
*Erica's POV*

He raised his head slightly,his hat casting a determined shadow unto his face.

"I don't want to talk to you." He said firmly.

"It doesn't matter what you don't want to do."I answered him. "It's about what you need to do."

He groaned and rubbed his forehead frustratingly.

I made my way to him and sat on the table before him.

"Believe me,I didn't want to ambush you like this, but I knew you wouldn't have come if I had been formally invited."

He raised his gaze toward me again. "You are desperate."

"I know." I nodded readily. "I absolutely agree. I'm still wondering why you're not desperate. Don't you love Kiara anymore?"

He groaned again, loudly this time. I waited for his anger to sizzle before I continued.

"I'm offering you a partnership of a lifetime. Secrecy, efficiency, and your dream woman. What more do you need to be able to act on this opportunity?"