Zombie Apocalypse Chap 43

"Quick, kill that zombie!"

Before Wang could feel the graceful figure, he yelled anxiously in Li Mei's ear.

Li Mei stopped sobbing, knowing that this is not the time when his children are in love, quickly got up, picked up the iron rod that fell on the side, and ran to the zombie who had just gotten up by the roadside.

The zombie watched Li Mei take the initiative to come forward, shouted excitedly, and greeted him with his paw.

Li Mei's eyes were hateful, and with all her strength, she hit the zombie on the shoulder!

Click! !

The zombie's shoulder was hit by this iron rod, and it collapsed directly, and the ribs instantly came out of the stomach, bringing out a broken intestine!

Li Mei didn't give the zombies any time to breathe, and continued to wave the iron rod, and furiously beat the zombies.

Bang bang bang! !

Wang Yi didn't even see Li Mei's movements clearly. The zombies had fallen to the ground motionless, but Li Mei didn't mean to let go of the zombies. He looked mad, and kept smashing them down with an iron rod, still muttering words in his mouth.

"Let you hurt my man!! See my old lady not kill you a monster!"


"Don't fight, come and help me!"

Wang Yi felt that his waist gradually gained strength and his body was controlled by his consciousness again. He quickly said to Li Mei who was still torturing the zombies.


Li Mei slowed down, dropped the iron rod in her hand, skipped a few steps to slowly lift Wang Yi up.


The sudden pain in the waist caused Wang Yi to crack his teeth.

Slowly turning a few times, feeling that his lower body has completely recovered. Wang Yi had no time to think about it, and hurriedly looked along the bridge, vaguely watching the group of zombies showing no signs of coming here. It seems that the zombies just now roared. A few sounds have not alarmed them.

"Li Mei, you take the key to open the car and let those people come over!"

Wang Yi gave the key to Li Mei.

After Li Mei took the key and walked to the car, she creaked, and the people in the car finally saw the light again.

"You come down first. You encounter some danger in front of you. Let's discuss how to get there."

After Li Mei said this, she stood aside and waited for a few people to come down.

"thanks, thanks!"

Several people were grateful and thanked Li Mei again and again.

A total of seven people, three men and three women, plus a little girl, followed Li Mei towards Wang Yi.

"It's you!"

The luxurious woman pointed at Wang Yi with a look of surprise.

"This is the man I told you about that led the zombies to the top of the building!"

The luxurious woman said to the people behind, and then turned her head back to Wang Yi with a grateful expression.

"Thank you so much. If it weren't for you, we might have been eaten by those monsters."

As she talked, tears fell from the luxurious woman's eyes, and the people behind her looked at Wang Yi with gratitude.

"Quietly, come over and thank this uncle!"

The middle-aged man walked over with his daughter, and the little girl's crisp voice sounded.

"Thank you uncle, thank you auntie,"


Wang Yi looked at the delicate appearance of the little girl and couldn't help smiling at the girl, but who thought Wang Yi was fighting with the zombies just now, his face was covered with blood, don't laugh too much like a bad person, and scared the little girl. Cry, hide behind my father and dare not come out!

"Uh! This brother, my daughter is a little bit scared, don't be offended."

The middle-aged man looked embarrassed.

Li Mei quickly stepped forward and hugged the little girl in her arms and gently coaxed her. Her biggest regret was that she had no children. How could she not be happy to see such a cute little girl now.


"Everyone listen to me!"

Wang Yi waved his hand and interrupted several people's thanks.

"It's too early to say thank you."

"I know a few people who have survived the disaster, and I must be very emotional, but it is a bit early to say these words. On the opposite side, about three to four hundred meters away, there is a group of zombies stuck in the middle of the road, and there is a bus behind it. Now that we can't get through, how can you tell me how to get there!"

Wang Yi did this with the idea of ​​brainstorming. After all, there is a lot of people and power. A group of people is better than Wang Yi and Li Mei, and then I want to see how many of these people can be useful to Wang Yi. People!

When several people heard Wang Yi's words, they quickly looked in the direction of Wang Yi's finger.

Sure enough, a group of zombies could be seen faintly wandering aimlessly in the front, and a large passenger car was stopped in the road behind, and the front of the car had broken the guardrail of the bridge.

"This, what can I do!"

"Finally escaped, still being entangled by those monsters!"

The young man in a white coat looked desperate, and patted his forehead fiercely, almost squeezing the pimples!

"do not talk!"

The luxurious woman suddenly stopped the young man's crying, looked around the front of the truck, and said to Wang Yi.

"Sir, I think your truck has been modified and should be very resistant to collisions. Why don't you just kill the zombies directly, and then let's go down and push the bus down!"

Several other people listened to what she said and found it feasible, and nodded silently.


Wang Yi interrupted the woman directly and said.

"There are too many zombies on the opposite side. There are thirty or forty zombies, and they are scattered. If the truck drives past, it will not be all killed. If they are allowed to seize the opportunity to climb on the windshield and block the view, we will be like nothing. The head flies are usually everywhere, and they are very likely to fall off the bridge. By then, the people in this vehicle will be killed in the Yangtze River. It is too dangerous!"

Several people heard what Wang Yi said, looking at the steel-reinforced car windows, they also understood Wang Yi's worries, and all of them were frowning for a while.

"Brother Yi, the zombie has a sensitive nose. We can find a way to attract the zombies to one place, and then drive them all to death!"

Li Mei hugged the little girl and said softly to Wang Yi.

Before Wang Yi could speak, the little girl's father patted his forehead and said excitedly.

"Brother, I thought of a good way!"

"Isn't she just saying that zombies have a keen sense of smell? When they smell blood, they will swarm. Let's do this. First tie a rope on the edge of the bridge, and then one person will go over to attract the zombies, and wait for him to run to the rope From there, tie the rope to your body, and then jump down the bridge, and we will drag him up when the zombies are led down!"

"But zombies are not without IQ, but their brains are slower than normal people. Whether humans or animals, it is instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. What's more, they are powerful zombies. They may fall a few because of crowding, but absolutely I won't jump all over without hesitation!"

The method that the middle-aged man said was very close to what Wang Yi had in mind, but it was still a bit close.


The luxurious woman in a white coat pointed to the steel shovel on the front of the truck and said.

"We can wait for all the zombies to gather at the bridge, suddenly start the truck, whether they like it or not, just push them all down!"

"it is good!"

Wang Yi patted his palms.

"It seems that these people saved are not useless!"