Zombie Apocalypse Chap 3:

Wang Yi has not forgotten those eyes, as if to blame him for not coming to rescue himself in time.

"You go out to buy compressed biscuits, energy bars, mineral water to store, don't buy snacks, and buy a few boxes of salt, I will call you over."

On the phone, Wang Yi's urgent voice came.

"Wang Yi, are you crazy? Why am I buying those things?"

There was an unbelievable voice over the phone.

It is estimated that she would have hung up the phone if it weren't for Wang Yi's voice.

"Do as I said, I will call you 50,000 yuan, buy the things, and I will pick you up in two months."

Wang Yi did not tell her the truth. If she told her directly that it would be the end of the world in three days, she would not listen to Wang Yi's words. Moreover, Wang Yi did this for a reason. He did not let her come directly, but let her be in southern Henan. Buy more compressed biscuits and other materials, and wait until you go north and pass by southern Henan, then you can rescue her and supplement the materials by the way.

"I don't know what you are going to do, but let's listen to you. How much should I buy?"

Although her voice was hesitant, she still chose to listen to Wang Yi.

"I'll call you 50,000 yuan in a while, buy more mineral water, and buy compressed biscuits, salt, and energy bars for the rest."

"Oh my God, you can buy these things for 50,000 yuan, I can't fit them in this room."

A surprised voice came from the phone.

"As many as you can, by the way, you must buy it within two days, and then you must not go out in the room!"

Listening to Wang Yi's somewhat impatient voice, she knew that Wang Yi did not joking with her.

"Okay, okay, I'll hang up first."

"Why are you going? Didn't you let you buy things!" Wang Yi suddenly increased his voice. "

"How can I buy those things without hanging up? I'm crazy."

There was a slightly angry voice, Wang Yi was not angry. He understood that this was a sign of her obedientness.

"Okay, be obedient, don't go out after you buy something, lock the door, and wait for me to find you."

Hang up the phone, go out, go straight to the elevator, now I don't have much time to prepare, I must speed up.


"What are you doing so fast!"

Wang Yi was very worried, but he didn't notice a young woman who came out of the elevator door.

"I'm sorry." Wang Yi didn't intend to stay, and after apologizing, he would continue to walk into the elevator.

"Hey hey, Wang Yi, what are you doing, so anxious?"

The young woman stopped Wang Yi.

"Huh? She knows me?"

Wang Yi carefully looked at the young woman in front of her. She had a delicate face, her brows were lightly frowning on her charming eyes, and one hand was soft on her belly. It should have been Wang Yi who hit her with pain just now.

After watching for a while, Wang Yi didn't remember who she was until he looked at the young woman a little scared, put his hands on her chest, and made a defensive gesture.

Li Mei, Wang Yi's neighbor, because he had been married to her husband for three years and had no children. The two often quarreled. After the end of the world, her husband became infected with a zombie. She staggered out and slapped Wang Yi's door frantically. But Wang Yi didn't dare to save her because of fear, and watched her being eaten by her husband bit by bit.

That was also the first time that Wang Yi had close contact with a zombie, otherwise Wang Yi would not be able to remember her, remember the woman who was only half of her body still wailing for Wang Yi to save her.

"Oh! Sister Mei, I went out to do something. I went too fast. I didn't pay attention. Forgive me!"

"Hmph, you kid don't know what bad things you are going to do, pay attention next time."

He turned around and walked towards the door of his house, rubbing his belly with one hand. Maybe the bump did hurt her just now.

"By the way, Sister Mei, I heard that there seems to be a virus these days. You'd better buy something to eat and drink at home for later use."

Wang Yi thought about it or told her euphemistically to let her buy something. As for whether his husband would become a zombie, Wang Yi didn't think about it.

Even if he was reborn, many things might have changed. Whether she listens or not is her business.

"Hey, what virus, why haven't I heard of it?"

Wang Yi ignored Li Mei's question, turned around and walked into the elevator.

"What Wang Yi said is upside-down. Forget it, I'd rather believe it. Now there are too many flus, so let's just listen to him to buy something and save it."

Li Mei hovered in the elevator entrance, returned home and put the bag away, took some money and hurried out.

Going downstairs and heading straight to the underground garage, Wang Yi finally found his second-hand Jetta in a corner of the garage, relying on the remaining impression in his memory.



He patted the hood vigorously. Hearing the sound that was still thick, Wang Yi suddenly smiled.

"Long time no see, old man!"

Gently stroking the already yellowed car body, Wang Yi still cannot forget. At the beginning of the end of the world, it was this second-hand Jetta who rushed out of the thousands of zombies with him. Without it, I am afraid that Wang Yi would have become Food for zombies.

"Who is that, is there something wrong with your head."

A harsh sound suddenly sounded, interrupting Wang Yi's thoughts. Wang Yi turned his head to look and saw a man of about twenty-seven and eighty-eight standing in front of an X5 looking at him.

The thin and tall figure, the decent suit, and the brand new X5 parked beside him seemed to tell of his young and promising identity, but the slightly frowning eyebrows behind the rimless gold glasses did reveal A strange look.

He despised Wang Yi, the man who drove a broken car and seduce his wife.

Chen Jiaming, Li Mei's husband, is considered young and promising. Of course, it has something to do with the support of his family. He opened a company by himself. Although it is not large in scale, it is considered a small asset in Jinling.

He has a good life. He has a career outside and a wife at home, but the only thing is that he can't do that. But Chen Jiaming didn't realize it. He always believed that if a man succeeded, he would fail. It was that aspect that failed.

Ever since he knew that he could not give birth to a child, Chen Jiaming's attitude towards Li Mei has changed. He is suspicious and always suspects that his wife will cheat. Li Mei is strictly forbidden to contact other men. Even a few words will trigger Chen Jiaming's jealousy.

But they live on the same floor as Wang Yi, and sometimes there will be some exchanges that are unavoidable, that is, they are limited to ordinary neighbors. When they see it, they say hello. Such things as eating or not eating are normal. But in Chen Jiaming In his eyes, he felt that his wife and Wang Yi were too close.

Seeing Wang Yi still pretending to be stupid, as if he didn't know him, Chen Jiaming felt angry. He felt that it was necessary to remind Wang Yi to stay away from his wife.

"Heh! This broken car doesn't need to be parked in the garage, anyway, it's so broken, it's better to put it outside for ventilation to save moldy!"

Chen Jiaming walked up to Wang Yi and kicked the Jetta door hard, making a "bang" sound.

"Hey, fuck!" Wang Yi twisted his eyebrows into twists, with a trace of puzzlement in his eyes, looking at the arrogant man in front of him.

Who is he? Wang Yi quickly searched his mind about what it had to do with him, but he didn't have the impression of the man in front of him.

In the ten years of the last days, Wang Yi has already forgotten what should be forgotten, and Wang Yi also does not remember clearly what should not be forgotten.

"Still acting stupid with me!"

Chen Jiaming saw that Wang Yi still had that plain expression. His heart couldn't help but his anger surged, breaking through his mind, and his facial muscles trembled uncontrollably. People who are familiar with him would never expect that the usually elegant Chen Jiaming would have This side.

"Fuck boy! You stay away from my wife in the future!"

Chen Jiaming suddenly violent, stretched out his hands to grab Wang Yi's collar, and shouted something that made Wang Yi puzzled.

You kicked my car just now, now let me stay away from his wife?


Wang Yi lingered in his heart, letting him pull his collar, or Wang Yi did not hide at all. Although this body ten years ago was not that strong, it was still strong enough to support Wang Yi and stretched out in Chen Jiaming. The moment his arm broke his neck, Wang Yi didn't want that. Wang Yi could kill him, but he had to figure out why.

"you are...?"

The tone was still so calm, as if he hadn't seen the flushed face of the man in front of him.

"who am I?"

Chen Jiaming's chest was ups and downs, and the look in Wang Yi's eyes was even more fierce.

It seemed that he punched hard, but hit the cotton pile, making Chen Jiaming frustrated.

"You are so crazy with my wife Li Mei every day. You don't know who I am. It seems that Lao Tzu is going to teach you a lesson!"

Wang Yi even saw in his roaring mouth his back molars with a trace of black fur, and what followed was his fist clenched with thin white fingers.


A muffled sound!

The scene Chen Jiaming imagined did not appear, but the boy in front of him suddenly stretched out his palm and clenched his fist.


A sound of bone rubbing sounded, and Wang Yi's palm slowly contracted until the man in front of him showed a trace of pain.

"Oh! I remember, you are Li Mei's husband!"

Wang Yi suddenly realized that he just saw Li Mei upstairs, and then he saw Li Mei's husband in the underground garage in a blink of an eye. It seems that he and their family are really destined.

"Sigh~Yes! Since you know I am Li Mei's husband, stay away from Li Mei!"

Chen Jiaming managed to endure the pain in his palm and shouted these words at Wang Yi, but the violent veins on his forehead still exposed his situation at this time.


The palm of Chen Jiaming's fist continued to be pressed hard, but Wang Yi's mouth showed a strange smile.

Wang Yi clearly remembered whether there was anything between himself and his wife Li Mei. Although it was a misunderstanding, the man in front of him just pulled his collar by the collar. Wang Yi couldn't bear this.

In Wang Yi's memory, the person in front of him, Li Mei's husband, had been infected with a zombie when the end of the world broke out, but Wang Yi didn't mind. Before he became a zombie, let him experience the most painful things in the world. , Who made him offend himself just now.