Out of the Shadows

*Adriel's POV*

It looks like fog, or more like clouds of rain. Either way, I didn't like the sight of it.

The barren land between the glass throne And I stretched into a vast black. unmoving, unalive, and static. This dream wasn't an occurrence that scared me. There were times I was a bit fazed after every episode, but even the bad news has become so frequent that I fear it less.

I was just waiting for... the person who summoned me to arrive so I could leave, speaking of which, they should be here by now.

I glanced around me.

This was disrespectful. You can't just summon someone from another realm and then stay away.

I skimmed the wasteland again. I felt like I was being watched. That, too, was disrespectful. Time is different here; I don't know how long I have been here and don't want to be related to my likes back home.

"Where are you?" I asked loudly, taking a few steps into the mist.

'Fuck that. Who are you?" I yelled again.