Expected on the 80th floor

I stood before the colossal office building of TriColor Corp, I felt dwarfed by its grandeur. The skyscraper soared into the sky, its glass facade reflecting the bustling city around it. The massive logo of TriColor Corp was emblazoned at the top, shining like a beacon of corporate power. People streamed in and out of the revolving doors, a steady flow of suits and purposeful strides. I rarely ventured to the city center - it was too grand, too pricey, and now it felt too intimidating.

My palms were clammy with nerves, and I had to consciously remind myself to breathe. The comlink beeped, a 15-minute warning for my meeting. Swallowing hard, I mustered my courage and stepped into the building.

The entrance was guarded by a security scanner and a stern-looking man. He glanced at me briefly, his expression unreadable, as I passed through the gate. For a moment, I thought I was clear, but then he called out, "Hold on a second."

His eyes glowed red, a cybernetic enhancement scanning me. He approached, his hands reaching out under the guise of a security check, but it quickly became invasive. His hand lingered too long on my backside, squeezing inappropriately. Anger surged through me, and before I could think, my elbow connected with his face.

The guard reeled back, anger flashing in his eyes, but before he could react, a voice from the reception desk intervened. "That's enough, Mark! You're crossing the line again. Stop harassing our visitors!"

Relief washed over me as I approached the reception desk, though my heart was still racing. Stepping inside the grand hall of TriColor Corp, I was immediately struck by the opulence surrounding me. The interior was a blend of sleek modernity and ostentatious wealth, with polished marble floors and walls adorned with high-tech displays showcasing the corporation's achievements. People moved around in sharp, stylish suits that screamed power and success. Amidst them, I felt a bit out of place in my chic but less extravagant outfit, yet there was a sense of pride too - I was here on my own merit. The receptionist, a woman with sharp features and a no-nonsense look, wore a nameplate that read 'Susan'. Trying to calm my shaky voice, I said, "I'm Marlene de Burge, here for a meeting with Caroline Kaminsky from TriColor Corp."

Susan checked her system, her fingers flying over the keyboard. "Yes, Ms. de Burge, you're expected on the 80th floor. Someone there will guide you to your meeting."

She pointed towards a set of elevators along the far wall. As I made my way over, I noticed Mark, the guard, still holding his nose and glaring at me. In a moment of bold defiance, I stuck out my tongue at him and stepped into the elevator. The doors closed, and I let out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding.

The elevator began to ascend, and at the 23rd floor, the walls turned transparent, revealing a breathtaking view of Crystal City. The heart of the city stretched out below me, bisected by a winding river. Drones buzzed through the air, weaving intricate paths against the backdrop of towering skyscrapers bathed in sunlight. It was a view I had never seen before, and it left me in awe of the city's vastness and vibrancy.

The city that sprawled beneath me, a sea of buildings bathed in sunlight, a knot formed in my stomach. Was I ready to be a part of this vast, unyielding world? The drones, like distant stars, seemed to echo my own uncertainty.

Arriving at the 80th floor, the elevator doors opened, and I hesitated, still captivated by the view. A couple of people waiting to get in gave me curious looks, and I quickly stepped out, feeling slightly embarrassed.

A young man stood nearby, and as he noticed me, his eyes glowed light blue, scanning me. I felt a bit uneasy under his gaze but tried to appear composed.