Chapter 14

The power of controlling my fear had filled my time as we traveled. I wanted to get a grip on the fear—anything to become a use for the group, anything to be able to protect Black. 


I closed my eyes and envisioned the pit in my stomach. I felt the darkness that consumed my stomach like water in a glass. I raised my hand as I felt the fear wave to my arm. It washed through my shoulder and consumed my bicep. My veins began to pop as sparkles of sweat formed on my forehead. 


A bulb of fear began to build up in my elbow. I felt the intense presence of the memories. Losing Blue, the Shadow consuming the young boy in my care, Black killed because of my weakness, Red leaving me alone in this horrifying world because of my uselessness. 


I immediately lost control. The fear rushed back to my core as I had to hold off from throwing up. Orange drool leaked from my mouth. I wiped away my mustache. 


I felt Red's glare as if she felt the fear punch me in my gut. The group continued walking toward the white void ahead as we have for so long now. The usual fear of Shadows that had filled my mind before our journey had disappeared due to the lack of them along our path. That fear was replaced with boredom. 


I closed my eyes and began to conjure my fear once again. It was just me in a black room. My soul began to envision the past. 


Why is it so hard to move my feet? 


I opened my eyes to the blinding void. The world's color was painted green and orange to contrast against that void. 


It was all gone. The carrots were gone, and the muddy, torn dirt was the last companion of the journey to the shrine. I looked up to Garg who had stood outwardly proud. 


Followed by a chuckle, Garg raised his arms into the air. 


"And that's why I am the best navigator in the world!" 


Red raised a fist as her glow as a leader shone to inspire. 


"The shrine is straight ahead. We are only a handful of rests away." 


She turned to me and made eye contact with me. I was still nervous about the plan. I looked at Black who removed his helmet. He had the widest grin. It had been a long time since I had seen him smile. 


How could I leave them behind for this "Fire Cavern"? 


Red, Garg, and Black began walking into the carrot void. The world in front of me became a slow unveiling of reality. I looked down at my feet, which were strangely soaked in a strange red mud. I snapped my eyes up. 


"I feel something. I feel something approaching." 


I reached down for my sword as I began to turn to my right. It was as if an explosion of bright yellow light blew off right next to me. A flash of light the size of a house blew its body straight against my blade. I could see Red slowly react in the corner of my eye as I was lifted from the ground. My body blew across the dirt, creating a massive dust trail behind me. 


Red lifted her hand and blasted a massive beam of light at the creature, missing as it dodged off to finish me off. I lifted myself to my legs as I pointed my blade out toward the beast. I noticed my blade was soaked in blood. 


Did I manage to hit it? 


I looked up to the beast and concluded I was gravely mistaken. It was a massive rat monster. It had blood spurring out of its eyes and mouth. A natural waterfall of bloody drool poured out of the creature as it soaked into the muddy ground. 


"This is the Blood Vermin." 


The Blood Vermin dashed straight in my general direction whilst releasing a powerful scream. I dodged out of the way and rolled through the mud. I looked up as the entire horizon had turned into a yellow thunderstorm as if the world was reacting in panic as much as we were. 


Red shot out another beam of light, hitting the creature in the side this time. It screamed out as more blood poured out from its body. I got up to my feet as Red dashed past me with her saber in hand. She sliced through the creature's back as it returned the attack with a swipe of a clawed hand. Red was sent flying into the air. 


She used the momentum to charge up a fear attack mid-air. Everyone felt a massive surge of fear tingling down their spine. The creature screamed out as if it was an effective attack. 


"Now Garg!" Red screamed out as she began her descent to the ground. 


Garg and Black rushed out toward the vermin. 


Garg raised his bow and sent a wave of five arrows flying toward it. Black ran ahead with his intense speed and slid between the creature's legs, wrapping them with rope so it was unable to dodge the rain of arrows. Every single one landed across the vermin's body. They were not able to pierce through the tough skin. 


The creature flung its body around at Black. He managed to barely dodge the attack and return with a small blade to the creature's face. It gave enough time for Black to back out and gain distance. Red landed on the ground and sent out another shockwave of light. 


The Blood Vermin dashed straight through it, targeting its anger toward the red-robed woman. She jumped over it and landed on the other side and began running toward me. 


"We need to retreat and gain distance on it-" 


The creature interrupted with a massive scream which shook the ground like a quake. The dirt beneath Red almost instantly vanished as if the world was swallowing her whole. Garg swept Black by his feet and dashed away from the destruction. 

I turned to run the opposite way. 


"Damnit! DAMNIT!" 


I quickly felt the dirt beneath me disappear as I leaned back into a fall. I reached out for the yellow void, only to be met with a black void consuming me. 


Garg kept running until the screams of the beast echoed from the chasm that had formed. 

"It must have fallen into its own pit." 


Garg watched as the sky became a white void once again, signifying they had distance on the creature. Garg set Black down, who was alert and orientated. 


"They are still there! We must go back!" 


Black didn't have his helmet, so Garg could get a good look at the distraught on his face.