Eye Spy/ Dependent

Several days passed since they checked in at HQ, Mick still struggling to recover. Physically he felt fine, but he wasn't cleared for combat, and now he was set under Agent May's watch since they left. He slumped down on the couch as Skye rounded the stairs, drenched in sweat. Mick recognized that look of sheer exhaustion from his own days of being a rookie in training. "Tough day, Rookie?" 

"My arms feel like spaghetti noodles!" Skye whined as she slumped down beside him, after grabbing a bottle and glass from the bar. 

"I don't miss those training sessions," Mick said with a smirk, as Skye poured a glass of whiskey. 

"You healing up pretty well, Mick?" Ward asked as he snatched the glass 

"Yeah, I've got to spar with May next time we stop to get cleared for combat, but I'm able to go back in the field, to assist with Fitz and Simmons," Mick admitted as he rubbed the small incision on his side. 

"Oh! You get to spar May for combat clearance! That'll be a fun one to watch!" Ward cheered, then took the shot, leaving Skye slightly annoyed, causing her to get up and grab another glass. 

"Color me excited," Mick sighed as Skye chuckled as she sat between the two boys. 

"Hey, I teased Ward earlier, now it's your turn! How old were you when you got your first girlfriend?" Skye's curious tone, and innocent look mixed in her favor, causing Mick to sigh, then look up to Ward. He shook his head as Skye began to prod him. "It can't be as bad as his! Come on, spill it!" She insisted jabbing him in the ribs until he stood up.

"Technically, I was in third grade, Davis and I liked the same girl Ally Rivera. He made the mistake of telling me he planned to ask her to be his girlfriend at recess, lucky for me, the teacher left the room before that could happen, which gave me a golden opportunity. I stood up in the middle of the class, called her name and asked her to be my girlfriend, and instead of embarrassing me, she said yes," Mick said with a sly smirk as Skye laughed. 

"What did your friend do?" Ward asked with a grin.

"He was a little annoyed, but told me I'm pretty bold and we should be best friends. So we've been best friends since then," Mick thought about that moment, smiling about it. He missed those days when life was simple, the biggest problem was what to wear to school. Now the biggest problem could be truly world ending, and having to call in the Avengers to deal with it.

"Agent Ward, can you come to the lab, please?" Simmons' voice rang over the intercom, causing Ward to nod slightly taking another drink before standing up.

"Have some fun for me." Mick smirked as Ward smiled with a nod, setting his glass down in the sink, before making his way downstairs. 

"If you'll excuse me, I'll be going freshen up and finding a hole to hide in," Skye smirked before walking away. 

Mick started to get up, wincing slightly as the muscles in his side had tightened. "Still hurting?" Coulson practically appeared out of nowhere. 

"How?" Mick spun, which did hurt a good bit. "No, I'm fine." 

"You do know lying isn't part of your powers, right?" Coulson teased as Mick frowned with an eye roll. 

"Fine, Dad," Mick grunted. "It still hurts, but it's only because you haven't let me work out in a few days."

"With good reason," Coulson said looking at the two glasses on the table, then at Mick curiously. "And how's the other situation?" 

Mick paused for a brief moment, before realizing he meant Skye. "We're just friends, just like we've always been." 

"No more freak outs over her and Ward?" 

"No Sir," Mick stated, knowing that Fitz was always there for that conversation. 

"Good," Coulson ruffled Mick's hair. "We're heading to Switzerland, so get comfy."

"Guess that means no clearance test just yet?" Mick sighed. 

"Nope, you'll be with Fitz and Simmons on this one," Coulson said, Mick frowning. "Although I will need you to protect them if something happens to Ward, May, or myself. You do still remember how to use a weapon not just your webs, right?" 

"Yes Sir," Mick smiled.

With a nod, Coulson walked over to the spiral stairs and down to the lab and cargo hold. 

"Switzerland," Mick thought to himself. "I can mark that one off the list now. Wonder if Davis has been there yet?" He made his way to his bunk to relax and take his pain relievers to sleep off the rest of the long ride.

Mick woke only to learn he was alone on the bus with Agent May. She stood ridged in the mission room, staring at the monitor. "What's going on?" Mick rubbed his eyes. 

"Coulson and Ward took Skye, Fitz, and Simmons to search for the target," May's tone was just as ridged as her posture.

"Target?" He mumbled. "Just how long was I out?" 

"Quite a while," May said harshly. "You need to wean yourself off of those pills before you can be cleared for field work."

"I just took them to rest," Mick winced after stretching. 

"I don't know why you and Coulson both think you can slip things by me, but from where I'm standing, you're pretty dependent on them."

"Think whatever you want," Mick snapped as May raised her brows at him. "I'll at least be able to help Fitz and Simmons when they get back."

"Nope," Mick stared at May, fury and confusion mixing in his mind. "Can't work in the lab impaired. SHIELD protocol."

"You can't do that!" Mick growled. 

"Oh I can when I was the one put in charge of your recovery," Mick felt his stomach collapse. 

May's expression unchanged. "I'm not saying you have to stop cold turkey, if you need them you need them. What I am saying is, if you want to rejoin the team, you can't be on them." 

Mick leaned against the wall, furious. He reached down for his shirt, looking at the scabbed wound in his abdomen. It wasn't nearly as big as it felt. He touched it, expecting much more pain, only to feel little sensitivity. 

"Let's say you're right, I have been dependent on those pills, why do you think that is?" Mick tried to be snarky only for Agent May to shake her head. 

"I barely know you, but I've seen your files. You're very much a recluse," May stayed as Mick stared curiously. "If I had to guess, not only do the pills help you with your current pain. They keep you from thinking about the past as well." 

He frowned after she said that, maybe that was true. He had been fairly concerned since joining this team about losing anyone, especially Skye. That was a fear he hadn't had to deal with in years. Davis was reckless but he had a team to cover him, Patten was out of the field, so was Jarren. Spencer was now running the newly reformed Hightower Enterprises. Their being away from him meant they were safe, unlike his real family which died because of him. 

This new team though, while he had previously befriended Fitz and Jemma, he had grown quite attached to Grant Ward. They were like friendly rivals. May was like the stoic mother of the team, Coulson took over his role as father figure to Mick. And Skye, well, they were just friends, she fancied Ward and Mick was just her pal, just as it had been since their time in Los Angeles. Almost to a point. Mick had always been Skye's just friend. 

His shook his head refocusing to see May with a look of concern. "What happened?" 

"There was an attack, don't worry, Coulson and Ward are handling it," May said as Mick's eyes widened. 

He slammed his hand through the wall, only to have May stare at him unimpressed. "So Skye, Jemma, and Fitz were hurt?" Mick shook the blood off his hand. "See I should've been out there with them!" 

"And what, you end up passing out after trying to protect them?" May scolded as Mick grimaced. 

"Fine! I get it!" Mick roared as May shook her head. He stormed out, towards his bunk. He slammed the sliding door from his bed, then threw himself back on the pillow. 

He had the pill bottle in hand, trembling with rage. Was he actually hurting? Did he really need any pain relievers? He reached down, feeling sharp pains in his right side. He remembered the burning of the wound after it happened. The shock of the pain as it set in. He reached for his side wincing as if the wound was fresh. Trembling and bloodied he reached his right hand for the lid, ready to ease his pain, and his mind. Sleep, that would take away all of this trouble. Agent May didn't know what she was talking about, he wasn't taking these to escape anything. He could protect them, he was just fine. 

"Mick, you can't protect them if you're not aware of them," a chillingly familiar female voice echoed in the back of his mind as he poured four pills into his hand. 

"You've got no room to talk," Mick snapped as he clutched the pills tightly.

"Just take the pills, you'll feel so much better," a darker version of his own voice called out. 

"You're stronger than this Mick," the girls voice called out as if she were a light in the darkness.

Visions of the pills dancing around like snakes with a small flickering light standing before him. Within the light, images of all of his friends stood. "Let then go, just seek after your own comfort!" The darker voice hissed.

"Fight this Mick!" All of the others cried out. 

The snakes began to coil around him, growing larger, stronger, much more aggressive. They both lunged at him, snapping rapidly, their venom intoxicating. 

Disorientated, he staggered the light and its inhabitants began swirling about. The snakes wrapped around him, squeezing tightly, new pain filling his chest, warping his mind. He screamed, shoving the snakes to no avail. His breathing became shallow, his struggles became weak. He closed his eyes, giving in, accepting defeat.

A warm hand brushed over his head, moving his hair. His eyes flickered open to see Jemma taking his vitals. "Oh! I'm glad you're awake!" She stuttered. 

"What happened?" Mick asked feeing the damp cloth across his head. 

"Well," Jemma started as Skye walked passed. "We made it back and Agent May was scared you may have," she paused, biting her lip nervously.

"May have?" 

"That you may have overdosed." 

"What? Why?" Mick recoiled at the notion. 

"She came to check on you, and saw the open pill bottle on the ground, pills across your bed, and in your hand." Mick closed his eyes thinking about his strange dream, completely unsure if he even took anything. "Mick, you're not abusing this medication are you?" 

Mick shook his head. "No!" He looked around, before noticing May staring from the bar. "I don't think so anyway," he sighed. "Wait, you found pills in my hand?" 

"Yes, two in your left hand, it appears you dropped the bottle with your right. With good reason I might add, you certainly did some damage to your knuckles," Mick stopped listening as he began to try to remember before the strange dream. 

He rubbed his head feeling the rough edges of the bandage pulling the cold sweat from his brow. "I didn't take anything then." 


"I didn't take any pills, I just blacked out," Mick swallowed as May seemed to smile as if she heard him. 

"But why?" Jemma asked as she looked down at the monitor beside her, showing a negative toxicology report. 

"Stress, anger, something like that maybe," Mick shrugged, Jemma smiled.

"I was worried for a moment. I remember how bad things were for you with that Darkheart serum," Jemma embraces Mick. 

"Yeah, I don't want to do that again," Mick smiled enjoying the compassionate hug. 

"Coulson wants to see everyone in the mission room, even you Recluse," May said as she passed by on her way up stairs. Mick smiled as Jemma helped him out of bed. 

"Care to explain what happened out there?" Mick asked as Jemma smiled. She told him about the girl and her strange camera feed, and how she rammed the van they had hiding in, flipping it over then escaping. Before they reached the mission room where Coulson stood with Ward, Skye, Fitz, and May. 

"So here's the deal, we've determined that Amador has a camera in her right eye, and is being feed information from it," Coulson paced across the floor as a black screen seemed to almost flicker behind him. "We need to determine who is sending these messages, what they're after, and find a way to save Amador." 

Mick stared curiously, as he was clearly way out of the loop on this mission. He raised his hand coyly as Coulson shook his head with a scowl. "Oh, so nice of you to join us. Did you have a good nap?" Coulson was clearly annoyed. 

"Sorry, I had some things to," Mick started only for May to interrupt.

"I had him on bed rest, he wasn't quite feeling himself," she glanced at Mick, who only stared curiously. "I think it was a withdrawal from the pain medication." For a moment Mick was certain May winked at him, but he wasn't quite sure.

"That true? You're off the meds?" Coulson asked as Mick nodded. 

"His toxicology came back negative," Jemma added. 

"Good, we could use an extra set of hands in the lab," Coulson stated firmly. "Here's what I want. We need a way to tap into that feed and control it." 

"I could try to make some kind of micro camera, and maybe replicate that scatter view, but it's not going to be anything near that level of the eye implant," Fitz said, almost unsure of himself. 

"Maybe we could use glasses. Jerren sent me an interesting design from Stark's server," Mick chimed in as Coulson smiled at him. 

"Why would Stark make his own glasses?" Coulson asked.

"They were more sunglasses with the ability to use a holo screen or something, and have headphones built in. I think they were scrapped, but Jerren thought I could use them if I ever donned the suit again," Mick said as Ward shook his head. 

"Get with Fitz, see if you can replicate them. As for the rest of us, we're going to take shifts watching this feed. When Amador wakes up, we need to find anything to get her location, any questions?" Coulson looked over the group as they all nodded. "Alright, get moving."

"How does Mr. Stark come up with this stuff?" Fitz asked looking over the blueprints. 

"I mean, they guy built a crude Iron Man suit in a cave," Mick grinned as Fitz rolled his eyes. 

"Ey, rub it in why don't you," Fitz groaned. "Hand me that precision set." Fitz pointed over toward a small leather pouch. 

"If anyone can replicate his tech," Mick started as Fitz glanced up at him. 

"Got the wires finished yet?" Fitz interrupted, as Mick frowned.

"What's bothering you?" 

"Field work is the bloody worst," Fitz gripped. 

"Oh come on man!" Mick teased as Fitz seemed quite serious. 

"I hate it!" Fitz snapped as he slid connected the wires to the microchip, then to the glasses. "In the lab, I can control how dangerous things are. In the field I have no control whatsoever!" 

"It get easier, it just takes time."

"Jemma says that too, but I just don't see the appeal."

"Well, think of it like this; you get to experiment on a lot more because you have a bigger lab to work in," Mick struggled to pull that one together as Fitz stared at him blankly. 

"If you say so," Fitz sounded defeated as he finished assembling the glasses. "Time to test these glasses!" Fitz handed them to Mick walking over toward the laptop with an eager smile. "Press the button on the left frame to activate the camera." 

Mick was extremely grateful they used screen glass for the lenses, as it didn't disorient him like trying on others glasses did. "Alright, the button on the top of the right frame should activate the backscatter." With a light tap, everything went into an X-ray like vision seeing almost all the way through the Bus. He tapped it once more and it returned to normal. "Good, good," Fitz smiled. "One more test," he held out a small wallet like receiver with a flashing green light. 

"What's that?" Mick stared curiously. 

"This is how those are going to receive messages, at least in theory," Fitz remarked, handing off the device. 

"The message should appear in a white font, near the bottom of your line of sight,"'Fitz stepped over to his computer once more. "Read it aloud when you get it." 

Fitz began typing, and glancing up at Mick with a sly grin. A few moments passed and the text appeared. Mick chuckled to himself then cleared his throat. "Ward is an arse." He tried hard to mimic Fitz's accent, only to fail miserably, resulting in the two laughing.

"Oh, is that what you two have been doing?" Agent May walked into the lab, turning on the large monitor before sitting down on the stool.

"We were just testing the receiver," Mick said as May shook her head. 

"Coulson wanted me to check on you guys, so I figured I'd come watch the feed down here," she sounded just as monotonous as ever. 

"I think we're about finished," Fitz said as Mick yawned. 

"Good, can't have you goofing off while I'm on watch," May glanced at the boys.

"Thanks for earlier," Mick smiled as May raised her brow. 

"Oh don't thank me yet. You still have to go through clearance drills. We'll start when we finish this mission," she sounded quite intimidating. 

"Go get some rest, I've got a few things to tweak, but nothing too big," Fitz motioned toward Mick who responded with a nod.

Mick walked through the lounge, toward the corridor where his bunk was. He was fairly absentminded due to fatigue, but Skye must've been the same as they bumped into each other. "Sorry," Mick winced.

"No biggie," Skye said with a smile. "I wasn't paying attention." 

"Guess you're still shaken by what happened earlier too?" Mick asked as Skye nodded with a grimace.

"It's weird the things you think about on missions like this," she wasn't wrong at all. "I keep wondering if maybe I made the wrong choice." 


"I'm not a scientist like the wonder twins. I don't have the fighting abilities like May and Ward, I'm just a hacker who got caught," Skye seemed quite down on herself. 

"From what I understand, it was your hacking that showed us the truth about Amador," Mick half smiled. 

"It was just dumb luck, an old exploit from the Rising Tide," Skye said with a huff.

"But without you, I bet it wouldn't be a rescue mission, it would be a termination." Skye smiled for a moment.

"What's with you and A.C. seeing the good in everyone?" She tilted her head curiously.

"Everyone has a purpose," Mick sighed. "At least that's what I've always believed." 

"Don't change," Skye hugged him, in almost a sisterly way, before walking across the lounge to her bunk. 

"Don't worry," Mick said watching her climb into bed, knowing she couldn't hear him.

Fitz came running down the corridors waking everyone up with his frantic tone, informing everyone that May slipped out to find Amador. They all converged in the lab, where Coulson was clearly upset. "How are those glasses?" Coulson's annoyance was extremely transparent.

"They should be good as long as Skye can link it to her exploit," Fitz said confidently. 

"Great," Coulson said as he took the glasses from Fitz, handing them to Skye. "You two, load up, we've got to pick up May and Amador."

"What about us?" Jemma asked. 

"Prepare the containment, we're bringing Amador in one way or another," Coulson said as Fitz smiled, pulling out a grey case from under his desk. 

"This may help," Fitz handed Coulson the prototype 'Night-Night' gun. It was a standard pistol by design, except it was plastic looking. It had a grey color, with blue trim. 

"And what's this?" Coulson stared at the gun as if it were a toy. 

"It's got Dendrotoxin injecting rounds, forty five caliper. I call it the Night Night Gun."

"We'll work on the name, let's see how it does," Coulson said as he motioned for Ward and Skye to follow him to the cargo hold.

Mick, Fitz, and Jemma worked quickly to set up the containment room, then made their way to the mission room. They watched restlessly as Amador and May fought in her hotel room, then Coulson shot Amador with the Dendrotoxin. A few moments of blackness before the light turned on, and the feed showed Amador leaving the hotel room. "Can you see what Ward is seeing?" Skye's voice came over the radio. 

"Yeah," Mick replied. "Honestly wasn't sure if it was Amador or not." 

"Good, that's what we were hoping for. Get ready though, Coulson and May are bringing Amador to you." 

"Where are you two off to then?" Jemma asked. 

"We're gonna finish Amador's mission."

Once May and Coulson arrived, they brought Amador to the containment room. As it turned out, there was a kill switch in Amador's eye. Mick and May however returned to the mission room, watching as Skye and Ward worked to complete the mission. Coulson had left to track down the handler, while Jemma and Fitz went to the lab to figure out how to disable the switch. Everything seemed to be going smoothly until a message went through saying seduce the guard. May continued to guide Coulson, as Mick wished he had the audio feed to see why the guard was making such a harsh face, and to confirm if it was Skye or Ward wearing the glasses. After a few moments, and lightning fast movements, the guard was unconscious on the floor. "Ward," Mick chuckled to himself. 

"How's things going on this end?" May asked glancing over toward the other monitor.

"Well, Ward just knocked out a guard," he said as May walked over to the screen staring as there were walls of mathematical formula's and a very strange looking design. 

"That's very strange," May said, before quickly returning to the table screen. 

Mick heart pounded as he watched Ward realize there was a timer that required input from the unconscious guard. "I can't watch anymore, his running is going to make me sick." 

He turned to see May standing firmly with her eyes closed, clearly listening to the earpiece. "Amador is clear!" Jemma's voice echoed over the intercom. 

"Cool," Mick smiled as May frowned. "Not cool then?" 

"I'm going prep the Bus for take off, the others should be back within the hour." May walked out without another word.

Mick made his way to the lounge to see Amador willingly returning to the containment room, while Fitz and Jemma sit down at the bar. "That was pretty intense," Mick said as Fitz scoffed.

"Gross, intense, nearly deadly," Jemma grimaced. 

"Huh, sounds like field work," Mick teased as Fitz scowled. 

"Shut up," he grunted as Jemma glanced at the two boys. 

"Why so snippy?" She smiled curiously. 

"Fitz was complaining about field work being so uncontrollable last night," Mick started.

"Ey," Fitz interrupted. "I see where you're going with this, and it's still different." 

"How so?" Mick asked with a snarky tone.

"It just is," Fitz grunted once more as he fixed a drink. 

"Oh you'll get used to all excitement," Jemma cheered as she poured her own drink. "Want anything?" 

"Nah," Mick said as he smiled at the two of them. "I've got to be sober so I can spare with May at our next stop." 

"Really? Care if we watch?" Jemma asked with a grin. 

"I'd put money on May," Fitz teased. 

"Seriously?" Mick frowned.

"I know you've got powers, but May is a legend!" Fitz grinned. "You don't get the name Cavalry for nothing." 

"Yeah, thanks Fitz," Mick shook his head as they laughed.