A Proper Kiss

*Adriel's POV*

It was barely twenty four hours and Kiara was already considerably mad at me.

I counted a total of fourteen men watching my every interaction with glee,eagerly ready decide if I should or should not head this mission.To see if I had been compromised.To see how I stared at her,how she stared back.And how fucking powerless I looked when she hushed me with a finger when I tried to be hard on her.

The more out of line I was,the more they were prompted to take matters into their own hands.I could fight off all fourteen of them without a worry but Kiara existed,and that ruined everything.It meant She was an extension of me,another target.And Kiara also had alot of extensions of her own…like her lady in waiting that despised me for example…and her ex royal wizard who kept staring at her dreamily from across the room.

I had taken one glance at how he stared at my wife during the toast and decided to ship him away.