Back in the Capital City

"Ah..! I'm finally back! I stayed here for 13 years of my life and died here. Now, I'm 14 years old again. But, I'm here for a different purpose. To make money, and to get my revenge!! Fang Family, You won't live happily at all!! As long as we're here.!!" Jia said, holding her friends' hands and shouting to the sky.

"Yeah!! As long as we're here, they won't be at peace!!" They all shouted.

"Alright!! Let's go make some money and kick some butt!!" Everyone said excitedly.

"Let's first go and buy a house for 400,000 yen. We'll use the remaining 300,000 for clothes, food, and electronics," Feng Jia said.

"Alright!!"Xing Xia said.

"Yeah! Let's go." They all said and went to the real estate company that was the most popular in the capital city.

***In the Real estate company***

"Wow!" Jia Jia! Are you used to this view?" Gai Chu asked her in awe.

"Well, not really. I was locked up and used all my life after all. I really don't get how I was so dumb and blind then." Feng Jia said.

"Don't worry Jia, we'll get our revenge in this life." Qiao San said, gently patting her shoulder.

"Bro, I've never seen you comfort someone before. Comfort me too." Gai Chu said placing his arm around San's shoulder and acting coy to everyone's disgust.

"Stay away from me. You stink." San said to Chu's shock.

"Why are you shocked? What? Did you expect him to hug and treat you like a good brother?" Sheng Rou asked sarcastically.

"Mind your business," Chu stated looking at her with disdain.

"I'll gouge your eyes out if you keep looking at me like that," Rou said shocking the other customers in the lobby.

"Mind your words when we're outside," Jia said coldly.

"Sorry Jia, I was just trying to express how I felt without disgusting anyone…" Rou said solemnly.

"Uh…excuse me…" A real estate agent interrupted them "Would you like to take a look at any of our buildings here? We have a variety of them. From estates to duplexes and houses in the suburbs-" She said before she was interrupted.

"Yui-er, you should ignore this kind of people. They are only here to look rich and con you into crediting a house for them. Then, they'll never pay you and will run away when their start-up business fails. It's a no-profit deal." A snobbish agent interrupted her and said.

"Is that the only reason why you interrupted me? To come and act all snobbish?! Have you forgotten the lesson that old man thought you just last week? It was the same as today too. You were acting all snobbish with Lan-er and making fun of him, telling me to stop serving a customer. In the end, what was he? The bloody Chairman of Sang's group! And now, you're doing it again!"Yui shouted at him surprising everyone in the shop because she was fiercer than she looked.

"You!... At least he was dressed moderately! Just take a look at them! They are dressed like flipping murderers and thugs!!!" He screamed in exasperation.

"Pftt- thugs and murderers? Hahaha. That's a first. We're usually ones to call people thugs. I'm amused. And 'FLIPPING?!?!!' That's just sad. He can't even use a proper curse word!!" Zhi Shi said.

"Hey! Country bumpkin! Who do you think you are to mock my co-worker?! How sure are we that you're even educated?!" Another female co-worker said.

"Hey, is it your business? He's my boyfriend and I'm the one who's supposed to be defending him, not some random co-worker. Besides, they are not in the tiniest bit wrong." Yui said.

"Hey! As a girlfriend, you're supposed to talk back to the country bumpkins and not my co-worker you bi*tch!" He said as he yelled at her.

*Slap!* I dare you to say that again. Did you just call me a bi*tch? Look, I may look easy and foolish to fool around with but, if not because I once loved you, we wouldn't even be on the same social standing. Mind your behaviour and respect people. Also, I know You've been cheating behind my back with Lan-er. I just ignored it because I was not ready to deal with such ridiculous things as love. I only dated you because 1, you were not bad when we first met in Uni and 2, because my family was urging me to start dating. Right now, I've had enough. So, from now on, let's not see each other again." Shocking everyone with her words, Yui cleared her relationship with him. Nice and straightforward like how Jia loved her things.

*Shocked by his usually gentle girlfriend's outburst, Du temporarily forgot the pain of being slapped and tried convincing her* "Yui-er, you've misunderstood. It was in the heat of the moment that I said that. I didn't mean it and I was feeling wronged for being stepped over by a pair of country bumpkins. Come to think of it, it's their fault all this started-"

"Ugh. Men. Honestly, when will they stop pushing blames and start taking responsibility? First, you do not apologise for causing a ruckus but you blame it on the customers that are supposed to be the ones being served. Then, you did not even try to deny the accusations of you cheating with your fellow co-workers.

Exactly how shameless are you. If you are a bastard, you can at least hide it by keeping your mouth closed and not pronouncing it for all to see and hear." Interrupting him, Zhi Shi calmly exposed his faults and shortcomings.

"Hahahahaha….OMG…you guys are amazing. I feel a bit rusty after holding back for so long." Yui-er said.

"How can you laugh at me at this point and hail the perpetrators?!!?! I'm going to kill you.!!" Du screamed, rushing to attack her. However, before he could lay a hand on her, Qiao San held him back and pushed him against the floor with one foot on him, exerting a bit of strength to keep him in place.

"What do you want done to him? Should I break his ribs or any of his limbs?" Qiao San asked, looking at Yui-er.

"I just need an apology from him, do whatever you want after." She replied.

"Sis, you have to be demanding. You can't just be asking for an apology from this type of scum. You need to do more before people like him can learn their lessons." Xing Xiao said, patting Yui-er on her shoulders.

"I agree!!!" A random passerby in the shop shouted.

"Yeah! Beat him up till he lands in the hospital and castrate him for cheating!" Another passerby shouted.

"People like him don't deserve worthy girls like you. They only deserve other b*tches that will become mistresses. Beat him up!!" A 3rd passerby said.

(Everyone started clamouring to beat him up and teach him a lesson, demanding an apology from him and asking the manager to revoke his right to work and ban him from working at other real estate agencies. Qiao San did as asked and left Du lying on the floors of the lobby. Including castrating him.)

[Author: I'm sorry to all the men reading this. This is how scums are to be treated^⁠_⁠^]

"What's all this ruckus about? Who dares to cause trouble in my place?" A peace loving old man came storming out from behind the door to the inner courtyard.

"We are very sorry for disturbing your rest sir. It's just that we wanted to buy a house for ourselves. And as this wonderful lady was about to show us some samples, we were interrupted by this illiterate, to say the least. Then, we discovered he is an ass of a man and a bootlicker. Also a cheater and a coward. People are requesting for his right to work to be revoked and for him to be banned from working at other real estate agencies. The end." Feng Jia explained the situation perfectly.

"Hmm.. good young lads. Those are rare nowadays. Good kid, which house do you want to buy? Actually, nevermind. I'll pick a house for you. Which school are you going to? I'll pick one near there for you." The kind old man said.

"Thank you sir for your kindness. We will be new students at the college in the capital after resumption. We are getting prepared before school starts." Feng Jia said in appreciation.

"Okay. I'm giving you this one as a gift for helping me get rid of workers we were never supposed to employ in the first place."

"Thank you very much sir, but I assure you that we have enough money to buy a house that we 6 can live in comfortably." Gai Chu politely declined on everyone's behalf.

"Oh come on!." You guys are students and are new to the capital. Lemme help you this time." The old man said.

"Sir, what is your name please?" Feng Jia asked.

"Haha. Look at me. Where are my manners? I'm commonly known as grandpa Tang. What are your names?" Grandpa Tang said.

"Oh. I'm sorry. Let's do the introductions after the purchase of the house. We seem to be interrupting others' precious time." Feng Jia said.

"Alright." Grandpa Tang agreed and thought 'you rarely see such intelligent and considerate children these days. Especially the girl. She is a potential candidate for a granddaughter-in-law. If only my grandson were considerate of me.'

"Excuse me sirs and misses, I would like to thank you for your help and show my gratitude. Please let me pay for the house you have picked." Yui-er said, bowed and paid for the house before they could object. "Let us go and get you the papers of ownership and sign all the paperwork." she continued. Regaining her professional attitude.

"Thank you. I appreciate your help. And, I love your attitude too. Straightforward and clear cut to the point. Let's keep in touch." Zhi Shi said.

"Mm, you read my mind. Let's check her out first, she has potential. She's also not snobby." Feng Jia whispered to Shishi.

"I saw that you were interested and knew you'd continue to act on your own since you are still not used to working together. So, I took that first step. And, I guess I was right." Shi whispered back.

'Mmm.. these people are worth being friends with. They have a strong friendship and are not after money. I'm also somehow beneficial to them. It's a win-win situation.' Yui-er thought to herself then replied. "Alright, let's keep in touch." She replied cheerfully and they exchanged contracts.

***After settling the house, in a cafe opposite***

"Okay, you've not introduced yourselves yet. What are your names?" Grandpa Tang asked.

"I'm Xing Xia, these are Feng Jia, Qiao San, Gai Chu, Shen Rou, and Zhi Shi." Xing Xia replied.

"Good kid. Good kid." He answered and chuckled. "Now, let's talk about my gift." He brought their attention back to the gifts.

"As Chu said sir, we are fully capable of taking care of our needs and do not need anything right now. As we already know your name, we will definitely come to you if we need help." Feng Jia said politely as she was losing her patience with this grandpa.