A.R.E.S Crusher.

The green glow of my eyes illuminated the tombstone as I captured its image with my comlink. In a moment fueled by a mixture of sarcasm and pain, I sent a message to Uncle Chen, thanking him for the flowers on what I now suspected to be my parents' grave. Detective Pierce watched me silently, his expression unreadable in the dim light of the graveyard.

After a few moments, he spoke up, his voice breaking the heavy silence. "You need to talk to Chen Meng," he said, his tone suggesting it was more than just a suggestion.

I nodded, my fingers automatically adjusting the settings on my AuraSync Biofeedback Regulator. The tranquility it offered was temporary, but necessary.

Pierce noticed my actions and warned, "You can't keep abusing those substances. You'll get addicted."