Chapter 85 The CEO didn't show up so then a press conference

Luke looked at his wristwatch with 4 minutes to go. He went to the console and put his hand on the console, his bank account appeared, it still showed of 200k. Then he clicked on his citizen profile, it was still the same as the first time. 

"So much for okay ... " 

He dug out a cigarette and lit it. Nothing happened, apart from people coming in. apart. He looked at his watch. The two hours were already up. He took a drag from the cigarette, stubbed it out and walked to the door of the center, it opened by itself. 

Inside was the reception of Kitsch Möbelhaus, queues of people at the counters. Guards stood at the entrance, looking at him.

"Where to citizen?" the last part was patronizing.

" Wanted to see if some people from the company were hanging around, doesn't look like it."

"What do you want, citizen?" 

Luke looked at him.

" Well, first I want to talk to your boss and then I want you to kiss my ass." 

Guns were pointed at him, silence fell over the room, everyone stared at Luke.

" You're breaking the law!"

" Freedom of speech. So where are you going to see your boss?"

Several guards approached.

Luke looked, impressed by the speed.

"No wonder you guys have such a bad image. Just take me to your boss."

He was roughly dragged through the corridors into a small room with a table and two chairs. Luke sat down and looked around. 

"Not bad ..."

After a while, a gaunt officer came in.

"I'm the clerk, Jorsten, You ..."

Luke looked at him.

" I wanted to speak to the boss here."

" You can't do that."

Luke took out a fag.

" I can, with all the crap you're spreading about me. I want clarification."

Jörsten looked at him skeptically, then sat down at the table. 

"So, who are they?"

Luke lit his cigarette.

" Luke Akim or Schorbsdorf formerly Miles. " 

Jörsten froze, jumped up with a jerk and hurried out. After a few minutes, he was led away by guards and into an office. Behind the desk sat an elderly woman, who was angrily engrossed in her files. She looked up when Luke was.

"What do you want?"

" Well, since my actual appointment was canceled. Asking you for a press conference."

" I see, and why would I do such a thing?" She didn't look at him.

" Ah just a positive image for them. Your center , with me the number 1 story in the media right now. "

She looked at him for a long time.

"All right, I've got nothing to do anyway. better than this crap." She pointed to the file.

19 minutes later, Luke was standing in the press room, where several journalists were present. In the meantime, he had checked to see if anything had changed with his status and his bank account.

"Okay, they're live," came


Luke looked at the camera.

" How far is live?"

" All channels..." 

Luke thought that should be enough.

"Tach, here I am. Before the press can ask questions. I want to say something. "

They looked at him expectantly, he pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket that he had written while waiting. They looked at him with irritation.

"They took away my cell phone, etc., so I have to use old technology."

"What's that supposed to mean?" 

Luke grinned.

"You should all know what my job was with Miles. I was Specter." 

Marble spoke up.

"Before I worked for the Corporation at the Council, my name was Apollo. Two sides of the same coin. On the one hand, a clean career with all the trimmings. On the other, a corporate nightmare and then " 

He placed the piece of paper on the desk in front of him.

" Youthful follies and sins "

They looked at him.

"The rabbit, as they christened me. " 

They muttered frantically. 

" Since that's your favorite subject, I'll stick to it."

Inwardly, he longed to call the world a piece of shit, which didn't really

could put. 

"Since I'm here, may I ask?" 

Hands in the air, a woman pushed forward aggressively, from the look on her face she was on 180. Luke had seen faces like that his whole life.

"You finally dared to come out of your hole, rabbit!" she yelled.

" More forced, but yes. "

She growled. Luke looked at his boss.

"Should I know them?" 

"Sure. That's the one who lost the trial against you back then."

He pondered the information he had gathered.

Looked at the woman.

"I see. And what do they want?"


" So what kind of justice."

Veins formed on her forehead.

" You can't even remember what you've done?" 

He pulled a cigarette out of his pocket, looked from it to the woman.

" You know, it's been a long time for me, a little more accuracy would be helpful."

She was on the verge of freaking out.

"The gala in Kikarmura when the new factory opened!!!" she suddenly shouted.

Luke looked at her, pondering.

"Oh, now I know who you are." 

He lit his cigarette. 

"Yeah? Finally!" 

" Of course " He took a drag on the cigarette. " That was, as they still say today, bait for jail. "

Her eyes widened and more veins appeared on his forehead. 

Luke took a drag on the fag and blew a cloud upwards.

"Just so everyone understands, my bosses gave me rules back then. Make deals, be an asshole, flirt, have fun, do business no, submit everything in a report with a cost breakdown afterwards." 

He nodded, looking at her.

"And the most important rule is. Jail bait not in."

She snorted, about to say something, Luke raised his hand.

" I already told you, I don't have anything to do with little kids."

"Do you have proof of that statement?" A reporter interjected. 

"Sure. The security staff at Kikamura kicked her out because she was underage and made a big scene. It's all in the logs. So just so we're clear, you," he pointed at the woman. 

"Are you doing shit like that because I turned you down? " 

She growled and smirked.

"You're the victim now!" 

" Matter of opinion, I'm not


" Serves you right ! " 

" Yes yes, what more do you want? "

" To see you crawl! " 

He took a drag on his cigarette.

" I didn't even do that when I was married, so no. "

" You'll grovel in front of me!" She screeched. 

Luke grinned. 

" See, she said the same thing then, even the same screech." 

She tried to lunge at him, but the guards pointed their guns at her.

" Well, as they all see. It's repeating itself. The whole thing because they " he pointed at the woman ." Not able to handle a no . "

 "I'll see you crawl!" she yelled and stomped out .

Luke watched her go in silence, thinking " What a psycho ..." 

A hand went up.

" Where were they after the hacker attack? "

"Since I'm penniless, my ex-wife only added more debt to my bank account. I spent the time in the gray area."

"Why are you only coming forward now?"

He blew out a cloud.

" You know, I was in the process of getting a new job like you expect. "

They looked at him in silence.

"So, my new boss is hanging in my ears. "

"What are his plans?"

Luke lit a cigarette.

"Well, first of all, I want the media to leave their shit about me, it's defamation and I'm going to file a lawsuit about it. After that, I don't know.

I'll probably withdraw from the public eye altogether. As everyone has noticed, I'm very good at it. good. "

They muttered.

"How are you going to pay for it?"

"There's a clause in the constitution that citizens who have nothing will have their costs covered. As you can see from my case, everything was taken from me and as I said, I also have debts. "

"Do you realize you'll be suing several companies then?"

Luke grinned.

" I realize that and I don't care. Never mind. I still have files with evidence against all the big corporations, politicians, celebrities and so on. I have to admit that I went a bit overboard with my activities back then. "

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I was overworked, my employer didn't give me the time off I needed, always came up with excuses. When I started there, I didn't get a pay rise, even though I had performed well. Vacation is

a completely different issue, but I saw what my work was worth to the company. "

He stubbed out his cigarette.

"Like I said, I have stuff, I even have pictures showing why the acting defensive coordinator wears sunglasses all the time. "

Luke grinned and looked at the camera.

"And much more."

"They're making that up!" came from a reporter.

Luke looked at him.

"No. I'm surprised, for example, that you work as a reporter at all. After the scandal with the minors in their report."

" Fuck you. Those were just accusations without evidence!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, so who wants holotapes of him? Of him having fun with the minors? "

" Don't go all fat man on me here! " 

Luke glared at the head of the facility. 

" You know what, I'll give this to the manager here. For letting me have this press conference. I just need a tablet."

The director looked at him in silence.

"Not a fake? Really genuine?"

"Of course."

She held out a tablet to him. Luke took it, clicked through the system, called up an old data folder, dragged a file onto the tablet."

" Don't worry about them being traced and deleted."

" No, the gene ID is protected."

He clicked play and the holo started running on the tablet, he handed it to the leader, she looked at it silently, looked at Luke, looked at a guard.

"Take the reporter away, this is real."

"Aye, ma'am." 

On camera, the reporter was led away. 

Luke cleared his throat.

"Satisfied with my seriousness? "

"If they have something like that, why haven't they filed it yet?"

Luke looked at Sprecher. It was hard for him to say that he hadn't been there and stolen most of his software.

" I've been from one mission to another and had a little mini-war with the board. "

"Why are you in debt?"

"Are you married?"

The reporter looked at Luke.

" No, she took me out in the divorce."

" My marriage was annulled too, and it turned out that my ex-wife had been liberally helping herself to my bank account over the last few years. When I was declared hacker attack I was labeled a stateless citizen, my balance was 400 points. That was used for a phone call. That didn't stop my ex from owing me 200k. "

A journalist raised her hand.

"You're saying you didn't know about the lawsuit that was brought against you and the millions you were awarded? "

" I didn't know anything about it, I was on a business trip for the board at the time. Because," he thought for a moment, "Ah, exactly, because my ex-boss talked his way out of every talked his way out of any shit. Oh Luke, you don't have a budget limit and then you blame me? " He took a drag on his cigarette. 

"What happened to the money?"

" Took my ex, she and I had a fight back then. Since then, it's only been about status in the group. True, I was barred from having offspring back then, which I did for her. Never mind now, it's in the past. 

As I said at the beginning, I will take legal action to stop the slander against me. If I have to, I will use the evidence available to me evidence available to me and give the world an insight into the

abysses that highly respected people possess."

"Why do you want to do that? I mean the last thing."

Luke looked at the speaker.

"Because I can." 

The conference ended quickly and Luke was taken by guards to an office where he had to fill out the form, then he was taken outside where he was supposed to be taken to a shelter. Several group vehicles stopped in the parking lot and group security guards got out of them. 

Luke recognized at least 7 different groups. John got out of one. 

"Luke, are you crazy? And you dare to publish something like that about me!" came from him.

Luke grinned.

"Oh look at that. You've done nothing again. I said 2 hours and what have you done?"

"It's not that quick!"

Luke looked at him.

" Ha! So that's it, corporate blackmail, huh? " He looked to the guards, who said nothing. 

"Boy, don't start that."

Luke looked at John again.

"What else? Huh? "

He clasped his hands behind his head.

"Are you planning to block my access to my ship? I'll tell you something John. If even one of you tries to touch it, it will explode. Even if you accept it, I will still leave and then John."

He grinned even wider. 

"Will the whole world know your secret?"

John growled.

"If you don't keep your end of the bargain. I'll be on my way."