
*Adriel's POV*

I had implanted enough salt and sages in the ceiling to kill off a legion of demons if they came and in all forms.You could never underestimate the power of foolish people–or entities–in large numbers.Also an army to the gates to ensure that not a thing went wrong.

I was taking zero risks with this.

If I was the enemy,I would attack today,I would assume everyone was focused on the couple and on merrymaking,making it an excellent time to strike.I wasn't allowing that mishap.

I also implanted swords under the seats so the knights in attendance could permanently disfigure the imaginary imposter I had created in my mind.

The translation to all that was that I was anxious…anxious that everything may go wrong and I may lose her again and anxious that everything will go right and she will be mine and I won't know what to do about it.