Chapter 49 Disrupting class for a moment

The next day, Eddi stood in front of his desk and saw Luke with his head on the table.

"Since when Luke?" came from him.

He put his head to one side and looked at him.

"Since when what Eddi? "

"The Bruce Lee stuff? " he made clichéd motions.

Luke yawned, the debriefing with Tes had been hell.

He closed his eyes.

" Dude, don't sleep," Eddi pulled him up.

"Come on, you were always the lazy one in gym class."

Luke yawned again and opened his eyes. Leo had joined him, as well as Lina and Lisa. 

"So, Luke, since when?" asked Leo.

"I was in the martial arts group at school, which wasn't that well attended anyway."

"Sure, the alcoholic was the coach, he was always grabbing the girls' asses."

Luke nodded.

"Well, when I started there were 20 others, my senior year, then I was the only one. The others gave up. My mom dragged me to the tournaments over the years."

"That's right, you weren't always there," came from Leo.

He opened a can of Pepsi and took a sip.

"But when did you start doing that?"

Luke looked at Leo.

" 3..4? I had a lot of babysitters when I was little and my mom put too much shit on me. So, to build my ego, I should do this. You do the exercises and then you're free, blah blah blah, they always told me."

Leo looked at him skeptically.

Sarge came in clapping his hands.

"Everybody take your seats. Ted's still sick, he pulled his calf in practice."

Luke yawned. 

"Sarge," came from Leo.

He looked at them.

"Leo, I don't have a record of Luke's stuff. But after talking to Liz yesterday. Yes, Luke was called in very early for training. So it's nothing exciting for him and nothing he can brag about. The opposite is true for Ted. "

"Why did Liz call that woman the mother of all monsters yesterday?" came from Lisa.

Sarge sighed.

"Well, by the time the North Block started to take root, she was already causing fear and terror, according to the files. Liz's mother was just a soldier back then and was busy trying not to get her head shot off. 

Tes, on the other hand, after she retired as a warlord, was up to mischief, capturing ships, border areas, settlements, gathering refugees, etc., etc., the list is endless. Believe me... When the women's task forces finally came into effect. Tes just laughed and asked what the point was. Just throw it all together and be done with it. Liz's mother and Tes were rivals in a way. One for the women's units, the other for the co-ed units. "

Luke sipped his can.

"And how did Liz come to be their student?"

" To annoy her mother, that's all. She enjoys teasing her. That hasn't changed to this day. "

"And what does she have to do with Luke?"

Sarge lit a cigarette and grinned.

"She's infatuated with him, only her husband outdoes her. Don't let her innocent looks fool you. She's a monster and very smart."

"Sarge, who's going to win, her or you?"

" Good question, I know Luke's grandfather is already having problems with her. "

" And her husband?" 

" No."

" No? What do you mean, Sarge?"

He took a drag on the cigarette.

"Like I said, I don't stand a chance against him. I tried once and failed miserably, and luckily he's busy fighting the second wave. "

Ashed into the empty coffee cup.

"What do you mean, Sarge?" someone asked.

There was a knock at the door. Everyone looked irritated, including Sarge.

"This is new, usually they come in as they please."

Luke groaned, closing his eyes and resting his head on the tabletop.

"Sarge, don't you want to see who's here?"

" Well ... if it's important ..."

"Oh shit," came from Eddi next to him.

Luke raised his head and opened his eyes. He groaned even more when he saw Tes coming in in her normal clothes. She grinned.

"I just want to interrupt your lesson for a moment."

" I see..." came from Sarge.

"That's right George. Luke left his cell phone and wallet in the car."

Luke looked at her questioningly. He had been so tired that he hadn't even noticed. It was only when he reached into his pocket that he noticed.

Tes looked at him, came over and put both on the table. 

"Luke, your password. It's just too weak."

"It's protected..." 

Tes looked at him.

"Right, and if they take your ID instead ... well."

He looked at her.

"But the ID is..."

She hugged him.

" I just wanted to see how you would react. So this is your class. Which one did you fuck?" 

He couldn't breathe.

" Tes, you're choking him and judging by the faces here. None," came from Sarge. 

Luke let go and gasped for air. Tes looked at Sarge and then at Luke.

"Really? " She patted his head.

Luke looked at her. Tes looked at the class, reached for her cell phone, activated it, and showed her photos.

"These are from last year, from the art project. "

She looked at him for a long time.

"Wow, she's tougher than my mom," came from a girl whose name Luke had forgotten.

"Erkiam! Is that right?" 

An Asian man came in, he had the air of a butler, Luke thought. No matter how often he saw him.

"Ma'am, you know. It's not my job to spy for you."

Tes looked at him.

Erkiam sighed.

"I don't know if the master will approve ..." 

"I'll take the responsibility, so please let your magic fingers do the work."

Erkiam took a tablet from his jacket pocket.

"Well, what exactly?"

Tes grinned.

" First, if it's true, about the project."

Erkiam clicked on the tablet.

" What he said is true. He worked 68 hours on the object. The girl got 7000 credits for the poses. Which she then spent on a new cell phone and clothes. "

" Luke, you ass, you said you wouldn't tell anyone..." came from Lisa.

" Eh, I didn't..."

Erkiam cleared his throat.

"Whatever he did, so you don't have to attack him for it, and as far as I know, you also had a misstep with him at a party a year before this one. So did his seatmate. "

He clicked on.

"Fascinating, the boarding school did indeed spy on all of them intensely. "

Tes patted Luke on the head.

"So you got laid here. "

Erkiam cleared his throat.

"Madam, these are the ones that survived. The young master has others." 

" Well, well," she continued to pat him on the head. 

" It was two years ago ... and then on the school trip ... " 

She continues tapping. 

"Wow, she's strict. Luke, is your mom like that?" came from Eddie.

"Uh, no..." 

Tes looked at Erkiam's tablet.

"Wait, this one," she clicked on the tablet.

Erkiam looked around the class and pointed at Lina, who was sitting next to Lisa.

"Hhmm, she's changed."

Lina stared at her.

"Excuse me?" 

Lisa grinned and kept tapping her head.

" Then why..." Eddie fell silent as Tes looked at him.

" I'll tell you why, as soon as I left her to raise him on her own, she coddled him."

"Tes," Sarge began.

"What? It's true. I took her in when she got knocked up. When she started college, in a foreign place, and she was afraid to tell her parents. 

So I brought her to Rome. I paid for her apartment, medical care, tuition, etc. At that time, the basic package for pregnant women wasn't as developed as it is today. "

Sarge sighed. Tes looked at him.

"Do you know how many times Alex has called Uther just to get more security for his daughters? Her missions in Africa alone are only a fraction of what Liz did there, and Uther didn't tell him where he intervened himself. "

Leo nudged Luke.

"Aren't you fighting back?"

He looked at them with raised eyebrows.

"Fight back?"

" Uh, yeah? That's not ma..." 

Tes put her hand on Leo's head.

"I made a deal with his mother, at least when he went through so many women's hands. The ones who knew what they were doing. The older ones who'd had a few themselves. They were good, but the young ones... no. I already had Luke in my hands when he was born. I took care of him and took him away from his mother. "

Erkiam coughed.

"You pushed him to the master more than once."

" Yes, I can't take him if I yell at the staff. I'll get to the point. Her parents didn't find out until after she was born. That was the trigger, as soon as she finished her studies, she was pulled into her grandmother's sphere of influence and her mother now discipline was not her strong point. Elite kindergarten, preschool, elementary school. "She rolled her eyes. 

"He would have gotten that shit in the Corporation, with better teachers." 

Erkiam cleared his throat.

"Madame, they're getting better." 

"You know what I mean. 

" According to my mother, Luke's mother is not rich at all."

Tes looked at the girl.

"In terms of what she earns, yes ... But," she patted Luke's head.

"But that's more because she wanted to stand on her own two feet, not be dependent on the family. Which worked to a certain extent, and what does rich mean?"

"Money?" came from Eddie.

Tes looked at him and then at Sarge.

"Didn't they say they were from the elite school? "

" Yes. The most expensive there is."

She thought for a moment.

Erkiam leaned toward her.

" The one where the master said they were too cheap to maintain the surroundings and they said it was a shithole."

"Oh that thing, so the Empire. Most of it is invested in companies. So his grandfather's four are my husband's godchildren. He's been spoiling them since they were born. Pumps money into their account every month."

She looked at Luke.

"Why did you take up the violin again?"

"She wanted me to be a musician like my dad." 

Eddie stared at Luke.

"You and the violin? Dude... Seriously. I heard you in music class." 

" Says the guy who stuck flutes up his nose and ass to show how talented you are. "

Eddie grinned.

" Hey, there were notes coming out."

"Wow Eddie, you're a pig," came from Lisa.

"Yeah, and the lower school had class after us."


" Ma'am it's time to go to the underwater plantation," came from Erkiam.

Tes looked at him and gave Luke another hug.

"Don't forget, today is training. Today against real opponents."

Eddie came closer.

"Just out of curiosity. I've seen maybe five cities, how many has Luke been to?"

Tes looked at Eddie.

"Let's see, with his mom, Rome and London and all that. From babysitting here to Hawaii, which was a lot of time, which makes Hawaii more like his home. Then with me, where there are corporate facilities, and with Uther ... " She looked at Erkiam.

"Madam, the Master has taken the young Master everywhere. "

" Really everywhere?" 

" Certainly, the young master was well-behaved, neither shouting nor whining. Your cousin was as happy about him as you were. And Madame Va even more so, she gave you a run for your money with the hugs, and then there were the friends. They really liked him. Not to mention your daughter and her sister. "

"Well then," Tes let go of Luke. He turned and headed for the door. 

Eddie looked after Luke.

"She has a cousin?"

Luke nodded and rubbed his neck.

"I can breathe even less because she has more breasts and a firmer grip..."


Luke nodded and put his cell phone and wallet in his pocket. He looked around. They were looking at him. He felt eyes on him. 


"Dude...your family is..." 

Luke groaned.

" Sarge, what did she mean, Luke's been through a lot of women's hands? "


Sarge sat on the edge of the teacher's desk and seemed to think about the answer.

"You could call it a family curse because his grandmothers weren't any better, so his aunts spent a lot of time with their godfather and Luke spent a lot of time with his godmother."

He lit another cigarette.

"But... "

Luke groaned. Sarge grinned.

The next few days were quiet. Luke met up with some of the class to go bowling until he had to go back to training.

There, according to what Tes had borrowed, people from the group were fighting at short notice. Luke could see from their faces that they were more forced and, judging by their uniforms, more from the higher fighting units. He barely survived, managed to defeat one or two of them, but they were better than what he'd gotten so far. 

And after that, he couldn't just go home. No, he had to work on his mistakes and do physical exercises.