Chapter 18: Mana

Liam, with a determined expression mixed with a touch of frustration, navigated through the chaotic corridors of the library. He felt like an adventurer lost in a magical maze, in search of the hidden treasure called the book "Mana for Kids".

Finally, spotting someone who seemed to be a library staff member, he approached with a mix of hope and nervousness, as if he were about to face a boss level in a video game.

"Excuse me," Liam began, his voice sounding somewhat shaky due to his uncertainty. "Could you help me find the book 'Mana for Kids'?"

The staff member, with a playful smile on his lips, almost bursting with amusement, pointed to the children's section with an exaggerated gesture, as if leading a circus presenter to the main stage.

"Sure, sir. It's in the children's section, right over there," said the staff member, almost holding back laughter.

Liam felt a wave of heat flood his face, turning it a shade of red that rivaled the fairy tale books on the shelves. He followed the staff member's instructions, navigating cautiously between the shelves filled with enchanted stories and fantastic worlds.

Among the fairy tales and magical adventures, Liam finally found the much sought-after book "Mana for Kids". He picked it up with a mixture of relief and determination, ready to unravel the mysteries that awaited within its pages.

Liam chose a child-sized armchair near the children's section and settled in to read the book.

With a resigned sigh, but also with a touch of excitement, Liam opened the book, prepared to dive into a journey of learning and discovery.

Upon opening the first page, he was met with a story about what mana is. The charming narrative and colorful illustrations instantly captivated his attention.

He immersed himself in the story, absorbing every word as he followed the journey of a young magic apprentice seeking to understand the mystery behind mana. Through the character's adventures, Liam began to understand more about the nature of magical energy.

"Mana is the life energy that permeates all things in the world. It is the source of power for mages and warriors, allowing them to perform incredible feats and cast powerful spells," Liam read aloud, amazed by the simplicity and clarity of the explanation.

As he continued to read, Liam found himself immersed in a world of fantasy and magic, where each page revealed new secrets and exciting possibilities. He could hardly believe that a children's book could contain so much wisdom and knowledge about the art of magic.

Curious, Liam continued reading. The second chapter was a story about how mana is obtained. With eyes shining with interest, he dove into the narrative, eager to discover more about this fundamental aspect of magic.

"Aha! Here it is!" exclaimed Liam as he read. "Mana can be obtained in various ways. Some find it in nature, in mana-rich places where one can acquire mana just by breathing. Others extract it from crystals and sources of magical energy. And there are those who develop their own mana through spiritual and meditative practices."

Liam pondered the different ways of obtaining mana, imagining the possibilities and challenges associated with each, and realized that the way he acquired his internal energy was more similar to the book's description of spiritual and meditative practices, but not entirely that.

Liam recalled the countless hours he spent training his body and mind to obtain his first trace of internal energy, and continued reading the children's book.

In the third chapter of the book "Mana for Kids", Liam encountered a charming story about mana manipulation. With his eyes fixed on the pages, he absorbed every word with growing fascination, recognizing a deep connection with what was being taught.

"Manipulating mana requires concentration and control," Liam read aloud, letting the words echo in the library air. He found himself immediately captured by the detailed description of the process, feeling as if he were rediscovering something he had always done.

As Liam delved into the reading, absorbing every word with fascination, he was interrupted by a high-pitched voice nearby.

"Shh! You're in a library, you have to be quiet!" exclaimed the child, frowning with irritation.

Liam, surprised by the sudden outburst from the child, looked around with a guilty expression on his face. He immediately recognized that he had let himself get carried away by the excitement of reading and was speaking too loudly.

"Sorry, really sorry," whispered Liam, lowering his voice to an almost inaudible whisper. "My bad."

The child, satisfied with having gotten Liam to quiet down, turned their attention back to their own book. Liam, feeling a bit embarrassed for causing a disturbance in the library, returned his attention to the pages of the book in front of him, determined not to make the same mistake again.

"It is necessary to tune in to the energy around you, visualizing it flowing through your body like a river of light," continued the mental reading. Liam closed his eyes for a moment, letting the description seep into his mind. He could feel the familiar sensation of his own internal energy, pulsating and vibrating in tune with the world around him.

"Once you master this, you can shape mana according to your will, directing it to perform incredible feats," Liam concluded, reflecting on the skills he already possessed and that were developed through various trials and errors in manipulating his own internal energy, with the guidance of some elders in his family.

As he read, Liam associated each concept with his own experience in using his internal energy. From the days he trained martial arts to the moments he channeled his determination to overcome challenges, he now recognized how each experience had prepared him for this moment.

As Liam progressed to the final story in the book, he found himself faced with the intriguing concept of mana transformation. With eyes gleaming with anticipation, he delved into the narrative, eager to discover more about this crucial step in mastering magic.

"Transforming mana is the fundamental step to its externalization," Liam read, absorbing every word with intense concentration. He understood that this was the key to making his internal energy tangible, empowering it to exist outside of his own body.

With care and dedication, Liam continued reading, immersed in the detailed explanation of how to condense and shape internal energy into a form that could be manipulated and controlled.

"In the book 'Mana for Kids', it is said that to transform the accumulated mana in the body into something tangible, the person must circulate mana through their meridians, thinking of an attribute to give to mana," Liam muttered to himself, visualizing the process in his mind. He understood that this step required not only technical skill, but also a deep connection with his own essence.

As Liam turned the last page of the book, a sense of accomplishment and enthusiasm enveloped him. He had absorbed an impressive amount of knowledge about mana manipulation, and every word seemed to resonate within him like a revelation.

"I did it! I finished the book!" exclaimed Liam, his voice overflowing with excitement and satisfaction.

However, his celebration was abruptly interrupted by the child's high-pitched voice beside him. With a look of disdain, the child asked, "What's a grown-up like you doing, getting all proud for reading a book that elementary school kids already master?"

Liam felt a wave of embarrassment wash over his face as the child's observation echoed in his mind. He realized that perhaps he had been acting a bit exaggeratedly for finishing a book intended for children.

"Oh, well, it's just that... I was really interested in the subject

!" Liam replied, trying to explain himself, but his words came out sounding apologetic.

The child huffed with disdain, turning back to their own book. Liam, feeling a little embarrassed, lowered his eyes to the book he had just read, reflecting on his exaggerated reaction.

However, despite the child's comment, Liam couldn't contain his inner enthusiasm. He felt invigorated and inspired by the journey he had undertaken through the pages of the book "Mana for Kids". Even though his reaction may have been somewhat exaggerated, he knew that the knowledge he gained there would be invaluable in his quest to master the art of magic.

With a determined smile, Liam closed the book and returned it to the shelf, ready to face the challenges that awaited him with renewed confidence and determination. "Now let's turn this knowledge into something useful, it's time to definitively learn 'Divine Protection'."