Chapter 25 Coffee and cigarettes

Everyone fell silent, looking spellbound. At the scene. Alex took a drag on his cigarette.

" Alex Kaiser "

Gino hammered on his tablet. " Go on! Rank! You're not the first person I've given this to!" 

Jannet grinned at John, who rolled his eyes. 

" You better listen mister. " John said, glaring at Jannet. 

" You get banned too, get rid of your name, with rank! " 

" Alright, even though I've never been to your piss joint. John Miller head of intelligence. "

Jannet laughed.

" You red, you too!"

" Me? Why? Because I'm laughing?"

" Yes! You think this is all a joke?"

"To be honest, yes. But good. Jannet Harper colonel. "

Gino heaped everything onto a tray. 

"And now you," he glared at Alex. 

" Full?"

" Yeah man ! "

" Good. General Alex Kaiser. Commander of the troops, President of the Council. " 

Gino hammered it all in and pressed confirm. 

"House ban! " he stomped off. 

Jannet's phone buzzed. She looked at it.

"Wuhh, I really did get a message that I'm banned from this place."

"Oh what the hell," John commented. 

Alex grinned, took a drag on his fag, saw Gino behind him, who gave him the finger and stomped into his restaurant. He turned around. People were looking at him.

"What, come on, enjoy the food, you all know I'm rarely here anyway. "

" But sir, this is Gino, a trendy restaurant. "

" Guys , if you want to go there. It's your decision."

Jannet's phone buzzed again, she picked it up.


"I'd like an explanation as to why my phone is telling me Alex is banned from a high-end restaurant and why Uther makes a post on the army net right after, with this message, statemant. Let's burn the bastard down, where the entire high command, special command, security, navy, air force and even the waste disposal department have given their approval?" came from Hubi.

"Well, so did John and I, but I can explain it to you. After you didn't tell him anything. That you were in Vienna and not in Kiel. He went out to eat and found the Dönerkönig restaurant. Which is right opposite the luxury restaurant."

"Oh, the kebab king, he has good food. Wait, what? Shit Beth, we forgot to reschedule. Jannet..."

"Don't worry about it, but let me tell you the rest of the story. He called me, you see, he called to let me know and he was at the place he told me. No campaigning, no roaming, no exploring, he was sitting at the table drinking tea and talking to the kebab king. "She glanced at Alex, who was strolling between the tables again, chatting to people. 

"And while we were eating, more and more guests joined us. Well, people in uniform. Alex even defused a drunken group that was thrown out of the restaurant. Oh well. At some point, the owner came and started ranting. It was interesting to see that he treated the lower ranks as riff-raff but the upper ranks as moneybags." 

"And how did the ban come about?" 

"He blamed Alex. Alex just asked him why, since he'd said he didn't serve riff-raff and he wasn't wearing a dress uniform. Well, Zack got banned. John tried to get him down. So he got banned. Well, I laughed and got one. He didn't even care who we were. "

" ..." 

" Well, and he gave Alex the finger when he left. "

 " Are there any witnesses? "

"John saw it, I saw it, the customers here in the restaurant and I think the dashcam in the SUV recorded it too."

She looked to John, who was clicking away on his tablet.

"Oh. What a nice, clean shot. Everything on it. " 

John grinned. 

"The dashcam recorded everything."

"Can John send it to me?"

She looked at John again. "He's asking if you can send it over to him."

" I already did and... oha.... Utherspost is really popular... it's more footage than the dashcam , ..... " 

"Got it."

Silence reigned on the phone, she sipped her soda, glanced at the pub where the uniformed men were coming out.

"Okay, I'll take care of it. Thanks, Jannet." 

He hung up. Jannet sighed and pocketed the phone. 

"John, what's in Uther's mail?"

John laughed.

"John?" She looked at him. 

He looked up from his cell phone.

"Oh, you know. After I found out that 98% of the military agreed with his proposal, the religious section joined in, then the royals, the science section, the building section, the culture section ... you know."

Everything fell silent as the ground shook. 

"Oh shit. " came from one of the soldiers. A bestial howl sounded and Jannet turned pale.

" No ... It was deemed unusable ... " 

"What... " came from John. 

An Osprey helicopter approached, except it had no propellers, otherwise it looked unchanged, thick turbines where propellers should be.

"That! The X3 version... " 

The Osprey landed screeching, Miss Grimm jumped out and ran to Alex with a pad.

"He needs your okay to make these things."

Alex looked ecstatically at Osprey, gave his okay. John rubbed his forehead.

" What John? " The machine was off and quiet again. 

"Simple, that one." 

Jannet glanced at Grimm, who was standing there in full combat gear with a poncho over his head, seemed to have spotted Jannet and rushed towards her. He took a bundle of files from under the poncho and handed it to her. 

"I'm supposed to give you this, my father said you're always looking for new things for your performances." 

"I see," she reached for the bundle.

"So you're just here to get a signature for that thing back there and the bundle. " 

Grimm nodded. 

"Yes. And to get some food packets, why?" 

John grinned. 

"I dare you John," came from Jannet."

Grimm looked at him broodingly, pulled out his cell phone, clicked on it very quickly "

"What freak owns this damn plane! " came from Gino, who couldn't be seen because of the osprey. 

John grinned. 

" Uther von Krackenstein! " John shouted over. 

"Fuck you! You're banned from the house! " 

Everyone fell silent, John grinned. 

"John, are you stupid? " Jannet pointed at Grimm, who was staring at Gino's restaurant, her cell phone buzzed, she picked it up. 

"Will do. " She hung up and walked into Ahmet's restaurant without comment. Alex joined the two of them. 

"What was that about, John? It's one of those things that I have, I can still do damage limitation, but ..." 

He hurriedly dialed a number.

"Oh shit, he's answering.... " 

He typed messages. 

"Alex why are you stressing so much...? " came from Jannet. 

" Simple Rubens over there showed me Uther mail and after Lee signed on there with Jo. " 

Grimm came out and ate some dates. She looked at Alex questioningly.

"What? I'm not doing anything, Dad said he's going to torture Gino slowly," she grinned.

Gino came out of the restaurant in a huff, kicked the Osprey and stomped on it. 

" Get that fucking thing away! " 

Grimm looked at him.

" When I'm finished, yes. Until then, you shut the fuck up." 

" What? "

" Otto! Come here, help me carry it! " 

" Otto? " came questioningly from Jannet.

A huge man, taller than Alex and bulky, climbed out of the hawk. Yawning, he came out, blinking as he looked around.

" You said you were just going to get something quickly ... "

" I'm just doing it inside Otto " 

" Hoho " He walked past her, squeezed elegantly into the restaurant, Otto's voice could be heard speaking very politely to Ahmed in Arabic. 

Grimm looked at Gino.

"And before you open your mouth, Otto will easily tear your place down and believe me, he doesn't care about your ban any more than most and since you've tarnished my father's name," she approached.

"Turn around and go back to your host city with you!"

"Hmph!" came stoically from him.

 Grimm tapped the omega sign. 

"Do you see that? The plane has the same symbol, do you want me to see if you damaged it? " 

"il segno del diavolo."

Grimm smiled. 

" Oh, you recognized it. Very nice and you've caught his attention." 

Gino hurried away. Grimm chewed on a date. Jannet watched them.

" Grimm, can your father cook? "

Grimm looked at her. 

"Yes. Why?" 

" Because you only ever see him with coffee and a cigarette. "

Grimm tilted his head to one side. Otto came out of the pub with a filled bag. The bag looked tiny in his hand. Grimm looked at him. 

"Otto? How often does my father eat?" 

Otto looked at him as he came closer. 

"Coffee and cigarettes, coffee and cigarettes," he said as he walked towards the plane. 

His eyes widened. Stomped off. Jannet grinned and looked at Alex. 

"Not just coffee and fags?" 

Alex shrugged his shoulders. 

"I only know what I've experienced. " 

"Gino! Make me a pizza! Think of it as making up for the dent in the plane!" echoed from Gino's restaurant. 

"Well, you can tell she's from Tes and Uther, ruthless and dominant. "


10 minutes later, the Osprey took off screeching and silence returned. 

The restaurant emptied. They were the last to board and drove off. Alex sat down next to Jannet in the back seat, she flinched briefly when he put his head on her lap, then she smiled and stroked his hair.

"I'm tired, Jannet," he said suddenly. 

"Alex, I need to tell you something."

" Huh?" 

She took a deep breath. 

"We're pregnant."

" We? Not you? "

"Well, we ..." 

There is silence for a moment. 

" You really understood the threat. "

Jannet looked at him worriedly. 

"Well, that was a coincidence, Alex ... Not to mention what you did to us." 

Alex sat back up, gave her a kiss and laid his head back on her lap.

" Good. I'm glad."

"You're happy? You were always happy before ..."

" I wanted to give you a safe place, not a settlement of survivors where the infected scratch at the walls and you're after everything." 

She smiled.

"And you can tell Baba he's getting more family. "

" Why?"

" The last time Gitte was with her, she was being checked for breeding stock. "

" Baba has an eye for that sort of thing. "

" Pff."

" I'm glad about that."

His cell phone buzzed, he pulled it out of his pocket and looked at the picture, frowning. Pocketed it again.

"What is it?" 

"Only Uhter said that Gino's pizza was at least good. With picture of Grimm holding it out to him demanding in the middle of the battlefield. "

" Hopefully ours won't be like that. "

" Let's hope so, I want to pray to him to become godfather to the . "

She fell silent.

" Why?"

" An extra insurance for the children, but he also takes care of Grimm . "

" Sending them to the war zone is not a worry . "

" As I heard from her, she was too bored at home and her mother even forbade her to come . Because she was looking for him . " 

" Fine by me, but don't let him influence you with the names ".

 >>>>> Season One - End - <<<<<