*Selene's POV*

*Next Day*

"Where did you get that?"I asked, snatching the paper from her hand.

The flyer showed an announcement of the complete demolition and renovation of Olive Grown District. My father's house was at the heart of the district and what was worse, it was going to be turned into a landfill.

"I found it plastered on a street sign on my way here,"Greta stated. "They are all over the city."

I folded the paper and threw it out the window in a fit of anger.What on earth was going on? Who was doing this,not only did the price of the house go up by twice its worth but now it was going to be demolished. Now not only do I have to pay a ridiculous amount for what was originally mine..I also have to fight to keep the place broken and run down.

I fell to the chair and pressed my temples,trying to evokecalm,serenity or anything remotely different from the panic I was feeling.

Was it Ares–no? Why would he?"