Did they take anything?

I woke up with a start, my eyes slowly focusing on the pale light seeping through the window. It was already 1 p.m., the sun high in the sky, casting sharp shadows across my chaotic room. My head throbbed with the remnants of last night's liquor, a bitter reminder of the party and the unsettling events that followed.

Lying there, still in yesterday's clothes, I felt a mixture of discomfort and a strange sense of excitement. The fabric of my outfit clung to my skin, a reminder of the night's escapades. Pushing myself up, I gently placed Toby, my plant, back on the windowsill. The sun bathed it in a warm glow, a stark contrast to the disarray around me.

As I started to tidy up, I couldn't help but recall the events of the previous day. The feeling of being watched, the violation of my space, it all swirled in my head, creating a sense of vulnerability I wasn't used to. I moved around, picking up scattered belongings, each movement causing my clothes to shift in a way that reminded me of my own body's contours.

Taking a deep breath, I pressed a hidden button under my bed, revealing a secret compartment in the wall. My fingers trembled slightly as they hovered over my raw devices, my prototypes. The AuraSync Biofeedback Regulator, my pride and joy, and my glove, a feminine design concealing a powerful paralyzer. I decided to keep the glove out. Its presence was reassuring.

While cleaning, I found myself in front of the mirror. Stripping off the remnants of yesterday, I examined my reflection. My eyes were tired, but my body still held the strength and resilience that had carried me this far. My fingers traced over my skin, lingering on tender spots. The tight outfit from the day before had left its mark, a subtle reminder of its snug embrace.

Stepping into the shower, I let the hot water run over my body. It felt soothing, almost sensual, as I washed away the grime and the lingering sense of unease. My thoughts were a whirlpool of uncertainty and desire. The droplets of water on my skin felt like little caresses, urging me to relax and let go, even if just for a moment.

After the shower, wrapped in a towel, I felt somewhat refreshed. The chaos of my room still awaited, but for now, I had found some peace. I began to dress, choosing my clothes carefully. The sensation of the fabric against my clean skin was tantalizing. My trousers seemed a bit snug, hugging my curves a bit too closely. "C'mon, I didn't get fat," I muttered to myself, half-annoyed, half-amused.

As I dressed, my mind wandered to more intimate thoughts. It had been a while since I was with someone... since I felt the warmth and excitement of another's touch. A flush crept up my neck at the thought. "Not like there's anyone anyway," I sighed to myself.

I sent a message to the administration of Megablock 4, my fingers deftly tapping on the comlink. "Requesting security footage from the 44th floor, near flat 143, citing safety concerns. Please expedite in accordance with resident privacy rights, per legal code 16.3." I knew they'd drag their feet, but I had the law on my side.

Next, I messaged Castor. "Had an intrusion in my flat last night. I'm okay, heading over to your shop after grabbing some food."

His reply came quick, laced with his usual humor. "The only intrusion was probably you stumbling in drunk!"

"No, Castor, someone was actually in my apartment," I typed back, frustration seeping into my words.

His next message lacked the usual jest. "Did they take anything?"

"No, but lately, I've been feeling... unsafe," I admitted.

"Heard about it from Uncle Chen. Told me to keep an eye on you," he replied.

A facepalm emoticon was my only response as I finished dressing.

With a resigned sigh, I decided to forgo makeup today. Gently unraveling my braid, I let my hair cascade freely over my shoulders, feeling its weight shift with every movement. As I was about to head out for some food, a nagging thought stopped me. TriColor Corp. I still hadn't given them an answer. The thought of becoming a corporate pawn, a 'rat' as I saw it, weighed heavily on me.

Then, my comlink buzzed. It was a response from the Megablock 4 administration. "No evidence of unauthorized entry near flat 143. Attached security footage for reference." I watched the footage, a growing unease knotting in my stomach. It showed only me, no one else. How could that be? The only logical explanation was a netrunner breach, altering the footage. But why?