The Games We Play.

*Adriel's POV*

"This is ridiculous," my mother blurted, going through the documents.She looked up at me and giggled uncontrollably.

"This is actually hilarious. Can you talk to her to change at least some of these rules?"

I sighed internally. The contract had left me in a bit of a bind since I received it. It did not only limit my access to her; one slip-up could limit access to my own kingdom.

"This is far too rigid; this is not a marriage anymore; it's a freaking dictatorship,"my mother complained as she lowered herself to the chair opposite me.

She turned to the second page and stared up at me with perplexity.

"Who are Reya and Lilith?"

"Her hybrid friends that we killed to test the poison and lure her out."

She gulped, her eyes dilated in shock. She brought her voice to a solemn whisper as she spoke, throwing out next words as if it were a curse.