Chapter 33 VIP vacation in New Paris

 >>> 6 weeks later New Paris <<<

Liz pushed her way through the crowds with Mei in tow, they had both completed their task of standing guard at their father's gathering and he had given them time off so they could attend the festivities. He had told them to be back in Hawaii in two days, as he was with Earl for an examination and would be unavailable. John, on the other hand, went to spend time with Bettina and said he wouldn't answer his phone. 

They had told them that Paris was being rebuilt and that it should look like the old one, only better. When they asked what had become of the old Paris, everyone had said that Alex had burned it down. He, on the other hand, said he had only asked about simple firebombs. 

Liz didn't believe him, but now that they were walking through the streets, past all the old facades, she could imagine what it must have looked like in the past. It was the city festival and people were in a party mood. Liz wanted to see the Eiffel Tower, which had even survived the fire. Mei wanted to spit from the top. 

After what felt like an eternity, they came to the place where the tower stood, you could still see the scorch marks on it, they got closer and saw a queue in front of the tower. 

"Really..." came from Mei. " We have to be back by the time we get to the top..." 

Liz sighed and joined the queue anyway. It felt like an eternity and they barely made any progress. Mei was engrossed in her cell phone, Liz looked at the people, lots of couples.

"Liz, we can forget the Eiffel Tower," came from Mei.

She looked at her questioningly.

"Sue's in an interrogation cell and since Dad won't answer, April sent me a message because John doesn't give a shit about her and she can't get through to our moms. " 

She showed her an address in the city.

"Then we'll go get her ..." 

They both left the queue and after a cab ride stood in front of a security office. They entered and were greeted by a moustachioed security guard at the counter. 

"What can I do for you?" he said.

"We want to get our sister out, she's supposed to be here." 

The officer raised an eyebrow.

" Sue Schornsdorf . " came from Liz. 

Slowly, he typed in the name.

"Oh yes, the lady is our guest. She attacked a security guard. Over something trivial." 

"Okay. How much is the bail?" 

The officer raised an eyebrow again.

"She won't abscond and show up for the hearing," Mei commented.

"Hm hm hm," the officer clicked into his system. 

" In that case, 2.7 million points. " 

Liz stared at him. 

"Why so high?" 

" Personal injury and material damage. "

Liz thought about it, even if she sold off everything they had in the way of weapons, she'd never come close to that amount. Liz looked at Mei, who looked even more horrified. 

Liz bit her lip. She reached for her cell phone. 

"Of course, you can pay it off in installments."

Liz looked at him and dialed Uther's number. He picked up.

"Don't tell me you're bored with your father, Liz." 

She smiled.

"No. It's fun, I have Mei with me. But I have another problem. Sue's in a security cell, the price is too high, and Dad's with Earl for a checkup."

She heard him sigh. 

"That he's gotten so friendly with that son of a bitch ... I'll send someone over. I just need to take care of this. " He hung up the phone. 

She looked at her cell phone. The officer looked at her. 

"Someone's coming for the money. " 


They had to wait ten minutes, Erkiam entered the station and bowed slightly to Liz and Mei.

" The master sent me. "

"Thank you, we can't raise the money," came from Liz. Erkiam looked at the officer and walked towards him.

He pulled out a credit card and placed it on the counter.

"My master expects a receipt and a full report."

The officer looked at him arrogantly, took the card and swiped it through the reader. He blanched when he saw the information on the display.

"But that's confidential data!" 

Erkiam looked at him emotionlessly.

"Confidential, they say. I'll tell him so, a receipt nonetheless. "

Sue was led out shortly after by security, looking distressed. She hurried over to Liz.

"They're not doing anything, they've got Luke and Michelle! And they're just sitting around being lazy!"

She shouted the last part to the officers.

"Calm down, who's got Luke?" 

"I was just in the restaurant ordering and then I saw them both being dragged into a van with a local license plate." 

Liz's mind was racing.

"Oh, I'll tell my master about that. Would the ladies please follow me. "

They followed him, a van was waiting. 

They drove off.

"Why aren't any of them answering?" 

"Dad's with Earl and John's fucking Bettina."

Sue growled and looked at Erkiam, who was sitting in the passenger seat. He reached for the car phone.

"Master, as requested Madame has been triggered, yes. But there is still a problem. Yes. It's about the boy your wife liked so much. ..." 

Erkiam hung up in silence.

He looked at the car display.

"What did he say?" 

"Nothing. He destroyed his phone, the master is, how would you say, pissed off." 

The display changed, a code appeared.

Liz had to think hard about what the code meant, they had so many. She pondered.

"Oh shit, is that really the order for Elite Squad to come?" 

Erkiam smiled. 

"You haven't forgotten the codes ma'am, that's correct." He was interrupted by roaring helicopters thundering overhead. 

Erkiam handed Sue a tablet. 

"Please go through the cars, time and location. We'll take a look at the camera footage." 

Sue hastily grabbed the tablet and handed it to him. Erkiam typed in commands.

An explosion sounded and a jet-black cloud of smoke could be seen on the horizon.

"Looks like the master finished his task faster." 

It took them 20 minutes, the column of smoke was still visible. They reached a factory site. Jet helicopters were on the ground and the area was cordoned off with Omegas. 

Liz and the others got out hastily, Erkiam walked past the soldiers. 

Mei approached Liz. 

"Those are the Omegas?" she whispered to her. 

Liz nodded. 

"Do you see the markings on the helmets?" 

Mei nodded.

" That's the elite unit, there's also the bodyguard ..."

" Oha ..." 

They entered a warehouse, which was also guarded, inside it looked like a massacre had taken place, Liz could recognize 10 bodies, she believed it. All of them were lying around in separate body parts. 

Erkiam stepped over a torso. 

"The master was really upset..." 

They followed the trail of devastation and came to an office and the image was disturbing. On one side of the room sat wailing women and terrified children. Then a man with abstractly protruding limbs lying on the floor and then Uther standing over the man holding Luke, who was asleep. Uther's face was very angry.

"Take him to a cell in the tower and tell her to interrogate him. "

" Uh master, didn't you say you didn't want to claim her?"

" Just tell her I want answers from him and who he hurt. That will motivate her." 

"Suit yourselves, what about them over there?" 

Uther glanced at the women and children, who flinched in horror. 

"Take them to the rehab center in the group. The families can pick them up there when they're well again. " 

The man spat blood at Uther. 

"Fuck you, I opened the cages when you freak walked in." 

Uther grabbed him by the head and pulled him up.

Liz went pale, she recognized the guy, her ex from South America, only he wasn't as fat then. Uther looked at Liz. 

"Oh look, you've been recognized, Pierre." 

" Damn ..." he stared at Liz.

" You should be dead ..." 

Uther threw him in front of an Omega who grabbed him by the head, he cried out and was dragged out.

Uther came closer, Sue finally dared and took Luke in her arms.

"Come on, you have to tell me about Pierre..." 

Liz swallowed.

They were taken to a complex that looked more like a hotel. Uther told Sue to rest here until the security thing was sorted out. 

Michelle, a friend of Sue's, was taken to the rehab center after crying and apologizing to Sue for looking for her instead of Sue.

Liz then had to tell Uther how she knew Pierre. She felt like a child standing in front of her father when she had done something wrong. While she was talking, the person Uther had called her came into the room. 

She was a head taller than her, always wore a mask with horns and overalls, her hands were covered in blood. She approached him, holding out a tablet.

"He's supposed to be part of a cartel with connections to South America. Produced a new zombie drug."

Uther looked at the report.

"Thank you."

She paused, Uther looked up at her.

"You want something specific?"

She nodded.

Uther sighed.

" Fine. Take as much as you want and go to South America. "

"Um, one more thing."

" And that would be?"

" May I see him?"

Uther rubbed the bridge of his nose.

" Yes, but please change your clothes first, you still have blood on you and you know the mask will scare him off." 

She took off the mask, revealing a woman's face underneath, Liz stared at it. She was firmly convinced that she would have great success as a model. Noble features, golden-brown tanned skin, almost golden hair.

"Hm hm," was all that came from Uther, who was studying the board. She brushed his hair back at an angle, winked at Liz and hurried out laughing. 

Uther sighed, looked at Liz. 


"She's a tomboy." 


2 days later, luxurious accommodations and VIP tours with escorts, Alex showed up with John and Bettina in the living area where Liz and the others were staying. Liz could tell by the look on her father's face that he was not happy with the situation. John looked the same as always and so did Bettina.

"Why are you here and not here?" came from John. 

Sue looked at him angrily.

"Why? John do you even work? The freaks who work for your wife because of this. I've got a lawsuit on my hands! Instead of them working no! Nothing and what did you do? Fucked and let a fucking alien grab you!" Sue was getting angrier and angrier.

"Honey please" Alex came closer. "You know yourself I had this appointment well in advance. I'm really sorry." 

She scowled at him, then gave John and Bettina a deadly look.

"I forgive you, but not those two. They didn't do anything. They didn't give a shit that you were my father, that Luke was kidnapped, just oh Madame hit an officer. Oh I'm sorry we can't let them through!"

"Wait Luke... " came from Alex. 

Sue looked at him, sat down. 

"He's fine, one of Uther's employees is looking after him." 

"Then it doesn't seem that important," came from John. 

Liz just managed to hold Sue down. The woman Uther had called a tomboy appeared with Luke by the hand, wearing her mask, Luke smiled good-humoredly and ran up to Sue.

"Ma! Uncle Uther has a huge aquarium! There's even a huge shark in there!" His eyes really lit up. 

Sue wondered what kind of aquarium it was, because she couldn't remember it, let alone huge sharks.

"We were in an underwater observatory for marine biology," came from her. 

"But isn't that against the rules?" came from Sue. 

"The boss gave me permission. " She looked from Sue to Alex. 

"Oh, we meet again, what happened to the redhead?" 

"Did she get married and have kids? " 

She cocked her head to one side. 

"Oh, that was so long ago ... " She seemed to have thought of something again. She pulled a rolled-up bundle of files out of her bag and handed it to him.

"The last time I saw him this angry was when he almost got you."

Alex took the file and looked at it. 

"What's this?" 

"It's a report from the 'Hollow', drug ring of a new zombie drug, then the list of missing persons from the area with the identifications of the infected who were killed. The bodies were returned to the families, but cremated. Then the report when he allowed me to go to South America and knock on doors." 

Liz could feel she had a fat grin under the mask. 

"And then because he only got a receipt for bail and was told the arrest reports were only internal. It only took Erkiam two minutes to find the van and that was with the public system. "

Alex opened the file and stared at a copy of the receipt. Liz couldn't decipher the look on his face. Alex flipped through the file, skimming the contents. 

"And what does he want from me now?" 

She put a hand on his shoulder and whispered something in his ear. Which made Alex freeze, he turned around and walked to the door. 

"Hey, wait! Where are you going?" asked Bettina.

"Bringing this up to the council, Bettina is taking care of the security that didn't do anything. "

 Alex was gone. John stared at the woman.

"What did you tell him?" she demanded. She stepped up to him, adjusted his tie and patted his cheek.

"It's a secret and you won't get the culprit either."

"I see, and why? Can the state order wave you through?"

She laughed.

" That applies to the living John . " 

Her cell phone buzzed, looked at it. 

" Ah, such a slave driver, we meet again . "

She hurried off.

John growled after her. Bettina had remained silent, meanwhile pulling her tablet out of her bag and presumably clicking through the system.

"Honey, you're getting upset," she said.

"Why should I be?" 

She looked at him silently. 

"Because it's more serious and your people did a sloppy job too."

" Tz, can't be anything."

" Yes, they did, they blocked everything from April because you didn't want to know. Come on!" 

She grabbed him by the arm and pulled him out. 

Liz looked a little irritated at the two of them, then at Mei.

"Dad says we should stay with Sue. The file seems important and then he'll pick us up. " 

"So we have an extra vacation then."