Chapter 13: “The Ring’s Judgement”

The hushed corridors of Gringotts seemed to magnify each step James Potter took as he followed Barchoke towards the ritual of Lordship. The gravity of the moment bore down on him, each footfall echoing the significance of what lay ahead.

They entered the account manager's office, a grand room that exuded the ancient and solemn history of the goblin nation. Its high ceilings and walls were adorned with detailed carvings, chronicling centuries of goblin lore. At the heart of the room stood a majestic chair, resembling a throne, where Barchoke seated himself with an air of solemnity.

From a compartment in his desk, Barchoke took out an exquisite and ancient ring box. Barchoke then opened the box to reveal a magical ring, the Potter Lordship ring, an emblem of heritage and authority. James recognized it instantly. The Potter Lordship ring, a symbol of power and legacy, had adorned his father's finger for as long as James could remember. Its sudden absence and return to its box upon Fleamont's death was a stark reminder of the void left behind.

Before going forward with the Lordship test, Barchoke brought out another, smaller ring box. "Your Heir ring, Heir Potter. You must relinquish that before proceeding. The ring will be passed on to young Hadrian in the future."

Reluctantly, James removed the heir ring, a piece of jewelry he had worn for over a decade and a half. Handing it over felt like parting with a piece of his identity. Barchoke, with a reverence that belied his stern demeanor, placed the heir ring into its box and set it aside.

Barchoke then retrieved the Lordship ring, its insignia catching the dim light of the room. "Do you, James Dorea Potter, accept your lineage and the responsibilities of the Noble House of Potter?" he asked, his voice resonating with the weight of tradition.

With a deep breath, James affirmed his acceptance, his voice steady despite the turmoil within. "I accept and embrace the mantle of my birthright," he declared, sliding the ring onto his finger.

A tense silence enveloped the room. For a moment, nothing happened, and hope flickered within James. But then, a sudden, searing heat radiated from the ring. Initially, James thought it was a part of the test, but as the heat intensified into an unbearable pain, the ring abruptly flew from his finger, returning to its box with a finality that echoed in the room.

Barchoke, his expression somber, confirmed the ring's verdict. "The ring has deemed you unworthy, Mr. Potter," he stated, his tone neutral yet empathetic. "Your father suspected this might be the case. He believed that his own indulgence led you to become a follower rather than a leader. But remember, you still have time to contest this until the next heir claims the mantle. The path to redemption is never clear, but I hope you find your way."

James, overwhelmed by the rejection, struggled to process Barchoke's words. The weight of the rejection bore down on him, and a storm of emotions raged within. As he left the office, his eyes, once filled with hope, now held a mix of sorrow and simmering anger. For the first time in his life, James Potter had been denied something he deeply desired, and he was adrift in a sea of confusion and resentment.

James Potter, emerging from the depths of Gringotts, stepped into the grand hallway, his face a canvas of dejection and disbelief. The absence of the Lordship ring, a glaring omission on his hand, was a silent testament to the events that had transpired within. 

Lily, sensing the weight of the moment, hastened to his side. Her arms encircled him, a gesture of comfort and solidarity. Sirius, standing by, offered a supportive pat on the back, his simple action speaking volumes of camaraderie and understanding in this moment of defeat.

Dumbledore, ever the observer, allowed the moment to unfold, giving James the time he needed. But as the minutes ticked by, his piercing blue eyes sought answers. "James," he began, his voice gentle yet probing, "Would you share with us what occurred?"

James, collecting his thoughts, recounted the ritual's outcome. "The ring... it rejected me, Professor," he said, his voice tinged with disbelief. "Barchoke said it was because I've been too sheltered, too influenced by others. He believes that my upbringing, the pampering, made me more of a follower than a leader and the ring did not like that. But he also said that I might have a chance in the future, once I've grown and proven myself."

Dumbledore's eyes deepened in understanding. He was well aware of the enchantments old families placed on their heirlooms. These enchantments were designed to ensure that the family's legacy remained untainted and that their leaders were strong, independent, and free from external influences. 

Dumbledore internally acknowledged that his guidance might have inadvertently overshadowed James's own decisions. The presence of Harry and Charles meant the Potter lineage had other potential heirs, and the ring might find them more fitting. However, he also knew that in cases where no suitable heir was available, the ring would reluctantly choose a lord, albeit not without reservations.

Internally, Dumbledore wrestled with his feelings. The rejection of James as the Potter Lord meant a significant loss of influence in the Wizengamot. The light side, having suffered considerable casualties in the recent war, was now at a disadvantage. The balance of power was shifting, and Dumbledore was acutely aware of the challenges that lay ahead.

While Dumbledore pondered the implications, his attention remained focused on James. "This is not an end but a beginning, James. You still have an opportunity to contest this decision. The path to leadership can be arduous, but it is not insurmountable. We will work through this together. However, our immediate concern must be to return to Hogwarts. The Board of Governors is growing restless. They've made it clear that I cannot house outsiders at Hogwarts which would bring danger to the students."

James, absorbing Dumbledore's words, found a glimmer of hope in the midst of uncertainty. The road ahead was unclear, but it was not without direction.

Together, the group made their way to the Floo network, ready to return to Hogwarts. The journey back was reflective, each lost in their own thoughts about the future that lay ahead.