Missing Puzzle Peice

*Erica's POV*

The crickets of midnight cried by the window as the moon moved slowly in the sky.I was Anne'Thas cabin trying to get her to calm down but I had zoned out to Shadrach again.It will be my most deadly alliance,an acclaimed wizard with the ultimate trust of Kiara and a broken heart in his chest,but How will I eber get a man that loyal on my sde.

"Yesterday was the most embarrassing thing that could ever happen to me." Anne complained,throwing another expensive fur coat on the ground in an angry fit that resembled the foolish outburst of a child. "Everyone knew I was pregnant."she added. "They literally could tell, and looking ridiculous didn't help."

"I know, I replied,lifting my other foot for a masseuse to carress"It was meant to cause a stir.It's great that they have suspicions. As I said,follow my lead."

"And entire day was the most awkward of them all. I was dying of heat the entire time and I had to lie that I wasnt.."