The Secret

*Hendrix's POV*

I tore open the last letter in the box. This time, it was not Erica's handwriting.My eyes widened a bit at the heading. This was the only one of my mother's letters in the box.

Her handwriting was near-perfect. She put in a concerning amount of effort when she wrote; it was hard to miss.

"Dear Erica,

I know you will not believe me, and it would be easier to blame it all on me, but it wasn't my fault. I still am sorry we had to come to this."

"Hendrix!" I heard Erica's scream before I saw her. "What are you doing here?" Her eyes jumped from the open boxes by her bedstand and then to me.

The answer to her questions revealed itself.

"How dare you?"

"It was the only way to get answers since you wont tell me." I replied, reaching out for the last box. "Maybe this will have more letters from my mother."

She yanked it from me before I could take the lid off.