Zombie Apocalypse Chap 39

"Listen to you!"

Li Mei immediately stopped the raised palm, stood up and looked at Wang Yi with affectionate expression, with a gentle appearance, completely different from the **** just now.

The woman who was beaten heard Wang Yi speak to make Li Mei stop, and slowly gained her eyes and glanced at Wang Yi with gratitude. She just wanted to say a few good things, but she heard Wang Yi tell Li Mei.

"Put away the things and wait in the car. I will cut some of their hamstrings away and let them attract the zombies. It will be convenient for us to go out!"

Ignoring Li Mei's shocked eyes, Wang Yi picked up the machete on the ground and walked towards the men.

Li Mei hurriedly stopped Wang Yi from behind, hesitating slightly.

"Brother Yi, let them go, they can't run anyway."

"I don't want accidents!"

Wang Yi didn't turn his head back, and when he finished speaking abruptly, he opened the two hamstrings of Brother Zeng, his movements were extremely skillful, as if cutting melons and vegetables were so easy.


Brother Zeng was still in a trance and felt that his feet were no longer in contact with him. He screamed, and barely opened his eyelids, but saw Wang Yi stepping over him with a **** machete, towards the yellow hair. A few people go!

If you read it right, the blood on the knife belongs to your own, it flows out after your hamstrings were cut off!

"I'm Cao Nima!"

"Are you not a human being!"

A series of foul language was cursed from the "angry brother Zeng", his voice trembling because of the pain, but he still stared at Wang Yi, wishing to eat Wang Yi alive. Zeng knew what Wang Yi wanted to do. Wudi, he had already seen the zombies running towards several people in the distance, and asked about the smell of his blood in the air.

Wang Yi couldn't hear it. Amidst the shouts and curses of those people, all their hamstrings were cut off. Several women were scared into tears, crying and begging Wang Yi to let them go.

From ancient times to the present, there have been many examples of snakes killed and bitten, regardless of strength or weakness.

Wang Yi felt that this matter was right, and he should do the same.

"All right!"

"When all the zombies are attracted, let's go!"

Li Mei didn't say anything, and got into the truck silently.

Wang Yi didn't care about Li Mei. Although this lady was sometimes pungent, she was still very soft-hearted and could only adjust slowly later.

He started the truck and looked at the dense steel bars in front of the windshield, Wang Yi felt more or less safe in his heart!


The first zombie had already rushed to Huang Mao's body, biting his legs fiercely, and the blood was scattered on the ground. The zombies coming from behind seemed to be stimulated by this scene, and they rushed on several people for a while. Flesh and flesh fly, screaming again and again!


"Mom! Come and save me!"


The woman was bitten by the zombie and dropped her chin, and the pale tracheal branch was "outside", blood dripped in along the trachea, two blood blisters appeared from time to time, making a ho-ho sound.


"Kill me, kill me!"

The two young men smashed their hands fiercely towards their faces, trying to stun themselves and alleviate their pain, but how could the zombies make them do what they wanted, hoarse their arms, bit their legs and lower abdomen, as if Listening to the screams of a few people can even promote the appetite of the zombies. After a while, their lower body is only left with bones.

Huang Mao watched only a few traces of dark red flesh attached to his two thighs, and his intestines flowed all over the floor. He slowly opened his lips and howled silently towards the sky, before he lost consciousness.

Brother Zeng had four zombies lying on his body, slowly gnawing flesh and blood from bottom to top. From time to time, his paws were pulled in from his lower abdomen, bringing out a section of intestines or internal organ fragments, and putting them in his mouth to chew, as if the two were matched. Eat more fragrant.

Brother Zeng stared at Wang Yi, his mouth clenched tightly, and he didn't scream because the zombies were biting on him, but he could tell from the facial muscles he pulled out and the broken teeth that he spat out from time to time. It is not that he is not afraid of the pain, but endures it with all his might!


"You must not die, I curse you, you will definitely go to hell!"

"You must die!"

Across the thick armor of the truck, Brother Zeng suddenly burst into bloodthirsty light, repeating loudly to Wang Yi, his body was already shaking involuntarily, his teeth were stained red with blood, and his face was terrifying.

"Ha ha!"

Wang Yi smiled silently at Brother Zeng through the glass. Seeing the fading color in his eyes, he could no longer hear the wailing of a few people.

Start the truck, and slam past the zombies in front of you!


Several zombies who were still attacking Wang Yi and Li Mei in the car were directly hit and flew eight or nine meters away, and they couldn't get up no matter how hard they struggled on the ground.

The bones they had been hit were all shattered, and Wang Yi and Li Mei sitting in the car didn't feel much vibration at all, but felt that the car body swayed slightly, and a few zombies flew out.

"It seems that those few days I stayed up late were not in vain."

With a soft murmur, Wang Yi suddenly accelerated, and his generous wheels pressed over several zombies, making a creaking sound, and drove towards the exit of the community.

There were some zombies along the way, but they were either directly knocked into flight, or they were left behind and hung far away.


"There is a car ahead!"

Li Mei suddenly pointed to the front of the car and shouted eagerly.

When Wang Yi looked at it, he saw a red Civic obliquely in the middle of the road. The driver was no longer visible, leaving only a pool of dry blood on the ground.

This car was slanting on the road, leaving only a passage about one meter and five meters wide beside it. Not to mention trucks, it is impossible for ordinary cars to drive past normally!

However, Wang Yi didn't worry about it. This truck had a large horsepower, nearly 500 horsepower, even if it was not much worse than an ordinary semi-trailer, plus Wang Yi's modification, it doesn't need a car like this one. You can open it just by refueling!


Even though Wang Yi had confidence in the truck and his own modification, he was about to slow down in front of the car, and when he felt the steel shovel in front of the car touched the car, he slammed on the accelerator.

"Yi Scan...!"

The truck pushed the Civic and rubbed violently, and the dark wheels left long marks on the ground, slowing the truck's speed. The zombies coming from behind seized the opportunity to grab the guard bars on both sides of the truck and did not let go. Let the truck drag them forward, showing the zombies' dedication to flesh and blood.


As the truck's resistance became lighter, the front Civic was pushed aside by the sloping steel shovel and squeezed to the side of the building wall.

The loud noise caused the surviving humans on both sides to open the windows and look downstairs.

I saw a strangely-shaped truck ramming in the community, and there were people who couldn't help it.


"Brother, take me for a ride. I have a lot of money. As long as you take me out, I will give you half of my money!"

A bald man on the ninth floor stretched out his head and shouted at the truck downstairs.

Other survivors followed suit one after another, but Wang Yi and Li Mei couldn't hear anything amid the huge roar of the truck. Even if Wang Yi heard it, they wouldn't stop to wait for them.

Just kidding, how much money can money be worth in the last days? Besides, there are a bunch of zombies behind the car following far away, how could it be possible to stop and take them away!

At this moment, in a building in front of Wang Yi's truck, in the window on the third floor, a man about 30 years old stretched his head out, watching Wang Yi's truck approaching gradually, turning his head to face the pink jade behind him Said the little girl.

"Quietly, put this schoolbag on your back. It contains all your favorite snacks. Dad has packed it for you. After a while, the truck will come over. Dad will hold you and jump on the roof of the car. You must hurry. !

"Dad, daddy, don't we want mom?"

The little girl gently tugged at the corner of the man's clothes, pointed to the door blocked by the table, chair, cabinet and asked.