Chapter 47 – Cloudy to Clear

Just a pretty face and….


The dormitory's door lock was replaced by an electronic lock with facial recognition. The staff tested it several times, and didn't find any problems with it, so after getting the transfusion in the hospital, Fang Juexia led Pei Tingsong back to the dormitory and let him go back to his room to have a rest.

The other people hadn't returned yet, so it was very quiet. Under the dual effects of the medicine and sheer fatigue, Pei Tingsong basically fell asleep just as his head touched the pillow. Fang Juexia left the bedroom after gently closing the door to the room, and went to the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator and looked into it, but didn't find what he wanted there.

Wearing a hat and mask, he went downstairs, going towards the nearest supermarket. It was getting dark, and there were many pedestrians on the road, who were heading home as the sunset on their backs. Since their debut, their state of 'no one really being curious about them' had made it so that everyone in their group was used to going out to handle matters by themselves. Whether it was shopping or studying, none of these would attract much attention. Their lives weren't like the celebrity lifestyle in people's imaginations, and this lack of attention gave them certain freedom.

Fang Juexia had, long before, created a list of things to buy in his heart, and thus went straight after his goal after he entered. He was a person who didn't visit the supermarket a lot, and he would plan everything out in his mind, assigning priorities in order to save time and energy to the greatest possible extent.

While picking out snow pears, he received a message from his mama. Fang Juexia took out his cellphone and glanced at it.

[Mama: Your grandfather woke up, and I told him you came to see him. He then asked why we didn't eat dinner together before you left. Your work is hard, so you need to eat well, understand?]

Fang Juexia looked at these words. He could almost see the scene in front of his eyes, of what happened after his grandfather woke up. It probably hadn't been as mild as his mama had said.

Maybe it had been more like— [Completely thoughtless, not even knowing to leave only after the adult wakes up, and then not even staying for dinner. I think the more he lives, the more he progresses backwards].

But the gist of it was probably good ba. He couldn't help thinking of what Pei Tingsong had said to him when he had been attached to the IV. His hand, that had been about to reply to the message, paused, and after that, he directly called her.

"What's the matter?" Mama Fang obviously didn't expect him to call her. "It's good you're busy la, you don't have to call back."

Fang Juexia stood in the snow pear section, surrounded by fruits of all sizes. "I'm in the supermarket right now. Mom, I wanted to ask you, when making tong sui, how do you pick the rock sugar for it ah…"

After shopping, he pushed his cart and came to a stand in front of the checkout counter, and started taking out all of the things in the shopping cart one by one.

"Do you need a shopping bag?" The cashier was a young girl.

Fang Juexia straightened up. "No need, I brought shopping bags." After saying that, he shook out the shopping bag that had been folded into a small square. Maybe it was that the appearance of a 1.8-meter-old handsome Ge with a shopping bag was really a bit funny and bewildering, for the cashier girl couldn't help but start laughing, while also at the same time, looking at him more closely.

Just by looking a bit more closely, she recognized him.

"Eh?" The young girl's voice was full of surprise as she exclaimed, "You're Juexia Gege?!"

Fang Juexia reflexively touched the birthmark at the corner of his eye with his hand, and sure enough, it wasn't completely covered up. He wasn't good at dealing with this kind of situation, where he had been recognized, so he could only smile, with his eyes that were revealed above the mask curving slightly.

"Ah, it's really you!" The young girl was so excited that she forgot to scan the items. She sighed emotionally at this face so close to her. "So good-looking ah… By the way, Gege, you got on the Hot Search list today! I didn't expect I would also bump into you! I'm so happy, this is the happiest day I've had since I started working!"

"Hot Search list?" Fang Juexia didn't understand her.

"Yes ah. Some netizens bumped into you and Xiao Pei when they went to a hospital to see a doctor, I saw this while just surfing the web around noon. I didn't believe it at first, but in the picture, you were wearing the same clothes you're wearing now, so it turns out it is true!"

Fang Juexia didn't expect that just him and Pei Tingsong visiting the doctor would warrant getting photographed and then forwarded around on Weibo. Had they already reached this level of fame now?

"Are you guys sick? Are you alright?"

Fang Juexia shook his head. "It's just a cold, it's okay."

"Gege, you have a really beautiful voice!"

Fang Juexia wasn't really used to meeting such enthusiastic fans when he went out, and all he could do was thank her constantly before returning to the dormitory with the things he had bought. When he opened the door, he heard some movement. He thought that Pei Tingsong had woken up, but didn't expect that it was Jiang Miao instead.

"You're back?" Jiang Miao was busy in the kitchen. "Heard that Xiao Pei fell sick, so when Yiyi and I were on our way back, we bought some takeout for dinner, along with some pork rib soup. They're all very light dishes, and you haven't eaten either ba."

"No wonder it smells so good." Fang Juexia changed his shoes and went over to put his shopping bag down. "I just went out to buy some stuff, and originally I was just planning to randomly make something when I got back."

Ling Yi, wearing slippers, came out of the bedroom with a bag of Lonely God Potato Twists in his hand. "How long has the little devil been sleeping?"

Fang Juexia calculated and said, "Two hours."

"I'll go get him up for dinner!"

Fang Juexia helped the captain dish out the food and set the table. He then sat down, took off his hat, and tasted the soup. It tasted fresh and smooth, with a tiny hint of the lotus root's sweet aftertaste.

"You guys got on the Hot Search list today." Jiang Miao sat down and asked, "Did you know?"

He had almost forgotten about that.

Fang Juexia took out his cellphone and logged into Weibo while telling Jiang Miao about how he had just been recognized at the supermarket. It had been a long time since he had redownloaded the Weibo app, but Fang Juexia pretty much hardly ever opened it. He had already formed the habit of not really using social networks.

As soon as he logged in, the countless comments and private messages froze his phone again, and it took a long time before he could browse through them. After he clicked on the Hot Search list, he found that number 10 was #Accidentally met Pei Tingsong and Fang Juexia#, and upon clicking on that, he came to the Weibo discussion that that cashier fan had been talking about.

[@Exploding with luck little cutie: Quickly click on this and someone come and tell me, are these Pei Tingsong and Fang Juexia? They are ba! Their real persons are super tall and super hot, but I dare not go forward. I feel like it's a little bad to do so in a hospital. But they're really so, so good-looking ah, both of them are so handsome!]

There were several pictures below this, which included photos of them lining up to register together, and even photos of them standing outside the hospital. Most of them featured their backs or their side profiles, and they were a bit blurred, but the comments below the post had already exceeded 10,000.

[@Super Flawless Jeweled Xerophyte: It's my fresh Juexia Gege! You guys look, on my enlarged photo, there's a bookmark! Anti-counterfeiting mark!]

[@Bad Luck Chieftain: Shit, PTS is that tall? It feels like he's more that 1.9m, why is he so tightly wrapped up ma ah hahahaha]

[@I got a real one: Wuwuwuwu, I just changed my ID last night, and it's really too real 555. P.S.: want to know whether the beautiful baby is ill or if it's Pinot Tree Supreme who is ill. How can can they go see a doctor without any staff with them, it's too hard for these Geges]

[@Romance0: Although this obscure group has too many ways to sell rot…the people watching all this are also really annoying. Why don't you just get a high definition camera to shoot them with?]

[@Heaven will not tolerate K not becoming popular replying to @Romance0: 7L fans won't even let off passersby who bump into them? No matter how much you mock, your Gege still can't get on Escape. You know it's an obscure group, and you're still deliberately provoking us, our little obscure K is really too honored.]

[@A carrot: I didn't get it before, but I don't know why after looking at these photos I suddenly feel like I've been struck in the heart. Accompanying each other to see the doctor is really so cute ah, the two people's height and faces really pair well.]

[@Instant noodles and ham: That green sweater on FJX looks really good ah! {Key point! Waiting online for a Leeuwenhoek sister to pick out the brand, want to get the same one}.]

[@I have to pass level six this year replying to @Instant noodles and ham: I worked really hard searching around for a long time, and it seems that it's a limited edition from a very small luxury brand. You probably can't get the same one.]

[@Has Pinot Tree Supreme grown up today replying to @Instant noodles and ham: This sweater… PTS once seemed to wear a similar one to class, but it was last year's model. It was highway robbery expensive, 3000 yuan.]

[@TingJue szd: Shit, after looking at the post above, I seem to have found something extraordinary…]

This sweater was that expensive?

"Eat ba, Juexia." Jiang Miao grabbed a pork rib for him. As soon as he turned his head, he saw the small and weak Ling Yi piggybacking Pei Tingsong, who was akin to a mountain, and moving step-by-step out of the bedroom. He couldn't help laughing. "What are you guys playing at? Zhu Bajie carrying his wife on his back?"

"I don't have a giant baby wife like him!" Ling Yi was so tired that he was panting. Fang Juexia put down his cellphone and was ready to go over to help his poor roommate, but as soon as he went over, Pei Tingsong gave up on playing this boring game and stood up. Instead, Fang Juexia, who now had no chance to help, just touched his forehead.

"No fever now." Fang Juexia was finally at ease.

After having slept, Pei Tingsong's whole person had relaxed a lot. He wasn't as drowsy as he had been during the day, and now sported only a sore throat, which made speaking uncomfortable. "Haven't had a fever since a long time ago."

Jiang Miao greeted him and said, "Quickly come and have something to eat. This is from a very famous restaurant recommended by Ling Yi, try it."

Pei Tingsong sat down next to Fang Juexia. He discovered that he didn't have a spoon, but he was also too lazy to get up and get one. So, he pretended not to know what was going on and picked up Fang Juexia's spoon, which was hooked upside down on his plate, and then scooped a mouthful of soup into his mouth.

"That's mine." Fang Juexia certainly wasn't that easy to fool.

Pei Tingsong glanced at him. "I'm just going to use it. I'm the sick person after all."

Fang Juexia had been dealing with this all day, so he really had nothing to say. That coquettish act he had put on during the day really was the secondary personality of this brat.

Ling Yi lowered his voice to imitate Pei Tingsong. After imitating his words, he held his stomach and began to laugh. "He was already a subwoofer, but after catching a cold, his voice has turned into that of a broken gong. I'm going to die of laughter. Pei Tingsong, you sound like my grandfather right now!"

"I don't have a grandson like you!"

During the meal, Ling Yi and Jiang Miao talked about what had happened during the filming of their program. Ling Yi was very good at describing things, and no matter what it was, as long as he expressed it, it would be really funny. Pei Tingsong and Fang Juexia couldn't help laughing. However, Pei Tingsong was still ill, and as soon as he laughed, he also started coughing, coughing so badly that his face turned red.

Fang Juexia looked over at him, feeling a strange heartache, and instinctively wanted to pat him on the back, but he was also afraid of being teased by Ling Yi, so he ended up holding himself back. However, who could have known that while Pei Tingsong was coughing to death, he would catch Fang Juexia's wrist and place it on his back, while motioning to indicate that he wanted him to pat him on the back.

"Who else is like you hahahahaha!"

"Juexia is like a handyman."

Nearly done coughing, Pei Tingsong took a deep breath and turned to smile at Fang Juexia.

"As a Gege, you have to be more conscientious."

Fang Juexia didn't know why, but he suddenly recalled the photo he had accidentally seen in Pei Tingsong's apartment. The face of that carefree child in the picture coincided with the face in front of him now.

Very intriguing.

The next day's event was starting at noon, and so, time was a little tight. Even before dawn, Cheng Qiang ran to the dormitory to act as a human alarm clock. He didn't even need to think about it to know that all of these people must still be sleeping, especially He Ziyan and Lu Yuan, both of whom had only gotten back to the dorm in the early hours of the morning, and Pei Tingsong, who was sick.

However, to his surprise, he found that Fang Juexia had actually already gotten up, and not just recently. He was wearing morning running clothes and was standing near the kitchen counter.

"Don't make breakfast, Juexia. I'll get Xiao Wen to buy it for you guys." Cheng Qiang then hurried to wake up the others, leaving behind Fang Juexia's tardy response, "I'm not actually making breakfast…"

Cheng Qiang, with his old mother's heart, urged the several big boys to get up and tidy up. He then hurried them over to the van like he was herding ducks. Xiao Wen, who was already seated inside the car, handed the purchased breakfast to Jiang Miao. "Split it, and eat some more. Later on, you guys might not get time to eat."

"I want meat baozi!"

"Isn't this bok choy baozi ba? Haven't you woken up, there are green leaves all over it."

"Give me a cup of soybean milk, please."

Upon seeing Pei Tingsong reach out his hand, Fang Juexia intercepted the soybean milk Jiang Miao was about to hand to him and put it beside his own seat. Pei Tingsong had on a bewildered expression; he wanted to speak, but his throat was uncomfortable. He was also very muddled from sleep, so he simply widened his eyes and looked at this soybean milk thief, who didn't have a red face and whose heart wasn't beating any faster.

Fang Juexia didn't speak. He quietly took out a thermos from the bag at his feet and stuffed it into Pei Tingsong's hands. Then, he bent at the waist, looked around for awhile, and finally pulled out the utensil box that had been hidden in the innermost location of the bag, took off its lid, took out a spoon, and handed it to him.

Upon suddenly grasping a small jar in his arms, Pei Tingsong's brain short-circuited for a bit, but he still unscrewed the lid, and a fresh and sweet aroma wafted up to his face. He scooped at its contents with the spoon. The early morning sunlight entered through a gap in the car window and shone on the winter pear in the spoon, making it glitter and look translucent, just like rock candy.

Pei Tingsong turned to look at him. He didn't know why, but he automatically switched to mouthing the words. "For me?"

Fang Juexia's pale pupils drifted to the side, and he pursed his lips, not saying anything. He picked up the soybean milk that he had snatched, which was the first time in his life he had done so, held the straw, stabbed it in, and brought it to his mouth.

That means it's for me! A small white flower bloomed in Pei Tingsong's heart, with flower buds swaying under the spring sunlight.

He had never eaten the tong sui made by Fang Juexia before, not even once. He had only heard of it from his other bandmates before. At that time, he had been quite disdainful, sniffing and saying stuff like "isn't it just sugar water?"

Yet now, Pei Tingsong had long forgotten what he had been like before, and contentedly scooped a big spoonful into his mouth. After having been boiled for a long time, the winter pear had turned soft, and with a tiny bit of fruit acid mixed with snow fungus soaked in rock sugar, it tasted sweet and moist, and his throat immediately felt much more comfortable.

It was just that the scraped tip of his tongue hurt a bit when it encountered the hot tong sui, but that didn't hinder him from eating it at all.

Lu Yuan was sharp-sighted, so as soon as he looked back, he saw this. "Xiao Pei, what good thing are you hoarding and eating by yourself?!"

"Why is his breakfast in a thermos?" Ling Yi was still chewing on a meat baozi as he asked, "Do we not deserve it?"

Xiao Wen thought it was strange. "What? I didn't buy anything in a thermos ah."

Pei Tingsong hugged his honey jar and declared, "This is the tong sui Juexia Ge boiled for me. What are you guys trying to grab it for, are you guys sick?"

Ling Yi clicked his tongue for a bit. "Oh, yo, getting sick is really something."

"Can't compare, can't compare," Lu Yuan repeatedly shook his head. "The little devil's heart has grown confused from the honey."

Jiang Miao suddenly understood. "No wonder Juexia went to the supermarket to buy so many winter pears yesterday."

Even Cheng Qiang, who was driving the car, realized something. "I was just saying why Juexia had gotten up before it was even light outside."

He Ziyan picked on him while laughing, "Why do I remember someone saying previously that he hated eating sweet things most? Who was that?"

Pei Tingsong cleared his throat. He glanced at Fang Juexia before beginning to white-wash himself. "Who the hell knows? Anyway, I like eating sweets."

Everyone had gotten up too early, and so after causing a little bit of ruckus, they fell asleep. Pei Tingsong was the only one who couldn't sleep. He discovered that although the thermos looked big, it was actually kind of small, and he could see its bottom soon, even though he hadn't eaten that much. He thought about it, then screwed the lid back on and set the thermos aside.

Fang Juexia seemed to be very sleepy. Ordinarily, he very seldom slept in the car, but today, just like the others, he couldn't stay awake. His head nodded up and down, swaying along with the car, giving off a rare silly appearance.

Everyone had fallen asleep, so Cheng Qiang turned down the car radio's volume. Pei Tingsong glanced at Fang Juexia several times and felt that this person's head would soon hit the window.

He stretched out his hand, grabbed the brim of Fang Juexia's baseball cap, exerted a bit of effort, and pulled him sideways. Now, Fang Juexia was no longer inclining towards the window, and Pei Tingsong had carefully helped him avoid a collision crisis.

The privacy film on the window dyed the blue sky outside dark. As they drove through a shady road, the overhanging tree branches cast shadows across Fang Juexia's gently swaying pale face.

"... next is the weather. Today's temperature is 9 ℃ ~ 14 ℃."

The sound of the radio was reassuring.


Pei Tingsong's shoulder sank, the red birthmark having finally bumped into the hollows of his shoulder. Pei Tingsong sniffed, and pretended that his reaction time had been eroded due to his cold, pretending that he couldn't sense that someone had borrowed his shoulder to sleep on, and only turned his head and looked at the opposite window.

In the darkened world outside the window, a tottering petal finally fell down.

"... It's cloudy and clear."

When the car reached its designated location, they discovered that the stylists had already arrived ahead of time. Kaleido's new endorsement was for a cellphone brand that boasted high national popularity. Although they were representing only one of its cellphone series, it was still the latest new flagship model that was being pushed by the brand.

If it had to be said, then the process of winning this endorsement was also very fantastic. The new cellphone models of this series came in six colors and were designed to follow the colorful and fashionable route, so the brand was targeting to hire young and popular idol groups to represent it, in order to match its image with its potential consumer group.

It had always been that to find a spokesperson, they would get in contact with whoever was popular at the moment. Of course, the top group Seven Luminaries ranked first on their list, since after all, their popularity had been solid for two years. In order to forge a partnership with them, the brand had contacted them many times, but the response from the other side had always been very vague, and no matter how long it dragged on, they just couldn't finalize an agreement. Even when they could see with their own eyes that the products were about to go online, they still didn't finalize anything.

Originally, this kind of thing often happened in the industry, especially with large brokerage companies; most of them were either dissatisfied with the endorsement fee being offered, or thought that the brand's influence wasn't enough for their group. Generally speaking, adding a few extra zeros to the deal would get the job done. However, it was exactly during this time that the K group suddenly grew in popularity, and their momentum just became fiercer and fiercer.

The brand immediately tried to contact that side. Unexpectedly, Star Chart was surprisingly open to persuasion, and after the offer was given, they agreed to it, even saying that they could include an advertising song. Getting such a good deal, the cellphone brand team was naturally overjoyed. Both sides hit it off and finalized the contract within three days. To prepare for the launch of their new product, they were going to invite fans to come in-person, and were also livestreaming the whole process online. On top of all this, they were even going to use these new cellphones to livestream the whole process, showing that they had incorporated many gimmicks into this process.

In order to cooperate with the brand promotion, Kaleido's look was also designed on the basis of the colors of the cellphones. Perfectly they had six people, and there were six colors. Fang Juexia wore a loose white sweater with black jeans, his dark brown hair had been textured a bit, with his bangs blown into a heart shape, and he sported a dark purple velvet choker around his neck, which perfectly covered up the injury on his throat. Pei Tingsong wore a loose grape-violet colored sweater, his short black hair had been blow dried upwards, and a purple hippie style sun visor was placed on his head.

Ling Yi's hair had been styled so that he had little curls all over, just like a teddy bear. The stylist little Jiejie had then matched him with red jeans, and he looked especially cute. Jiang Miao was given the rare chance to wear a light yellow fleece sweater. It was smooth, and he looked very lovely. Lu Yuan was in a pea-green shirt with white trousers, and he was wearing a pair of half-rimmed glasses. He Ziyan was wearing a bright blue windbreaker, which was very eye-catching.

As soon as they came on the stage, they were drowned out by the voices of their fans. In the beginning, everyone was calling out the names of individual members, but later, somehow, it turned into a uniform slogan—

"Kaleido! Kaleido! Kaleido!"

"Welcome, welcome, let's give everyone a grand introduction. Our global spokesperson for our FINO series—Kaleido!"

After the six people got into position, they first carried out their usual greeting, then all of them bowed in unison to the audience, following that with a bow towards the live camera. Three whole seconds passed before they straightened up, and then they clapped along with the fans.

"Today, our Kaleido has taken a lot of care with their look, they really are the best spokesperson for this brand."

Based on the program schedule, after the host briefly introduced the features of the new flagship model, their latest advertisement would begin playing on the big screen. As each member of the group appeared on the screen, fans below would scream.

Ling Yi, who was standing to the side, whispered to Jiang Miao, "We spent so many all-nighters taking those pictures that I got all muddled. I didn't expect the results to still be pretty good."

Jiang Miao just smiled and didn't speak.

"Wow, isn't this advertisement very handsome ah!"


The host started the interactive session. First, she demonstrated the cellphone's photographic capabilities. Then, she let everyone in Kaleido take the color cellphone that corresponded with their style, after which they had to go up to the cellphone that had been affixed to a table, and take a photo using that cellphone's voice function, even adding a color tone to the picture with this function.

Fang Juexia wasn't very good at taking selfies and was afraid of screwing up in this segment. After all, his bandmates had all kinds of cute and cool styles. When it was his turn to step forward, for a moment, he couldn't think of any good positions, so he just held the cellphone in his hand slantwise in front of his face. The bright white body of the cellphone covered most of his face, revealing only a pair of beautiful eyes and the red birthmark at the corner of his eye.

The clicked picture was automatically displayed on the big screen. Upon seeing this picture, the fans suddenly started to scream wildly. Fang Juexia didn't understand what had just happened. He was so confused that he looked around and thought that some mysterious guest had arrived on-stage.


"Juexia Gege's eyes are so, so attractive!"

Pei Tingsong, who was watching from the side, was about to laugh himself to death, but he started coughing as soon as he laughed. So as he coughed, he pulled Fang Juexia away, and went over to the spot himself. "It's my turn."

He stood there, straightened up his collar, covered half of his face with the dark purple cellphone, thereby revealing only one eye. His eye was directed slightly upwards, giving off a completely aggressive feel.


There was another burst of screaming. Only after seeing this did Fang Juexia understand that everyone had just been too excited upon seeing the selfies.

"Okay, next segment!"

All the activities revolved around cellphones, and so naturally, they couldn't leave out topics like mobile games and apps. The organizer had seven tall stools placed on the stage, and the host sat on the far right to chat with the group members.

"Our fans must have a lot of questions to ask, so now, I'll draw one person out. Fans should remember that they can only ask questions related to cellphones." With that, the host cued Pei Tingsong, who was sitting next to her, "Then Tingsong, go up and choose a fan ba."

"If I pick, then I have to answer, right?" Pei Tingsong asked in a hoarse voice. After saying that, he coughed with his back to the camera.

Ling Yi commented, "Anyway, you answer first, and you don't have to mind whether we answer or not."

"Alright, alright, alright." Pei Tingsong looked down at the crowd below that stage. "That girl in the white sweater dress ba, she looks so excited, as if she wants to climb straight up onto the stage."


That girl took the microphone from a staff member, took a moment to calm herself down, and then asked in a loud voice, "Geges, can you disclose the nicknames you have for each other on your cellphones?"


The microphone in Pei Tingsong's hand almost fell out.

"Good question." The host looked at Pei Tingsong with a smile as she said, "Then Tingsong will go first? What nicknames have you given the other Geges in your contacts app, we're all very curious." Saying that, she looked down at the crowd below the stage. "Whose Xiao Pei nickname do you guys want to see the most?"

A roar sounded out from below the stage, one that could even topple the mountains and overturn the seas. "Fang Juexia! Fang Juexia! Fang Juexia! Fang Juexia…"

Fang Juexia was also a little curious, so he turned his chair to face Pei Tingsong, who was beside him, and then smiled and raised his eyebrows up at him.

"Er…" Pei Tingsong hesitated, only to hear Ling Yi pour oil on the already burning fire from behind him.

"You need to take out your cellphone and read it out loud!"

He Ziyan turned sideways to look over, and added some embellishments on this entire affair, "Right, otherwise, we're personally going to take action ah?"

"It's not that, I just didn't bring my cellphone up with me."

Who could have known that as soon as this sentence was uttered, Xiao Wen would come up on-stage with Pei Tingsong's cellphone, thrust it into his hand, and then quickly slip away.

They could even do that??

Under the full view of the public, Pei Tingsong couldn't cause a fuss and get out of it, no matter how much he wanted to. He only hated the fact that he hadn't changed that nickname earlier.

"Alright, our Xiao Pei has opened the famous chat app now. Let's wait and see what his nickname for Juexia is?"

Pei Tingsong also turned to face Fang Juexia. In fact, he currently had no face with which to face him, but he was afraid that Fang Juexia would peek at the nickname from the side.

"En…The nickname is, Just a pretty face and…"

He stuttered these few words , completely not in the style of a rapper at all. But with just these few words, everyone in the crowd down below had begun to scream.

Fang Juexia's expression was a little puzzled. He picked up the microphone, and with a little questioning and threatening tone, asked, "And what?" He squinted as he added, "Pretty?"

Lu Yuan was so excited that he seemed to look like a cat that had just seen a mouse in a granary. "Just a pretty face and then what?!"

Pei Tingsong had no other choice left, so he simply went for broke, locked the cellphone's screen, held the cellphone from one end, while using the other end to lift up Fang Juexia's chin, and with a little flattery in his voice, joked—

"Just a pretty face and also still pretty~"

The author has something to say:

Stylist little Jiejie: Why do these two guys always have inexplicable wounds? It's really hard for me.

Original Chinese nickname: Besides being a beauty, there's nothing else there.