The attack.

*Kiara's POV*

His grip tightened around my neck,blocking any bit of air I was getting from the chokehold.

"This is my territory. I could kill you right here,right in this room, and no one will give a fuck." He snarled, forcing me to face him. "Now,are you willing to sit and listen?"

I glared at him with anger building along with the tight pressure in my chest. I wasn't going to let him walk all over me. I was not going to spend the rest of my days in this castle being his pushover. I was going to fight back.

I had survived way more, I reminded myself . I strained my cough and dug my nails into his arm,hoping it hurt him enough for him to let me go or that I somehow shapeshifted like any normal werewolf would be in danger. I didn't; instead, my rebellionI had angered him even more. He raised me further to the wall,making my toes struggle to touch the ground. For the first time in a long time, I was terrified, and what was worse, I was quickly running out of oxygen.

I had to either give in or do something. 'Giving in is not an option,giving in is NOT an option.'I repeated it stubbornly in my head.

His eyes stared at me lifelessly,somehow showing amusement at my struggle. That seemed awfully similar to what Adriel does. I will marry into a family of sadists.

"Now," he growled as his fingernails sunk into my skin, sending waves of excruciating pain down my body.I screamed in excruciating pain.

"Have you learned your manners?"he smirked.

I felt something snap inside me—something strange,strong.It was a familiar feeling, but I had, strangely, never felt it before. I heard myself growl lowly, defiantly digging my own fingernails into his skin. I felt a surge of strength I kept the pressure on it till blood began to pool out of his flesh.

He grunted loudly and released my neck, leaving my body to fall to the ground with a loud thud. I was coughing, choking, and trying to breathe normally but I was free.I gasped as loudly. I caught a glimpse at my bloody hands and realized that I didn't have nails; I had claws.

I had grown claws. I had, surprisingly, grown a set of large claws.But how could I? I could tap into any of my sides, each time I did I had an episode and I would have to be held down to be under control again.

Just before I could collect the events of what happened,I felt a sharp pain in my head as it was pulled back. I raised my hands to scratch his face, but he grabbed them, twisted them instead, and threatened to break it.

I whimpered as he turned my hand to an even more uncomfortable angle.

"Make use of the time you have to live. We will finish this conversation later." He snapped at my ear before letting me go. I examined my arms; the claws were gone, and my hands were numb. The rest of me was in pain.

"What on earth do you want from me!?" I screamed at where I thought he was standing, but instead of him,there was just furniture. I looked around the room in a panic. There was no sign of him or even the slightest flaw in the perfectly arranged room to indicate that he was here a few minutes ago,trying to choke me to death.

I was confused about the claws. That's still true. Even if it was just a part of me, it still happened. Perhaps I wasn't broken at all; I just never felt the real threats against my life. Perhaps I was just too shielded to feel fear to shape-shift.But what about the full moons? Why didn't I shape-shift then like everyone else ?

I stared at my hands, but instead of waves of excitement about my progress, I felt waves of panic, fear, and goddammit. I felt anxiety.

I could have been dead; my life was in danger. I wiped a pesky tear off my cheek and hugged my knees to my chest.

I sulked to the ground and began to count loudly with my eyes closed. I couldn't get a breakdown—not here,not now. Anytime, but now.I pulled myself back up and went to wash my hands. I stared at my face in the mirror.My blonde hair messy, wet and unkept.

I heard the door fly open, and Carlotta walked in with a graceful sway as she sing-songed a greeting as Vivi warned her to keep a moderate tone

I walked out the bathroom as normally as I could. The beam in her face dimmed down as her eyes met mine.

But she suddenly drew a smile out of nowhere and came to hug me.

"What's going on?" She whispered near my ear.

I saw Vivi's eyes get attentive at Carlotta's words. I wasn't going to speak in front of her or any vampire, for that matter. I trusted no one at this point. Only my own men are my friends.

"Vivi, I apologise for sending you twice, but could you please go call my royal wizard for me?"I asked, trying to make her leave

"It is always a pleasure working for you, my lady, but the royal wizard of the Valerians could attend to you just as effectively."

"But she wants to see her own royal wizard." Carlotta resounded, growing angry as she turned.

"I'm just doing as I was told." Vivi said to Carlotta with a smile that meant no good.

"No, if you were, you would have listened to the orders the first time, and I wouldn't have to waste my time repeating them for you."

"I don't know or care who you think you are, Miss Carlotta, but I will not tolerate this immature and uncultured behaviour, especially in front of my lady."

"Your lady?" Carlotta chimed in with a laugh.

"Could you two stop?" I asked sitting on my bed, growing more depressed by their argument.

Vivi and Carlotta stopped squabbling and turned their attention to me.

"Vivi." I called sternly. She came closer to the bed with a polite smile.

"Yes, my lady?"

"Could you please give us some privacy?'

She threw a disgusted look at Carlotta and sighed defeatedly.

"Of course."

She immediately walked out of the room. Leaving me and Carlotta alone like old times.

"I thought that snake's name was Virginia," Carlotta asked, looking astounded.

"It is." I asked, puzzled.

"But you call her Vivi; you must be so close now."

"Carlotta, I grew claws."I let out plainly.

Carlotta gasped and glanced at my hands.She dropped beside me and watched my hands.

"They are gone now," I explained. "But it grew long a minute ago, and..."

Carlotta held my hands delicately as horror was shown across her facial features.She knew what it meant when a late-bloom shapeshifter grew a part of their wolf.I was in severe danger.

"Who tried to hurt you?"

I decided to come clean. "Hendrix.He came in here and he grabbed my neck and– " The flashbacks came rushing to me, and I choked on my words.

"You don't have to say anything." Carlotta stopped me from quietly rubbing my hands. She pulled me in for a sad hug, and I rested my head on her shoulders.

"I'm scared." I whispered. "I honestly am."

"Don't worry, I will find a way to secretly send a message to your father so you can get out of here."

"No," I said, jerking out of her embrace."Then he will definitely wage a war."

"It's better than losing your life." Carlotta contradicted.

"But Carlotta, it was only one man and a war will kill thousands.I know my father's rage."

"Would you prefer dying alone in this hell hole?" Carlotta asked. "Or maybe you believe your fiance will protect you…the man who didn't even care to introduce you?"

I sulked on my shoulders as I grew silent.

"Exactly," she said firmly. "Listen, I may not always be here with you, but you are strong. You just have to be wiser. Be alert with every single thing and trust no one, not even your darling little Vivi."

I gulped down my saliva and rubbed my forehead to release stress.

"Look at me, Kiara."

My eyes made their way to her stern face.

She looked like an angry mother hen at the risk of losing her only chick.

"It's only a matter of time till I find a way, promise to keep yourself till then?"

"Yes." I nodded firmly…even though I knew I was agreeing to a blood bathe.Fuck, if only Adriel was here.

The hair at the back of my neck stood and I felt a cold tremble in my spine, I felt like the dangers against me here were just beginning.And the scariest part is that I still believed in Adriel, even though Carlotta told me not trust anyone.