New Powers

The black book spawned onto my hands with a nasty aura circling it, the book's pages were colored in black like the cover itself. Sometimes I wondered how the gods would react to such an abomination, but I quickly threw those thoughts aside.

--- STATUS ---

Name: Niall


Level: 2

Power: 932 S --> 1230 SS

Survivability: 701 B --> 999 S

Durability: 613 C --> 1429 SS


(Force of Authority)

- Gravity Manipulation

The user can increase, or decrease gravitational force in a specific area, pinning enemies to the ground or crushing objects with immense pressure.

- Planetary Devastation (LOCKED)

- Almighty Push (LOCKED)

- Universal Pull 

Create an intense gravitational force that draws objects or people towards the user of this power.

(Hastur's Cloak) Current level protection: 0-3

It allows the user to summon a golden transparent cloak around their body, completely protecting them from any harm below or above their own.

(The Key and the Gate)

The user becomes a master builder, able to manipulate the world's materials with unmatched precision and creativity. By channeling their inner architect, the user can shape the environment around them, creating complex structures with ease.


Defeat Goliath

- Progress: Uncompleted

Unseal the Underwater Dungeon

- Progress: Uncompleted

--- --- ---

"It looks like my status grew exponentially after that little skirmish with Aeshma and his useless Familia... plus I finally got that building ability I've been asking for."

I nodded to myself after seeing my new status. I still had to grind for Level 3, but I got some new abilities that could make things interesting.

I also have the Universal Pull ability, which allows me to pull people or objects toward me. This ability could prove very useful in many situations.

For instance, let's say I stumbled upon another adventurer party inside the dungeon. Both of us notice a treasure up ahead, and that party rushes to get it.

That's when my ability comes into play. With one move, I could pull that treasure toward me and run away with it, like a goblin.

There were many other uses for this ability, but I decided to leave those ideas aside for now. I needed to lay low for a while until things cooled down a bit.

Tomorrow, my classes with Asfi were supposed to begin, so I had to make sure not to cause any major stir in the city. Leave the house, go to class, return home, and repeat. That was the plan. But I knew very well that most of the time, things don't go as planned. The gods give us the cards we can play, and they smile at our so-called plans.

As I relaxed on the couch, the sheathed dagger annoyed me a little. Removing it from its sheath, I took a good look at it. It was a well-made dagger, to say the least. Maybe I could combine my powers with it and use it like Pain.

Perhaps I could throw it like when Pain hurled that nail at Kakashi with his gravitational ability. At that speed, it could be like a bullet. I wasn't sure how it would work on high-level adventurers, but it would be nice to try.

As I rested my eyes, I started hearing sounds from the upper floor. I opened my eyes to focus better, and the sounds grew louder and louder.

A few speculations circled in my mind. It could be an intruder who broke in, or in the worst case... Hephaestus.

Maybe she wanted to check on her property and decided to inspect the church, as it held some value. This church once was the place where Meteria, along with her sister Alfia and Hera herself, gathered.

Not many people knew this, but it didn't matter much—those were times from the past, with only memories left behind.

I debated whether I should check out the sounds or not. If it was Hephaestus, without a doubt, she would come down to inspect the basement.

As I thought that, the hidden door opened, and the footsteps of what I recognized as two people grew closer and closer.

It was a bad idea not to change the locks, but there was no time to dwell on my foolish mistakes. I stood up and waited for the intruders, positioning myself in the corner of the room where I slept.

With the dagger in my right hand, I clenched it in anticipation, waiting for the potential fight looming ahead.

"Has someone found the secret room? Who in their right mind would want to live in a place like this?" one voice, a female, spoke.

"I don't know, but you don't have to worry when you're with me, Hepy. Haha, maybe some homeless stray took a liking to this place..."

I easily recognized those voices. They belonged to the goddess Hephaestus and her captain, Tsubaki.

Knowing their personalities eased my mind a little. Tsubaki was extremely good-looking and had a very positive attitude. Anyone could easily get along with her. Not that I was normal, but I didn't have any bad intentions here.

Hephaestus was a bit strict but a kind goddess. I was sure there wouldn't be any problems if I explained why I broke into her church.

I decided to lower my guard a little and sat back on the couch, patiently waiting for their arrival, which felt like ages.

"You see? There's no one he... wait, there is someone here."

Tsubaki raised an eyebrow when our eyes met. I could tell this was the beginning of a very interesting conversation.