Zombie Apocalypse Chap 13

Li Mei sat on the sofa in a panic, Wang Yi took out a box of cigarettes, threw one to Li Mei, and sat aside and started smoking.


Li Mei can't smoke, but she wants to use the smoke to calm her fragile mind.

For a while, there was no extra sound in the whole room except for Li Mei's cough.

"Wang Yi, has the whole Jinling become like this?"

Li Mei's weak voice broke the silence in the room.

"Not just Jinling, the whole country, the whole world, wherever there is air, there will be zombies, the monster you just hacked to death!"

Although Li Mei had the answer in her heart, she couldn't help but open her small mouth when she heard what Wang Yi said.

"Then, how did they become zombies? Why do they attack humans?"

Li Mei continued to ask.

"You don't need to know this, and don't ask."

Wang Yi interrupted Li Mei's question directly.

Li Mei grinned when Wang Yi's tone was bad, and she started crying again when she sat on the sofa.

"Okay, don't cry, I ask you, your husband is dead, what are you going to do in the future?"

Wang Yi picked up the machete and asked Li Mei as he wiped it.

"I want to follow you, can you take me to live?"

Li Mei stopped sobbing, her tears still rolling in her eyes, and she raised her head slightly, looking like I was pitiful, which made people want to hold her in her arms for comfort.

Although Wang Yi had this idea, he still had something to say.

"If you can survive, I can't guarantee you. You follow me and I will teach you how to deal with zombies, but I won't protect you all the time. Everything depends on you."

After listening to Wang Yi's words, Li Mei didn't show any expression, and silently lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking.

Wang Yi didn't ask, in the last days, anyone who depends on it will fall. Only if you are strong can you survive, whether it is a zombie or a human!

Wipe the machete clean and put it on the coffee table. Wang Yi pointed to the food and the like brought back from Li Mei's house next to him, and said to Li Mei.

"There is a gas tank in the kitchen. You should change your clothes first, and then cook some food. We will go out once we finish eating."

Li Mei was lowering her head thinking about what she should do in the future, when she suddenly heard Wang Yi say something, she hesitated a little, and hurried to the bedroom to change her clothes.

After a while, Li Mei came out wearing a set of sportswear and carried things to the kitchen.

Wang Yi went into the bedroom and wanted to change the camouflage uniform covered in black blood from zombies, but saw a set of **** underwear being randomly thrown on the cabinet.

"This Li Mei even changed her underwear, probably because she thinks zombies are too disgusting."

Muttered, Wang Yi took off his camouflage uniform and threw it aside, revealing his strong body.

I just took off the underwear that Li Mei had hung on the cabinet, and wanted to open the cabinet and find a shorts to put it on.


With a soft cry, Li Mei stood at the door with a shovel, covering her mouth with one hand, looking at Wang Yi with shock.


Li Mei also heard the sound in the bedroom, and remembered that the underwear she just took off had been confiscated, so she wanted to put it away. Who knows, when she got to the door, she saw Wang Yi naked, holding the underwear she changed!

Hearing a scream, Wang Yi thought that something was wrong with Li Mei, turned his head to look, but saw Li Mei staring at him at the door.

Wang Yi didn't notice that he was holding Li Mei's underwear in his hand, and easily blocked Li Mei's underwear in his important parts.

This was a natural reaction. No matter who was naked and suddenly seen by others, he would block his hidden parts with his hands, but Wang Yi just forgot that he still had Li Mei's underwear in his hand.

"You, you, can you give me some time?"

"Although my husband and I have a bad relationship, he has been with me for many years after all. Please give me some time to let me adapt?"

Li Mei wanted to say that you are a stinky rascal, but when the words came to her lips, after another thought, now the world is like this, what can she do? I had to beg Wang Yi to give her some time to let her adapt.

Li Mei was careful when he said that, fearing that Wang Yi's beastly hair would make the overlord bow hard.

Seeing Li Mei's pleading expression, Wang Yi's face flushed.

"It's really embarrassing to do this. I accidentally became a villain who took advantage of others." Although Wang Yi had some ideas, it was not the time yet.

"Uh, yes, I will give you time to think about it slowly."

Wang Yi said such a word in a wicked manner, and then watched Li Mei go back to the kitchen with a grateful expression, and did not feel anything wrong with what he said.

After changing his clothes, Wang Yi checked the time. It was already noon and he could absorb the second piece of basic meat.

After several years of human summary in the previous life, it is concluded that the human body's limit for absorbing basic meat is six hours. In other words, it is best to eat four yuan a day. Hours of time.

Wang Yi put the basalized meat washed with alcohol in his mouth, and then began to do vigorous exercise again. After a while, Wang Yi's gasping sound came out in the living room.

Li Mei watched Wang Yi doing push-ups and sit-ups in the kitchen, thinking that Wang Yi couldn't stand the stimulation just now and was venting.

I thought for a while, but I felt that Wang Yi was particularly contradictory. When he was downstairs just now, Wang Yi cruelly kicked himself against the zombies, wanting to be killed by the zombies. It can be seen that he is not a good person. At the time, I thought he was today. He must die, but then he saved himself again.

Just now, he clearly wanted to do something to his underwear, and he could be violent to himself. He estimated that he could not resist, but he said that he would give himself time to adapt and didn't use it **** himself. Now he is doing all kinds of sports to vent. He didn't want to touch himself, so he was really a complicated and contradictory person!

Shaking her hair, Li Mei no longer thinks about this, and cooking with peace of mind may not be a good choice for her.

After half an hour.

"It's dinner, Wang Yi."

Li Mei cooked four dishes and sat quietly at the dining table, waiting for Wang Yi to come over for dinner.

Wang Yi had just absorbed the energy of the basic meat and was washing his body with a bucket in the bathroom. He heard Li Mei shouting to herself, and wiping it randomly with a bath towel on her body. He came out with only a pair of underwear. What is inappropriate.

Li Mei didn't care when he saw that Wang Yi was only wearing underwear. After all, he didn't even wear underwear just now, and he was not a little girl, and was not so shy.

Looking at the bulging muscles of Wang Yi, Li Mei felt a little stronger than before, but Wang Yi did not take the initiative to say, Li Mei did not dare to ask, for fear that Wang Yi was saying something that didn't concern you. ,ask for contempt.

Wang Yi came out of the bathroom and watched Li Mei sitting quietly at the dining table waiting for him. He was satisfied with Li Mei. He didn't say much. He walked to the table and sat down, taking Li Meisheng's meal and eating.

"You cook well."

This is the first time Wang Yi has praised Limei.

It may be that in this short half-day, Li Mei has experienced too much, fearing that the zombies will eat her, and fearing that Wang Yi will throw her away. When facing Wang Yi, she always tightens her nerves. Hearing Wang Yi's compliment at this time, she laughed out loud, and her slightly raised face revealed her confidence in her cooking. This is the only thing she can take right now.

Although Wang Yi has seen many women in his previous life, it's not just the ruined flowers and the willows, or the ugly, the woman in the last days, how can there be the posture of the young woman next door like Li Mei.

Seeing Li Mei's charming smile, Wang Yi reacted inadvertently, but it was hard to say, so he had to wait until the meal was over and let Li Mei go back to the bedroom to rest, and he actively proposed to wash the dishes and pots, until Li Mei rose up to Wang Yi. A touch of goodwill.