Chapter 10

My eyes opened to the sounds of fire crackles and pops. My body had created a warm indent in the dirt. I slowly found the strength to lift my head, and I could tell the weakness in my body was beginning to reside. 


I looked around at the bare horizon for Black. My eyes turned to the fire as I thought about the story he had told me. This world, what was it? What world was I brought to, or was I born here? Though this was all I remembered, it didn't feel familiar. 


I heard a voice in the distance. I sat up to my knees and looked over the massive dirt patch. That's when I spotted Black, but I also noticed another figure. And behind them, an even larger figure. Those figures looked like people. The last time I assumed such a thing, was the last time I saw Blue. 


My heart skipped a beat. I had to get up. I raised to my feet and searched the ground for any sort of weapon. I thought quickly and grabbed a hand full of dirt. 


I sprinted toward the figures. The voices got louder as I got ready for my attack. I saw the first figure was covered by a red robe. Their arms were hidden within the robe which brought a concern to my approach. 


I leaped in front of Black and released the hand full of dirt into the figure's face. It all felt as if the world began to slow down. I could see straight into their eyes before the dirt hit them. 


It was a woman. Her eyes glistened with a sense of beauty, but all I could feel was fear. She was far stronger than me. She is going to kill me. That's what those eyes spoke into my ears. I reached my arms to my chest. It was the only thing that may keep me alive. 


The woman's hand lit up in a spark of light. In the blink of an eye, she slammed her fist into my arms, and I began to fly across the field. She aimed for my chest, she wanted to kill me. Before I could hit the ground, she was already on top of me, fist raised into the air. 




Black screamed out as he reached out for her. She looked back but continued her hand's path to my face. She quickly switched her fist into an open hand and gripped me by the shirt collar. I felt the force of my body stop as if I had never flown in the first place. 


I looked up at her blonde bangs which dangled magnificently above her hazel eyes. Her eyes mirrored my death. I felt as if, for a moment, they would be the last thing I ever saw. She let go of me and I fell to my knees. I gasped and caught my breath. 


"This is the man with the beard you spoke of?" Red asked Black. 


"Yes, he has been here with me for so long, waiting." 


Red took her eyes off me and walked back toward Black. She yelled to me. 


"Then get up. We won't wait on you." 


I got up and did as she said. If this was the Red person Black spoke of, I'd have to trust them. I walked up to Black as I looked up at the towering man in front of me. His presence and his blank face sent me a message. "I can kill you just as easily as her, but I'll make it hurt." 


I looked down at Black who walked at my side. I couldn't tell if he had begun to trust her since their last encounter. I wondered about her fist of light. Was it a weapon? Or was it another mystery I'd have to discover in this endless land of carrots? 



The walk lasted in silence. Red took the lead as Garg followed with his massive bow bouncing against his back. Black and I just continued looking at each other. After so long grabbing carrots, setting them in a fire, and starving off plain, boring carrots, I could tell this felt off for both of us. 


It didn't take long before my own knees started to cave in. I must not have been back up to health like I thought I was. Black watched as I crumbled to one knee. I winced at the pain. 


Red gave me a side-eye. Her hood kept her hair in place as her eyes glared at me. I tried to stand, to give the impression I was stronger than she thought. My beard was filling with sweat. My skin felt cold. 


"Garg, we make camp here tonight. I'll treat his infection and we will make it to base tomorrow." 


Garg nodded at her, taking her command. I wondered about the two's relationship. If he saw the pure power in her eyes the way I did. I sat back down and started to grip my forearm. 


Red walked over to my side and looked down at me. Her eyes glared deep into my soul as she crumbled her hand into a fist. 


"Relax. Close your eyes and we will take care of you." 


It was hard to trust the reassurance after seeing her strength. But I had no choice as my vision began to fade away. 


Garg set aside a bag that held a tent he put together. Red walked up to Black and took a knee. She reached into her robe and pulled out a napkin. The napkin was purple and had small, embroidery of a flower. Black watched closely as she unraveled it and held three blue flowers. 


She took one and set it within her pink, gentle lips. She chewed it and her white skin turned a slight shade of red. 


"What is that?" Black asked. He had never seen such a plant. All he could think about was carrots when it came to the things that grew around him. 


"Take one, it will make you feel fulfilled." 


Black took the soft flower into his dirty hand. The pedals wilted to his warm touch. He lifted his helmet to reveal his mouth. He took a small bite, then immediately downed the flower, stem and all. 


"It's like, it's like water from the carrots was poured through gold." 


I awoke inside a tent. I felt the strange pressure of a cloth on my forehead. I stroked my beard and sniffed my hand. It smelled like a topping Alice would put on her pies. I heard rustling from beside me. 

I turned over to see Red walk toward me. Her robe was off. 



She wore a tight chainmail shirt that showed the definition of her muscles and chest. Her hair was tied up to be kept from covering her eyes. She took the cloth from my head and narrowed her hazel eyes to me. Even helping take care of me, I felt threatened. 


"Your hand. What power do you possess?" 


Her expression didn't change. It was as if she expected me to ask. 


"The Shadows took something from you." 


I felt insecure about what she said. How could she possibly know? 


"You scream in your sleep. Don't you want the nightmares to stop?" 


Red took the cloth and ringed it out over a bowl. I was speechless. All I could think about was Blue. How I let him die to the Shadow. 


"We are going to the shrine. You aren't nearly as weak as you think, but I won't lie to you and say how pathetic you are." 


She took the cleaned cloth and placed it back on my head as if she were taking pity on me. 


"Come with us. Black has already agreed to go. But I cannot guarantee the child's safety during the journey." 


My eyes sparked up. I never took Red for a manipulator, even though I just met her. I decided to speak up. 


"I may be pathetic, but I am not dumb. What is it you really desire?" 


Red froze up. I could tell her head was thinking away. She stood up and looked out the tent opening. She could see Garg and Black sitting by the fire. She took a deep breath. 


"You want my utter honesty?" 


She reached to her right and pulled a sword that rested against the tent wall. In a flash she appeared beside me, the blade handle facing me. 


"I want to free the world of pain, even if that means taking it all upon myself." 


The blade she held dug deep into her hand. Blood began to drool to the floor. It ran down her forearms and stained her chainmail. 


"Join me, and be a stool for me to stand on." 


I glared at her hand, then the wrapped sword handle. I reached up from my rest and gripped the handle. Blue watched me take the blade and hold it up, even if he wasn't there. 


Red let go of the blade. 



"I think what you seek lays at the shrine. After you rest and recover, Garg will train you. In a week's time, we go. But I do not guarantee our passage back." 



She was right. I needed to go to the shrine. If this was what I had to do to answer my questions, to rid my nightmares, then there was no other option. 

End of vol 1