The Only Light in the Darkness

Mick rushed to help move the beaten and bruised Ward into the medical facility. "Dang dude, must've been a heck of a fight," Mick said as Ward laughed, his face showing intense pain. 

"It was," Ward winced as Mick helped him up to the table. 

"Oh my gosh! Look at the bruising!" Jemma noted as she quickly began to examine him. 

"If you look this bad, I'd hate to see how bad you roughed up those Hydra goons!" Fitz said with a grin as Ward returned the smile before he winced at Jemma touching his right side. 

"I'm going to need to do a full work up," Jemma said with a slight grimace. "I know it's not comfortable, but I need you to remove the shirt." 

"Of course," Fitz teased as Jemma rolled her eyes. 

"It's part of the exam," Jemma fussed. 

"I know," Fitz smirked. "I just like to tease you, you know that." 

"I don't really find now to be quite," Jemma paused as the rest of the team entered the medical room. "Appropriate." 

"Ward, welcome back," Coulson said as Jemma laid Ward down on the table using a pull down X-ray to quickly get a read on his chest. 

"Good to be back, Sir," Ward said, his voice shaking with pain, while Jemma began to apply some ointment to his wounds on his face and shoulders. 

"I pretty sure these are going to scar," Jemma said as she dabbed his cheek. 

"At least he'll look even more like a bad boy," Skye smirked as Ward smiled and nodded. 

"So what happened?" Coulson shut down the playful banter. 

"Well," Ward grimaced. "By the time we reached the Fridge it was too late. Hydra had already overwhelmed our guys, they had complete control." 

"What we're they after?" May asked leaning on the opposite table. 

"Everything," Ward said somberly. "They took weapons, artifacts, anything they could carry out." 

"The prisoners too I'm sure," Mick huffed. 

"Yeah, they're all free," Ward sighed. 

"So, Ian Quinn," Skye said soberly.

"Him too," Ward reached out for her, rubbing her shoulder. 

"What about Garrett?" Fitz asked. 

"Don't tell me he escaped too," Coulson sighed. 

Ward let out a painful chuckle. "I couldn't stop them from taking down the Fridge, but there was no way I was letting Garrett escape. Not after what he did." 

"Is he the one that did this?" Skye seemed quite surprised as Ward nodded. 

"He was pretty tough," Ward closed his eyes as if it were a terrible memory. 

"Was?" May seemed pretty surprised. 

"You killed him?" Mick asked as Ward took in a deep breath. 

"As soon as I had the upper hand, I put two in the back of his head," Ward said as Coulson seemed to gasp. 

"Good, that's one less problem on our list," Fitz snarled. 

"One for me, and one for you," Ward glanced over at Trip with a smirk. 

"Thanks," Trip smiled. "I'd have emptied a whole clip."

"You're all set," Jemma said with a half sigh and smile combination. "Well, I mean, as set as you can be with two cracked ribs and a zygomatic fracture."

"A what?" Mick asked as Fitz smirked.

"It just sounds bad," Fitz started. 

"It's a hairline fracture to the cheekbone." Trip and Fitz said in unison, causing Fitz to stare, both shocked and quite annoyed while Trip nodded and smiled. 

"Your body needs time to heal," Jemma said sternly. "So please relax a little."

"I will," Ward said with a nod. "Thanks." 

Jemma quickly left the room, which allowed Skye and Coulson to get closer to Ward. 

"What's with her?" Fitz started after her as Mick started after him. 

"Not a clue, maybe she's just processing all of this?" Mick suggested. 

"Then you'll be the shoulder she'd need to lean on," Fitz said deflated. 

"You're still her best friend," Mick said with a frown.

"But you're her boyfriend, that trumps best friend any day," Fitz grumbled. 

"Why don't you take this one then?" Mick said with a smile.

"Thanks," Fitz smiled warmly as Mick patted his shoulder. 

Mick returned to see Trip leading Ward to the hall of bunks, hoping to give him a chance to get comfortable enough to relax. Skye then looked over to see Mick's concern. "I was super worried about him too," she said leaning on Mick. 

"I figured he could take care of himself," Mick said with a smirk. 

"Sure," Skye teased. "Just admit it! You were worried about your Buddy!" 

"I'm worried about all SHIELD agents," Mick huffed as Skye frowned at him. 

"Still no word from your other pals?" Skye seemed a little more reserved now. 

"Unfortunately, no," Mick huffed. "Fitz and Simmons have sent out a few encrypted messages since we got here, so there's still hope." 

"I'm sure it'll be okay," Skye rubbed Mick's shoulders before an all-call came over the intercom. 

"I need all agents to the briefing room, please and thank you," Koenig's voice echoed.

Once gathered, they were led down the hall to a concrete room with a rather eccentric looking steel chair. "So we just need to ask you a few questions," Koenig said proudly as he tapped the chair. "Psychoanalytic, no sequitur questions."

"A lie detector, really?" Coulson seemed quite unimpressed. 

"Not just any lie detector! The lie detector!" Koenig boasted as everyone seemed extremely skeptical. This baby measures Galvanic skin responses, oxygen consumption, micro-expressions, biofeedback brain waves, pupil dilation, voice biometrics, ninety-six variables in all. Fury designed this himself. He wanted a lie detector Romanoff couldn't beat." He chuckled as the air in the room seemed to thin. 

"Did she?" Ward asked nervously as Mick nodded. She was quite good at going undercover. She practically lived in lies as such a deep cover agent. 

"Like Fury would give out that information," Koenig laughed. 

"So why do we need to go through this?" Mick asked as Koenig raised a brow. 

"To make sure no one is up to anything. Can't be too careful." Koenig replied as Coulson frowned. 

"Look, the sooner we do this, the sooner we can get back to the job at hand," Coulson stated as Koenig nodded. "Who wants to volunteer?" 

No one dared as they clearly didn't believe this was necessary. Mick shook his head then stepped forward. "I volunteer as tribute." 

"You watched that movie?" Skye asked in shock as Mick winked. 

"Read the books," he stated as Koenig nodded. 

"Alright, everyone else out, let's get started!" He said happily. 

Mick reluctantly sat down in the chair as Koenig hooked up a few things, the one he recognized was a pulse monitor to his fingers. Koenig then sat down across from him, setting up a computer screen. It was eerily quiet, only the two men's breathing could be heard. 

"Alright, everything is ready," Koenig said breaking the defining silence. "We'll start with a few easy ones to establish a good baseline. Can you state your full name?"

"Mick Jonathan Bellouve." 

"Eye color?"

"Hazel, sometimes more green though." 

"Ever been married?" 

Mick took in a deep breath. "No," he said. 

"Are you currently in a relationship?" 

Mick seemed a little perturbed, then nodded. "Yes, with Jemma Simmons." 

"Nice," Koenig smiled, leaving Mick slightly uncomfortable. "Can you list your living relatives?" 

"I don't have any," Mick said as Koenig stared at the screen curiously. 


"My mom, dad, and sisters all died, then my mom's parents in 2008, just recently my dad's parents. I'm all alone," Mick sighed. 

"Orphaned, that's terrible," Koenig frowned. 

"Do you actually have superhuman powers?" Koenig seemed genuinely curious about this one. 

"Yes," Mick said firmly. 

"Elaborate please," Koenig glanced between the screen and Mick. 

"I can shoot webs, I have better than usual strength and agility, I had a strange warning sense but it's faded away with the true super strength after my run in with Davin Corp in 2009." 

"That's still pretty cool," Koenig smirked. "I always wanted to have super powers. Comics do that to you though." 

"Yeah, it's not all it's cracked up to be," Mick admitted. "A lot more responsibility, not enough normal life."

"Sounds like SHIELD in a nutshell," Koenig laughed. "Now for the more obscure ones! What's the difference between an egg and a rock?" 

"What? That's quite an odd one," Mick frowned.

"First answer you think of," Koenig stated watching Mick carefully. 

"Eggs break easy, rocks don't," Mick shrugged as Koenig nodded. 

"Have you ever heard of Project Insight?"

"No?" Mick glanced at Koenig wondering if that was even a real thing. 

"Did you have any communication with Alexander Pierce?" 

"Nope, not that important," Mick stated. 

"I feel that," Koenig replied. "You wash up on a deserted island alone. Sitting on the sand you see a box. What's in the box?" 

"A map," Mick stated as Koenig nodded once more. 

"One last question," Koenig stated as he looked at Mick with a serious expression. "SHIELD no longer exists, the agency has been labeled a terrorist organization," Koenig then glanced up at Mick with curiosity in his eyes. "Why are you here?"

Mick glanced toward the ground heavily wondering that himself. Then with a steady bit of resolve looked up at Koenig. "To protect my new family." 

Koenig watched the monitor closely, then looked up at Mick and smiled. "Congrats Agent Bellouve," Koenig beamed. "Let's get you a lanyard!" He quickly pulled the gear off Mick then helped him up. "That wasn't so bad, now was it?" 

"Guess not," Mick admitted as Koenig handed him a sparkling lanyard with a green and blue card that said SHIELD in a plastic cardholder. 

"Go immediately to the mission room to meet with Agent Coulson, he'll direct you from there," Koenig stated as Mick nodded. He then opened the door as a nervous looking Fitz stood in line next, with May, Simmons, Skye, and Ward last. "Next," Koenig stated as Fitz glanced at Mick with a hopeful smile. 

"You'll be fine," Mick smirked as Fitz nodded. 

"Mission room," Koenig repeated as Mick nodded, then walked passed the team with his head down.

Mick walked in to see Coulson looking over some data on the large wall sized screen. "Have a mission already, do we?" Mick asked. 

"You can say that," Coulson grimaced. "Thanks to Skye's hacking, we have intel of a dead fisherman about 200 miles outside of Portland, Oregon," Coulson said as Mick raised a brow. 

"And what makes this guy special?" Mick was genuinely confused. 

"Autopsy report says he was as healthy as a horse, but somehow just went brain dead," Coulson said softly as Mick glanced up at the picture pulled up on the side. 

"And I'm guessing it has something to do with this guy?" Mick pointed to the small photo of the sharped faced, slicked back hair, overall mean looking man. 

"Yeah," Coulson sighed. "I'm planning on going over the whole situation once Trip and FitzSimmons get in here."

"No May or Skye?" Mick asked as Coulson shook his head. 

"Someone needs to stay back and keep an eye on Ward," Coulson said sharply. "You know how he doesn't like to sit idle." 

"But May is our pilot?" Mick questioned. 

"I'll leave you behind too if you keep second guessing me," Coulson threatened as Mick shook his head. 

"Sorry," Mick muttered, then leaned against the wall sporadically watching as Coulson gathered more intel for his upcoming briefing.

It didn't take too long before the others entered the room. Coulson now had more reports pulled up on the screen as everyone crowded around the table. Mick was a little relieved when Jemma eased next to him, with Fitz forcing himself between her and Trip. 

"This is Marcus Daniels," Coulson started, pulling up his SHIELD containment photo. "He was a lab assistant at Davin Intercostal, a physics lab for all intents and purposes. They were trying to make their own super soldier serum, called Darkforce." 

Mick gasped as even Fitz and Simmons seemed taken back. "No! That can't be right! The Davin company is shut down!" 

"It is. Daniels was another accident, a good eight years before your run in with the serum," Coulson said as Mick's heart settled."And since we know nothing bad ever happens when you play with something called Darkforce." 

"I did some research back at the academy on both," Fitz smirked. "While Darkheart was an ingested or injected infection, Darkforce was more of an energy source infection, akin to Doctor Banner's and the Hulk. Highly unstable, but powerful non the less." 

Trip didn't seem as impressed as Mick, which clearly bothered Fitz. "So what exactly happened then?" Mick asked as he turned focus back to Coulson. 

"Daniels' accident left him with powers polar opposite to one Percival Quint, code named Volt," Coulson picked back up on his explanation. "Meaning he could absorb all types of energy." Coulson then pointed at the deceased photo of the fisherman he showed Mick earlier. 

"So you believe that since our brains and heart run on electrical impulse," Jemma started to say as Coulson nodded. 

"Exactly," Coulson said. "He can kill with a single touch." 

"Guess that means he must've done that a few times," Trip said as he loaded his pistol. "So we need to put a bullet in him?" 

"Unfortunately it's not going to be that easy," Coulson said somberly. "He also absorbs the energy of most conventional weapons as well." 

"He sounds unstoppable," Jemma said intimated. 

"Practically," Coulson said. "When we captured him, it required us to overload his system with pure light."

"Makes sense, overexposed to more energy than he can handle," Fitz nodded approvingly. "I'm sure I could make a mechanism en route." 

"That's exactly what I was hoping you'd say," Coulson smiled, then glanced at Trip. "Care to be the pilot, maybe a specialist?" 

"I'll be whatever you want me to be," Trip grinned. 

"Good, that's what I was hoping you'd say," Coulson grinned. 

"So what do you need us for?" Jemma asked pointing at herself and Mick. 

"Fitz may need some help," he glanced at Jemma. "And I like having backup when it comes to powers. Wheels up in thirty," Coulson noted toward Mick before he left the room. 

"So you guys dealt with this Davin group before?" Trip asked. 

"Mick's the reason they shut down!" Fitz exclaimed as Trip glanced at Mick curiously. 

"How'd you do that?" Trip asked as Mick frowned. 

"Long story short, self destructing labs are a bad plan," Mick sighed, all of those memories being a bit hazy from the after effects of the serum. 

"Sounds like an interesting story," Trip said warmly. 

"Maybe later," Mick sighed, then Trip smiled at Jemma, before leaving. 

"Do you think Spencer's powers faded like some of yours?" Fitz asked as he glanced over at Mick. 

"Not sure, haven't seen her in years," Mick sighed as Fitz nodded before leaving him and Jemma alone. 

"Do you still remember those nights?" She asked affectionately. 

"I remember some," Mick smiled. "Like you taking care of me while I was sick. And how you were so adamant you'd never date someone with powers." 

"Times have changed haven't they?" She hugged him, which felt strangely like it did way back then. She then glanced up at him with a smile. "Do you remember why I was against it?" 

"Not really," Mick admitted as he stared into her eyes. 

"You are quite reckless, when you play the hero," Jemma eased closer to him. 

"That's not always a bad thing," Mick leaned down, the two sharing a kiss. Jemma then turned to leave as Mick watched, he then touched his lips, wondering why none of this felt like it did when he was with Sam. Something about it felt off, wrong. He wondered if maybe it was just his mind messing with him, or maybe Jemma felt it too? Were they really happy or were they just playing pretend for the other?

They met outside the dining hall as Coulson led the way to the plane. Skye, May, Ward, and Koenig saw them off just outside the hanger, and the tense glares between Coulson and May were almost tangible. Mick wasn't sure exactly what happened, but clearly there was something that needed to be worked out with them. Once onboard it didn't take long to be back in a familiar environment, flying through the air. Fitz had already made use of the portable lab by moving crates of gear around and pulling down a small table that latched to the floor. Coulson stood near the 'impact room' otherwise known as the passenger seating area with Jemma. 

"Sir, why do you think he's going to Portland and not somewhere else?" She asked as Coulson seemed a little distant. 

"He was obsessed with a woman from there," he replied. "Called her 'the only light in his darkness." 

"That's almost romantic!" Jemma swooned a bit as both Mick and Coulson stared at her skeptically. "I said almost!"

"Did they have any kind of relationship?" Mick asked as Coulson shook his head. 

"He's been locked in the Fridge for almost ten years," Fitz started. "He's got to be over her by now." 

"Some people are hard to get over," Coulson said sadly. "Besides, Mr. Daniels is pathologically insane, single minded, and obsessive."

"Quite the combo," Mick noted. 

"Not only did he get powers, but the powers not only stole his chance at a normal life and scrambled his brain." Coulson said as Mick winced. "Hit a little close to home?"

"Close," Mick sighed. 

"What about the lady?" Fitz asked as Coulson seemed distant once again. 

"Audrey Nathan," Coulson's eyes spoke tales that he clearly didn't want to talk about. "She's how we tracked him the first time. We find her, we'll find Daniels."

"Sir," Jemma said timidly. "How do you know where to find her?" 

"Skye has us connected to her through some backdoor in her phone's GPS," Coulson said before leaving them for the cockpit with Trip. 

"I miss having the easy way to do this," Fitz grunted as the plane jerked knocking some of his equipment off the table. 

"What exactly are you working on?" Mick asked. 

"I'm going to overclock the LED's on my drones to ten thousand lumens," Fitz said as he picked up the screwdriver and opened up the small drone. 

"That sounds like a lot," Mick said as Jemma shook her head. 

"It's going to be bright," she smirked. 

"Should be eight straight beams focused on Daniels," Fitz said proudly. "Coulson told me they used four last time, this should be more than adequate." 

"What about this?" Mick picked up the old beam saber hilt that Fitz had tucked in his toolbox. 

"Just in case measures," Fitz smiled slyly. 

"I dig it," Mick smirked as Jemma rolled her eyes. 

"It's still a bit unstable, but I'm so close, I can feel it!" Fitz said cheerfully. 

"Here's to hoping we don't need it yet," Mick smiled as the two fist bumped before Mick left him to his work. 

The landing was a bit unorthodox, being that the airstrips would trigger the US guard's investigation, so they found a clear field instead. Thankfully they had two vehicles from Hand's stash inside the carrier. 

"You two take point, in car A, we'll be right behind you. You grab Ms. Nathan, we'll handle Daniels, got it?" Coulson asked as Jemma was teamed up with Trip, leaving Mick with Coulson and Fitz. 

"And you're sure these coordinates are correct?" Jemma asked as Coulson nodded. 

"They're directly linked with Skye's feed. If she moves, you'll know," Coulson said firmly. "There is no room for mistakes, we're on our own here." 

"Understood," Trip checked his pistol. 

"Take care of her," Mick said sternly. 

"Don't worry," Trip smirked. 

"You're the ones in the danger line," Jemma frowned. 

"Don't worry," Fitz smiled. "My inventions haven't failed us yet." He seemed quite confident for once. 

"Move out," Coulson ordered as Mick took the driver's seat, leaving Fitz in the back with his drones.

Mick planted his foot to the ground as he tried hard to keep up with Trip as they followed the rolling blackout to Audrey Nathan. Once they grabbed her, Trip pulled a dangerous swerve which placed Mick in the lead position. The windows rolled down as the four drones shot out under the direction of Fitz. They quickly spun around Daniels, shooting their beams of light directly at him. "Now!" Coulson ordered as he and Mick climbed out of the car with high beam headlights on, as well as them pointing two heavy duty halogen flashlights paired with their ICERs at Daniels who seemed to be staggered. 

"Mr. Daniels, we don't want to hurt you," Coulson stated as he eased around the car. 

"I know that voice," Daniels growled as he tried to shield his face from the bright lights. "You're the one that sent me to that awful place!" Daniels seemed to be fighting hard to resist being overwhelmed. 

"Fitz, we need more juice!" Mick called out as Fitz frantically tapped his tablet. 

"They did things to me there!" Daniels screamed as he tried using his coat to cover himself. 

"They were trying to help you!" Coulson called out. 

"No!" Daniels screamed. "They wanted me stronger!" 

"What?" Coulson gasped. 

"And I believe they succeeded," Daniels smiled as he thrust his hands out sending a wave of dark energy, shattering the lights and knocking Mick, Fitz, and Coulson backwards. 

"Well that didn't work," Mick groaned as he staggered to his feet, helping both Coulson and Fitz up. 


"I think we have a bigger problem," Fitz muttered as he looked at the broken drones in the road. "My drones are dead, and Daniels escaped." 

"At least we saved Ms. Nathan, right?" Mick tried to be optimistic.

"Trip, get to an apartment and we'll meet you there," Coulson said with a sour tone.

It didn't take long before they arrive, grabbing an adjoining room, Coulson had discretely opened the door to listen in to what was going on between the other half the team. 

"We should be safe here," Jemma said warmly. 

"I thought he was locked up?" Audrey said nervously. 

"Well, he was," Jemma said, her voice was slightly shaken. 

"You don't have to worry about it, we've got a team to protect you," Trip's voice sounded much more confident. 

"We, meaning the CIA?" Audrey seemed fairly skeptical. 

"Oh of course," Jemma's lie was clearly falling apart. "That's exactly what I said wasn't it?"

"Way to sell that one Jemma," Fitz murmured as Coulson waved his hands for him to stay quiet. 

"She is getting better," Mick said softly as Fitz nodded while looking at his tablet, when Coulson turned at them clearly upset they were talking. 

"One night I saw him outside of my house. I was terrified. I begged him to leave me alone. He just stood there, saying I was his light. I didn't understand what he meant until he started blacking out my entire block. I ran and called the police. They didn't believe me," Audrey began to explain. "But then a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent came to my door."

Agent Coulson went ridged, clearly he was very interested in everything this woman was saying. 

"I don't know why, but I trusted him right away. Something about his face, the handsome part, maybe," Audrey paused. "He just swooped in. It was like, something straight out of a movie." 

Mick watched as Coulson seemed so focused, his eyes closed, almost as if all of her story had a deep impact on him. 

"You seem like you two were close," Jemma sounded interested. 

"We were," Audrey replied. "He promised to take care of Daniels, and that's exactly what he did." 

Mick watched as Coulson took in a deep breath, everything in him wanted to ask why he was so intent on listening. 

"Phil," Audrey started. "He never lied to me. That's why I know I can trust SHIELD, no matter what they say." 

"Phil?" Jemma's voice cracked. 

"Phil Coulson," Audrey said fondly. 

"Wait a second," Mick perked up as Coulson turned toward him. "She's the woman you spoke about at Sam's," Mick voice trailed as Coulson eased the door closed. 

"Yes," Coulson sighed, his eyes watery. 

"Maybe you should go in there?" Fitz suggested. 

"No," Coulson said firmly. "It's been two years, she's healing, moving on with her life. It's our job to help her do that." 

"I may have stumbled on a way to stop Daniels for good," Fitz stated as he looked at a few images on his tablet. 

"You have my attention," Coulson walked over. 

"You're not going to like this plan," Fitz muttered. "We'll need her to draw him out." 

"That's not happening," Coulson 

"I mean, it's not the best sounding plan so far, but if we can stop Daniels," Mick said as Coulson shook his head with a stern look on his face.

"We're not using her, what don't you two understand about that?" Coulson growled. "It's not acceptable." 

"I know it's not ideal, but its the only way I can see that we do what you're asking," Fitz said glumly. "You said it yourself, Sir. Daniels is single minded, obsessive, dangerous. He won't stop chasing her. He'll keep fighting until he gets what he wants." 

Coulson let out a heavy sigh as he began to analyze what Fitz was saying. "What's your plan?" 

"Based on the readings the drones gave us, Daniels was struggling to absorb all of that energy," Fitz started. "Unfortunately I had them all maxed out, but," Fitz flipped his tablet toward Coulson. "If we use high frequency rays, we should be able to completely overpower him." 

"And how do you plan to get that kind of energy?" Coulson seemed quite skeptical. 

"Stage lights are high output, and if we can modify that output to match these schematics, then it won't be just light waves hitting him, it'll be more like gamma rays," Fitz seemed quite sure of himself. 

"As long as it works," Coulson sighed. "Bellouve, let the others know we're going to the Star Theater, and to bring Ms. Nathan, we'll meet you there." 

"Yes sir," Mick nodded.

"I'm going to make sure the others are set, don't worry Ms. Nathan, I'll be right back. Agent Trip is quite the fighter," Mick said as jumped off the stage, heading toward the lighting booth. 

He opened the door to see Fitz working on three large weaponized lighting fixtures. "How is she?" Coulson asked as Mick frowned. 

"Scared, but I'd be more surprised if she wasn't," Mick said as Coulson shook his head. 

"You're sure this will work?" He turned to Fitz. 

"Well, I mean," Fitz began to stammer. "There's a small chance he absorbs the energy and becomes more powerful, and if that happens."

"We die, got that," Coulson groaned. "Where'd you get this idea anyway?" 

"Doctor Banner's research," Fitz replied. 

"Then I'm sure it'll work just fine," Coulson smiled. 

"Mick," Coulson held out the hilt of the beam saber Fitz had been working on. "You're better with swords. If this doesn't work," Coulson's voice trailed off. 

"I'll protect her," Mick nodded as he took the blade and held it tightly. 

"Good, bring these out to the others and get into position," Coulson said as Mick nodded.

Mick walked up to the stage with Audrey after getting signal that everyone was ready. "I'll be right here, he won't get through me," Mick said as Audrey nodded nervously. The spotlight turned on, shining on her as she began to play a beautiful slow melody on her cello. Mick watched from just off stage, his eyes focused on the entryway. Daniels would show up, he just had to. 

Ten minutes passed, several slow beautiful melodies, each laced with the sorrow and fear that Audrey had to be facing. The door closed as Audrey went stiff. 

"I thought I would find you here," Daniel's voice echoed through the auditorium. "You always turn to music to hide your emotions." 

"Please, leave me alone," Audrey whimpered, her hands trembling. 

"Please, keep playing," Daniels urged. "I'm not trying to scare you. I know I'm a horrible monster, but I just know that you can change me, save me." 

Audrey glanced around nervously as Mick nodded at her. She slowly began playing once more as Daniels eased closer, finally in range of their attack. Once he reached the edge of the stage, three beams of light shot at him with blinding intensity. Daniels screamed out in pain, using one hand to shield his eyes, the other he began launching dark matter pulses in the direction of Trip, then one at Jemma, turning one in Fitz's direction. 

"No!" Mick cried out rushing to protect Audrey, drawing the fierce rage of Daniels. He ignited the saber as it crackled and popped several times before the blade steadied. "Go now!" Mick growled as several dark matter blasts flew out him. He swung the saber, narrowly deflecting them. 

"Audrey! I'll find you!" Daniels roared as Audrey tripped as a blast ricocheted near her. 

"Please, stop," Audrey cried out as his energy blast began to overpower Mick, knocking the saber from his hand, then him to the ground. He slammed Mick several times with pulses, his body convulsing with surges of purple and black electric like sparks. "You're killing him!" Audrey cried as Daniels stopped his assault, looking at her tearful face. 

"I won't let anyone stop us from being together," Daniels said calmly as he pressed forward. 

"Go," Mick gasped as his hand reached out for Daniels' leg. "Get out of here." Mick panted. 

"You must have a special spark," Daniels spat looking down at Mick in disgust. 

"You have no idea," Mick choked. 

Daniels' then let out a loud roar of pain as Mick faintly made out three beams of light. He weakly reached for the hilt, then ignited it, slamming it into Daniels' chest. He let out a loud scream and his body began glowing with the increased intensity. Daniels' body began to ark as Mick used all of his remaining energy to jump between Audrey and Daniels as he exploded into a black cloud.

Mick's eyes opened as he found himself on the floor of the jet. "Sir, his body took in far too much of that explosion!" He heard Fitz saying. 

"I'm fine," Mick said in a whisper, panting as he felt his muscles twitch. 

"Mick!" Jemma exclaimed as Coulson and Fitz knelt beside him. "That was too reckless!" Jemma slammed her fist into his chest. 

"At least tell me Audrey was safe," Mick gasped as Jemma leaned on him. 

"Yeah, you did good," Coulson smiled. 

"Unfortunately, the saber was destroyed," Fitz frowned. 

"Hey, it was cool while it lasted," Mick smiled. 

"Please try to rest," Jemma urged as Mick frowned, Coulson and Fitz leaving the two alone in the mobile lab's floor.

"I'm fine," Mick said weakly. "Why are you so worried?" 

Jemma simply brushed his face, smiling in such an obscure way. "I always worry when you pass out like that." 

"Sorry I scared you," Mick sighed as his mind began to swirl. "Jemma," he winced. "It hurts, it all hurts!" 

"I'm right here," she said softly brushing his face as he twitched. "You're going to be okay," she said as he closed his eyes. 

When he came to, he felt like nothing ever happened. He started to get up, only to realize Jemma had left. "Simmons' will be glad you're awake. How you feel?" Trip asked as he walked into the lab. 

"I feel fine," Mick said as Trip helped him up. 

"That was pretty dang cool stabbing the guy with a lightsaber," Trip smirked. 

"It wouldn't have worked if you guys didn't pin him first," Mick smirked as they joined the others in the cargo bay. 

"Turns out I didn't have to carry him," Trip chuckled as Coulson nodded, and smiled came from Fitz and Simmons. 

"Well, let's see if Skye has any more work for us," Coulson pressed the button forcing the ramp down. "Uh, call me crazy, but did you notice that the Bus was missing?" 

"I wasn't going to say anything until I asked you if the others would've just left," Trip said as Coulson's face contorted. 

"Let's not overreact," Coulson took in a deep breath. "Trip, make sure Bellouve and Simmons get to medical. Fitz, you're with me."