Divide and Conquer

*Susannah's POV*


I crumbled the paper in my hand and looked up at Silvia. It was the list of the high council's agenda this month.I was not a topic of discussion.

"Did you double-check this?" I ask,throwing it across the room.

"Have I ever been an unreliable source?"

"So it means the council knew nothing of my powers." I muddled as my hands dropped to my sides. "It means they took the hemokinesis just to subjugate me. It makes no sense."

"But it does; those are wizards, Sussanah." Silivia replied. "I told you that you couldn't trust wizards."

I dropped into the chair as my chest heaved. "I am a D'Marayez."

"You won't be the first to be betrayed; get over it."

"I did nothing wrong." I breathed.

Silvia sighed nonchalantly as she leaned back on the chair.

"As if they care."

"I do not have my crown, my powers, or my children by my side,if the Salem Wizards have really been compromised...I'm as good as dead."