Abi looked at the large amount of jewels she had brought in last hour. A sapphire necklace they say suits her skin color. And a ruby bracelet that she indeed liked. A pair of topaz earrings matching her ring and three diamond hair pins with pearls.
A few brooch and trinkets that she was not sure would be needed. But just when she was about to stop, her eyes fell on a pair of cufflinks. Their blue shade matched Dion's eyes. For some reason, she stopped there.
"Do you want to buy that too, my lady?" Abi nodded. Though it would be foolish to give him something when he was paying the bills. She felt it would suit him so well. And she could always get the amount cut from her share of profits.
The salesgirl packed it with a big grin on her face.
"The lord would be pleased."