Apparent Confusion.

*Kiara's POV*

I looked around me as my stomach stiffened.The whispers were growing again.This time every word they said carved itself into my brain and tainted me.Did Charles know he would be here?Did he plan this farce to embarrass me? To test me?And worse of all.I fell for it.

"What is the meaning of this?"I asked Charles., trying l not to draw any more attention with the ready snap. I could feel the rage protruding out of my very flesh at this point.

He was about to say something but his eyes glanced at Adriel and he had to fight to keep his composure.

I stared at Adriel behind me but his face made me even more confused.Did they plan this?

"I said, what is the meaning of this?!"I repeated myself with even more effort to sound proper. "Did you know he would be here."

"No–I mean I was hoping to see him but–"

"So you planned this?!"

Charles shook his head and got off the stage so we could have a more quiet conversation.