Chapter Twenty Three.

"I've never seen a prostitute afraid of sleeping with someone,"Lei Qiang speaks sarcastically.

"We prostitutes we have our dignities too. We don't just sleep with anyone,"Duan Xinyue smiles mischievously.

"Beggars can't be choosers. You get paid to sleep with them so you can't choose what you want."

"Master Lei why are you so interested in prostitutes? Would you like to try with me? I can give you a discount,"Duan Xinyue says still smiling.

"No,thank you."

"Anyway what brings you here?"

"You know why I'm here. It's about the sword and the fight with Lady Bei."

Duan Xinyue chuckles a bit before replying ,"Oh about that Lei-xiong are you here to thank for helping you gain your glory back?"

Lei Qiang raises his hand to hit him but Duan Xinyue grips his wrist.

"Lei-xiong be careful. This is my room and it is soundproof even if I lay you down no one will hear your screams and if they hear they might think you're screaming out of the pleasure I'm giving you,"Duan Xinyue's smile widens angering Lei Qiang more.

How could someone says such words shamelessly.

"Do you think I'll just stand here and wait for you to lay me down?"

"You might be stronger than me but I have my ways."

Lei Qiang heart skips a beat at the thought that Duan Xinyue might poison him.

Duan Xinyue gets a small jade bottle from one of the drawers and hands it over to Lei Qiang.

"This is what I've been trying to refine for the days I wasn't attending the lectures."

"What is it?"

"It's some kind of perfume. I usually perfume my clothes with it but when it comes into contact with a flame it can cause someone to sleep. The one I'm using has a different scent from this one. I made a different one especially for you because I figured you wouldn't want to smell the same as me."

"You figured out I wouldn't want to smell like you or you knew people will become suspicious if we have the same scent?"

Duan Xinyue laughs awkwardly,"Master Lei is so intelligent."

Duan Xinyue brings him another bottle.

"This is the perfume's antidote. If you take it the sleeping incense will not work on you."

"Lei-xiong,can you guess what I'm working on right now?"

"I don't know but I think it's some kind of pill or powder with a strange name."

"I've been trying to make aphrodisiac powder. I will tell you when it's ready,"Duan Xinyue smiles mischievously waiting for Lei Qiang's reaction.


Lei Qiang walks towards the door to leave the room.

"Lei-xiong let me see you off. By the way the perfume is called Sleepy Fool."

Lei Qiang opens the door and leaves. Duan Xinyue runs after him. Du Yichen and Qin Lanhua are still drinking. Du Yichen is completely drunk while Qin Lanhua is a bit sober.

"Miss Lanhua you're so beautiful like an orchid. Why do you have to dance to please other men why don't I take you to the governor's mansion so you can please only me,"Du Yichen says while kneeling beside Qin Lanhua. He keeps stretching out his hands and stroking her flawless face.

"Young Master Du you're drunk."

"I'm not drunk. Don't call me Young Master Du I want you to call me Yichen gege."

"Fine Yichen gege."

Duan Xinyue arrives on time to save Qin Lanhua. He drags Du Yichen out of the pavilion. Lei Qiang stands outside his carriage and watches Duan Xinyue dragging the misbehaving Du Yichen.

"Duan Duan why did you lie to everyone? Why?"

"What did I lie about?"

"You tell everyone you're a prostitute but you've never actually touched anyone. You're a decent man but you try so hard to fool people you're indecent. What's your aim?"

Duan Xinyue knocks him out and carries him to his carriage. Du Yichen rides the carriage away. Lei Qiang was able to hear every word Du Yichen said .Duan Xinyue forgets about Lei Qiang and walks back to Qingfeng Pavilion. Du Yichen's words seem to have affected him so he directly heads upstairs to his room.

After half an hour Lei Qiang and Hong Yi arrive back at White Pavilion.

"My Lord what do you think Young Master Du meant by what he said?" Hong Yi asks curiously trying to figure out Lei Qiang's thoughts.

"Duan Xinyue is pretending to be a prostitute to prevent people from taking him seriously and figuring out his real intentions. He entered my life the same day General Fu Jiuyun returned to the capital. But he did warn me about General Fu. The Illusion Lair appeared after General Fu's return to Meanders City.What's their relationship?"

"Maybe that Duan gongzi is a spy sent by the Illusion Lair. He's also befriending Young Master Du to get access to the governor's mansion."

Lei Qiang takes out one of the pills Duan Xinyue gave him and sprays some of the powder Duan Xinyue gave him on his clothes to test its effectiveness. He waits for a while for the powder to encounter the flames produced by the candles.

"Hong Yi can you feel anything?"

"Not at all."

There is silence between them for a while.

"Hong Yi..."Lei Qiang turns around surprised to see Hong Yi sleeping peacefully on the floor.

"So it works ,"Lei Qiang concludes.

He carries Hong Yi to his room and puts him in bed. As he sits beside Hong Yi he suddenly remembers the night he blacked out after spending the night with Duan Xinyue.

'What other types of pills and powders could he be hiding? Seems like I have to assure him he has gained my trust so he can launch all his pills one by one."