From there, we took an elevator to an underground station where there were various trains. There were freight trains, passenger trains and mixed trains.
Alex was impressed, Will Uther and Pierce seemed unimpressed.
They took the passenger train to the Canadian station in Alaksa, which was separated from the American side by a lock. Will swiped a pass through an antique reader and punched in a code.
The gate squeaked open, dust trickled down, resembling a vault door. A black hole opened up in front of them. The soldiers were tensed and raised their weapons. Alex let the soldiers through to secure the station. It was abandoned and hadn't been used for a long time. The computer specialist connected his laptop to the station's terminal, uploaded the network system and logged into the underground network.
"The route to Europe is clear, but we need to close the interfaces at several stations."
Alex looked at the map.
"Let's get started then."
A great many stations were shut down, the first stations were abandoned and or in standby mode. The station was taken over and the airlocks closed. They came to a station where marines had taken up residence.
They pointed their guns at the train and the soldiers getting off. Alex was glad Will was there. He got out, they saw his rank and got into position.
>> Sir! Have we finally started the recapture? <<
Will looked at them, the marines looked battered, then he looked at Alex.
>> What's left of the troops have restarted. <<
The leader looked at him.
>> Meaning?"
>> Safe zone, success in the fight against the infected.<<
>> A few days ago, CDC people said the same thing.<<
He pointed to a corpse in a hazmat suit. Will sighed. Alex cleared his throat.
>>We're real, we've taken back parts of Europe, now we're joining Canada.<<
>>If we join up, can we finally get out of here? Instead of the eternal radio orders to secure the station?
>> Sure, you come out, get put into the system, then cleaned up, supplied.<<
At first they were skeptical, but glad to finally get out of the hole. So they collected several units that had saved themselves from the bombing but were trapped below. They didn't care who was in charge, as long as someone was in charge. Alex rang the bell politely and, to his surprise, the gate opened and exhausted Air Force personnel looked at him.
>> Hello, we're here to take over the station. <<
They looked at Alex.
>> Who are you anyway? <<
>> Well we're from the north block, we're doing a little conquest among the states. <<
>> You're not from the government and you're not from the damn CDC? <<
>> Ehmmm no. <<
>> Good, then we're in. We've had it sir.<<
>> Hey, no problem, one of my It should load the software for you.<<
They were given a tour of the facility, it was so different from what he knew from the movies. Standing in the control room. A colonel came up to him, saluting when he saw the three ranks of generals.
>> My men said they were taking over? <<
>> Right. <<
>>Sir, may I ask how they got in? <<
Will cleared his throat.
>> We entered from the Canadian side via Alaska. <<
>> The depo or the naval base?
>> Depo, that's the only thing that hasn't been modernized. <<
The colonel nodded.
>> Well, sir, I hope we don't end up with a court martial. We're switching. <<
Alex looked from the monitors to him.
>> Welcome to the North Block Colonel << The IT man loaded the software and the monitors and screens flickered briefly.
>> The system is ours sir, we have full access <<
>> Good good <<
>> Sir, with all due respect, may I make a suggestion?<<
Alex looked at the colonel.
>> I'm all ears Colonel. <<
>> Ramirez load the software you've been fiddling with for so long. <<
The man nodded and typed something into his console. The map of the United States was loaded on the monitor, showing the entire underground network. Ramirez hesitated briefly.
>> So Sergeant Ramirez had found a back door in the network. With the program, if you get access, you can control the whole system. But there is a hack. <<
>> What would that be? <<
>> The two stations there block all access. <<
>> Hhmm << Alex looked at the stations.
>> Okay, can we unblock the line to London? <<
>> Yes <<
>> Good, Ramirez open the way there and block the outgoing lines and open the access to Canada. <<
>> Aye sir<< He saw the changes on the monitors. John's face appeared on one monitor.
Alex looked at Will. "Well, well, he made it to London quickly. "
Will nodded.
>> How can I reach him? <<
The colonel pressed a few buttons.
"Hey John, are you in London?"
" You can assume the gauges here have just gone crazy."
"Good, do you have some soldiers with you? "
John looked at him questioningly.
" I can get a couple SAS in a hurry, that's all. "
" Good. So John, take them to the next station and secure them. Tell the Medusans to assemble teams. There are a few stations here. "
Gitte poked her head into the camera.
"I heard that."
John pushed her away again.
" I swear, he'll get you pregnant and then I'll have my peace for a while. "
" Me too! I'll persuade Bettina to get pregnant too!"
John sighed.
The colonel looked at Alex.
>> Do you want to be relieved? << Alex asked.
>> If it's all right with you, Mr. ... <<
John nodded.
>> But that will take a few hours, I have to round up a few people first.<<
>> We can hold out for a few hours. << he replied.
John's image disappeared.
>> Good, then we'll keep going.<<
They rattled through the remaining stations, which were deserted. They met John again at the last one.
>> Pierce, they're taking a train to the Canadian side. The other stations there need to be informed and supplied. <<
>> understood << and left.
Alex went back to NORAD with Rest to plan the next steps. Gitte and Min weren't there yet, John had given them the task of gathering the team. They decided to take the two block stations and headed there. The station before the first block station was Las Vegas, which was full of civilians. A colorful mix of tourists, locals, VIPs, movie stars, music stars and others.
They were shocked when they arrived, Uther sat down on a bench. It was loud, everyone was loud, a cacaphony of voices, not to mention the smell.
>> SILENCE! << he shouted in a commanding tone, whereupon the crowd fell abruptly silent. Except for crying children and babies.
>>You will all be evacuated now and taken to safe zones and cared for. <<
>> Women and children first? << shouts a woman.
>> No, first the sick and injured, then the elderly, then the families, whoever is pushing comes last. Anyone who deliberately obstructs and disrupts the process. They will be shot.<<
>> You're not serious? << came the same.
Uther drew his service weapon.
>> Okay Okay!<< she yelled.
Lines were formed and the refugees were taken to London, because there was a reception camp there.
Alex walked on and reached the first station. According to the plan, it was a medical station.
The tracks were empty and an escalator led to the top. Alex rode up quietly and stood in front of a locked door. Will and a couple of soldiers stood behind him. Alex knocked. A monitor next to the door came on and a woman's face stared at him.
>> We have nothing! Want nothing! Get out of here! <<
Alex lit a cigarette.
>> We want the station <<
>> Ha! Who are you anyway? <<
>> General Kaiser from the north block.
>> Aha and what does the General want? <<
Alex grinned.
>> I'm conquering ma'am <<
Will sighed in the background. The woman glared at him.
>> Will!!! Get your ass closer! <<
Will sighed again and came closer
>> Hello darling ... <<
>> Where have you been? << She looked at him sternly.
>> I was on the last plane out of Washington when the bombs fell.<<
She looked at him for a long time. The door opened, the smell of disinfectant, sick and hospital came towards them.The woman was about Will's height and age. She looked up at Alex.
>> Shit she's big.... << She walked up to Will and hugged him.
>> You idiot, I told you not to fly there and try to change anything. <<
>> I had to... << came from Will.
Alex blew out a little cloud and looked to Uther, who was typing something into his cell phone.
" Alex, while we're here, I want the sector here."
"Just the station?"
Uther grinned.
" No. The whole sector, have your pops send something too."
Alex nodded. Will sighed.
"We don't even have everything and Uther, seriously. What you want the area is gigantic."
"Just a little."
The woman looked to Alex, who was typing something on his tablet.
>> I only have sick and old people in there, nothing of military significance. <<
>> But there's a blocking signal in here. << He looked from her to the entrance, pocketed the tablet and went in.
>> No! <<
But it was too late, Alex was already inside, and he went further in. She had been right. It did look pathetic. She walked past Alex and stood in front of him.
>> I won't let you shoot her.
>> How about we take her to the hospital? <<
>> Can't, too many are too weak for that. <<
>> Good, what kind of medication do you need? <<
She looked at him scrutinizingly.
>> For ? <<
>> The ward belongs to the North Block, like every living thing in here, you can take care of them until they can be transported away. I'll send for doctors and specialists to help you. <<
She eyed him, looked at Will.
>> Is he serious? <<
>> Unfortunately yes, he even had the Queen come to Canada to join us.<<
She wanted to say something, but she couldn't find the words.
An elderly, sprightly lady came out of the side corridor.
>> Hen? What kind of circus? << She came closer.
>> Hen? << came from Alex
>> No joke, otherwise I'll get a beating, I've beaten up bigger ones <<
Alex grinned. The old woman came to Hen.
>> What kind of people are they, Hen? <<
She rummaged in her sweater pocket and pulled out a pair of glasses, which she put on. She blinked and scrutinized those present, looking at Alex.
"Hey Baba!"
She came closer and hugged Alex.
" My kitten. "
Will was very confused.
Baba looked at him. " When he was little, he was shy like a cat, but also affectionate like one. " She turned her head to the hallway.
"Erwin!!! Pack your things!!! "
" Huh!!! what for!!! Did the chicken finally give up the juice?!"
The chicken whimpered.
" No Alex is here!!! "
A burly man limped over and looked at Alex.
" Ha! Finally out of the store!" he hobbled off.
Baba looked at Alex.
"Is Hamburg still standing?"
" Yes, it is. But there's not much going on there, they're still rebuilding."
" In full swing."
" My house is still standing?"
Alex nodded.
" Good, that's where we want to go Alex, can one of your boys drive us there?"
" Of course Baba."
" Thanks" Alex looked at the soldiers 4 volunteered.
Erwin came hobbling up with a wheelchair.
" Wuhh finally out" He hugged Alex and followed Baba and the soldiers.
Henne looked at Alex.
>> Explanation? <<
Alex grinned.
>> My grandma and grandpa, they were traveling in the States.<<
>> I know they were on vacation, they chewed my ears off and complained that it was the most modest hotel ever. <<
>> So are you taking me up on my offer? <<
She looked at him for a long moment.
>> Fine, I'll take you to the control room. <<
He followed her into the control room. The IT man fiddled with the controls.
>> Good. Welcome to the north block, I'll leave Will with you, he'll take care of the meds and the staff. <<
Alex left without waiting for a reply. He headed for the next station.