The Fight

*Adriel's POV*

My eyes violently shoot open and the first thing I see is a chandelier. A normal antique chandelier but I don't think I've been this happy to see a chandelier before.

I had hoped–no prayer -- that the next time my eyes closed,I wouldn't see dark and purple clouds looming over me. Maybe the gods do listen after all,or perhaps it wasn't my prayers they answered. It was Kiara's. My heart swelled my chest ... .Kiara.

My body feels rigid as I push myself up. A shattering noise sends my head to the door and I stare in shock at the tea kettle that had fallen to the ground.Then,like a breath of fresh air, I hear a gasp–a familiar soothing gasp. My eyes slowly climb up the pink robe to meet her face,to greet her eyes.

She stands still and quiet,her eyes glistening with tears.

"You are awake."she breathes,as if in disbelief of the fact herself.