Chapter 7

I don't want to die. I don't want to die. 







 Want to 














Black's lungs filled with the saliva that caused his breathing to wheeze. The bag hugged against his back as if it wanted to drag him down. Black kept thinking to himself. 


"Plant one foot. Push. Lift it. Plant one foot." 


The sky had darkened with black fog that flashed with yellow light. His eyes dashed around as he kept searching for the Shadow that had chased him. 


Black couldn't catch his breath. 


"I'm going to collapse. Please. I want to live. I..." 




"Allow me to comfort your sorrow." 


A figure darted from the cloud in front of him. Black was blown straight to his back from the force. The bag blew the carrots in every direction as he limped to the ground. Black watched as the figure raised a hand into the air, summoning a beam of light. 


In the blink of an eye, the sky exploded, returning to a blinding void. Black gripped his bag strap as fear flooded his entire body. 


"Plant my palm into the dirt. Lift my knee up. Push my back up. Stand at your feet. Run. Stop shaking. Stop shaking and run. Stop." 


Black couldn't move his body. The figure began to walk toward him. It wore a tattered, red cloth that was still blowing in the direction of the explosion as if it lagged in time. 


The figure stood mere feet from Black. He couldn't make out its face as if its shadow was a dark mask. Even if Black couldn't see its eyes, he knew it was staring into his soul. The figure then continued to walk past Black. 


Black was in shock. Something in his mind screamed. It tore at his brain like a desperate prisoner. Black knew he had to let it escape or he may never get the chance again. 


"Red! I don't want you to leave again." 


The figure stopped in its tracks. Black immediately fell to his knees and dug his fists into the dirt. He ripped his rabbit helmet off from his head as tears poured onto the tops of his hands. 


The figure slowly approached Black from behind. From its robe emerged a hand which lifted its hood away. 


A soft voice whispered from behind him. 


"Come with me, Black." 


Black turned his head toward them. 



"I knew it was you." He began to fall deeper into his sobbing. 


Red's glistening blonde air fell to her earlobes. Her soft, blue hazel eyes laid upon the desperate child. Her small, pink lip lay in line with her snow-white skin. She took her gloved hand and began petting Black's head to comfort him. 


"I'll protect you from all the things I've seen."