More to Uncover.

*Adriel's POV*


As I stood there, reeling from the bombshell my little brother had just dropped, I felt a mixture of disbelief and amusement coursing through me. I turned to Erica's horrified face.

"Is this true?" I mocked.

She didn't voice it out but her eyes spoke volumes. It wasn't true. At least not for her. Her eyes looked exactly like that night when she begged me to marry her. Her pupils were dilated at me the same way they always had. She felt nothing for him; she didn't now,never did, and by the looks of it, never will.

"Yes,"Hendrix answered in her place while she drowned us all in questionable silence.

"What are you up to?" I asked her, grabbing her hand forcefully.

"I SAID LET HER GO!" Hendrix yelled,pulling my hand from her with a violent rush.

"Again,stay out of this." I spat, pointing my finger at his delusional face. "I asked her."