different from mine.

She never mentioned anything about her world and she never mentioned that she got injured before we switched. Only through the memories that were recorded in this body where I find out. All kinds of memories: the past, the recent, what is important, and interesting like the hidden pathway that she often uses to sneak out of her room.

So step by step I go to take a peek to see if the memory is valid. Through the back of the walls above the ceiling and the hidden side of the corners. Trusting the process that this body will lead me to a wonderful site. Out of the skirts of this huge huge place.

Indeed, it's a palace. A decorative palace which is a historical possession of this country.

This place was under a feudal government during ancient times and then amended into a parliamentary one after the Great War. There are still a few remaining lines of the royal family. Still, now as they slowly weakened and their power started to diminish, the authority and governance shifted to the Prime Minister.

I pushed away the cover revealing the new discovery. She doesn't give me the details at the end of the trail. Opening the cover allows the coolest breeze to rustle my hair and skirt.

The view is priceless! I have never seen something like this in my whole life.

This parallel universe where this Shina was living is the messed up type, am I right?

Something far aligned with mine. Something nonexistent and devastating compared to mine.

However, this site is still breathtaking!

Don't look down if you are scared of heights, don't look up if you don't want to be overwhelmed by the great immense sky, and if you look in front of you can see a beautiful horizon beyond the dark sky and it looks so vast.

This Shina might love this spot. She can take a glimpse of the celestials that existed far across their sky. This is her peaceful haven. I extend my hands in that direction. "Hilarious there is such a place where light is considered Luxury where the sky was filled with treasures that's too much for the naked eye to see," I said.

I can see 3 distant moons. And there seems like a pathway to somewhere but my feet are stuck here because of gravity.

I feel like a moth who wants to fly towards the light that you can see far across the sky.

Is this what Shina feels?

Is that what she thought?

Feeling nostalgic and trapped at the same time.

It was a place where you could experience the moderate dim light for only 5 months and endure 7 months in the shadows.

How can people here even survive? Before creating their own artificial light. In this world the lowest form of light is fire, the mediocre is flare and the highest is halo.

No crops? Moderate vitamin D? Impossible! They should be extinct from now.

And this body gave me the answer.

They had light once but it was stolen in exchange for power.

They stole their light for power.

Who would have done that?

Now they creep into darkness like predators and prey.

So it is somewhat a curse?

Maybe she travel to my place to study what is electricity although that won't be enough though...

Still another naive idea of mine.

I spread my arms and started to dance in response to this emotion. Probably Shina doesn't dance but I do! In my room, in front of the mirror, in the comfort room, and whenever I am alone. I danced.

This place rarely has light so probably let's make a dance out of awe and thanks that ours has one.

'Thanks for the Light, Creator of Light' I thought.

When I possess her body things unfold in my mind and things are answered in front of my eyes.

Indeed, there is something extraordinary about this world. They exchange their light for power and everything turns chaotic.

The one who committed that sin is their late king.

Those who dare to touch the divine creation receive a divine punishment and an outbreak of war begins. A 'no ordinary war' between humans and underground beasts, giants, and aerial flesh-eating demons. They arise from the mouth of the earth.

Pitiful people, they were all dragged into this. Being killed during the war when it just stopped when the sinner was eaten.

What a surprise.

They could've handed him in the first place. They were used as covering.

Then left devastated and even the royal family didn't dare to take one step on the throne.

So they choose one who can rule and serve them. The prime minister.

But the prime minister is still powerless.

During these devastated times, the God they disregarded pitied them, and people with embedded powers were born. They value the light, electricity, lightning, and even fire wielders the most. They are collected and then used as tools.

Some are experimented on until they are drained to death.

It was still a divine punishment.

That they turn like insects in th dark. Like predator and prey on the ground.

No matter what is done it is still not enough.

It brings danger to the power wielders, so they hide like prey from the government and from its people who need them and from other private organization who wants them.

They are seen as tools to be used and prey to be devoured for personal needs.

Behind the dilemma, a new discovery arises.

A new rare inborn gift that can be useful to everyone.

They are relying on it greatly!

'But what is it? What do they call it?' I tried recalling it from the memories of Shina. However, I have difficulty. Perhaps the notion is concealed by Shina herself.

It's like she's telling me that I am not supposed to meddle around with anything aside from making that guy unlove her.

My attendant called for me. She seemed like someone she trusted the most since she knew about Shina's secret place.

Even though she was always emotionless and indifferent and hated non-humans so much, they still care for her. Why?

This world has non-humans blended with them because of the war outbreak they started mingling with them and the racial discrimination on both sides is rather obvious.

So what makes the non-humans and humans so fond of her?

How important is she that she is spoiled in this way? I just thought that she was a fortunate version of myself and that's all but I guess she's just an ungrateful brat.

They even address her as Lady Shina like she is an aristocrat. I checked the area but none of it shows any aristocracy setting. Probably a trace of it since it came from a feudal system of government and with a touch of gothic.

Shina is a commoner at birth and she visited her home after her business. She showed me that she could pay me a large amount because she was a cherished person by some important.

It is not really an organization. I thought it was.

The person who is in favor of Shina is no other but the

Prime Minister. 

Funny, I thought that she might be a mafia.

We have a parallel line of identity and existence but we are different in millions of ways. She is a black sheep version, cunning and shrewd. Living in a world that is very far away from reality.

Her life here is superb but I guess I'll never want it. I will never envy it.

However, I wanted to help if only there was something I could do.