Zombie Apocalypse Chap 50

A total of six zombies entered in file, and two zombies were tripped by the iron door that suddenly collapsed, but nothing happened. They got up and continued to rush toward the blood-red aunt's towel.

Jiang Li and Chen Hui on the third floor didn't seem to have thought that this aunt's towel would be so attractive to zombies, and they couldn't help but feel lingering when they watched the zombies swarming downstairs.

The six men on the second floor had already lifted the steel plate in twos and stood in line in front of the window. It was Zhang Fei and Yang Bing who were in the lead. They just waited for the zombie to reach the position of the aunt's towel and threw the steel plate in their hands. It is blooming!


The fastest zombie had already ran under the window, and was about to pounce on the tempting aunt's towel to kiss the couple, when suddenly a steel plate that fell from the sky slammed its head.

"Kang Dang!

The zombie was hit in the shoulder directly, and the whole body suddenly fell to the side!

After throwing the steel plate, Zhang Fei and Yang Bing did not go to see if the zombies were hit. Instead, they immediately retreated to both sides, leaving the window to the two brothers Li Long Li Hu behind them.

The first zombie that arrived was suddenly smashed by the steel plate falling from the sky on his shoulders, and the zombie that followed did not react for a while because of the tight follow. He jumped hard, thinking that he could pounce on the aunt's towel. , But seeing that the aunt's towel was suddenly pressed by a steel plate and disappeared, the zombie immediately felt that something was not good, and it was too late when it wanted to withdraw it. It had already risen into the air, lying on the steel plate in embarrassment.


Before the zombie got up, the second steel plate followed, and with a bang, it hit the zombie who was about to roll over on the steel plate.


The few people upstairs only heard a sound similar to the explosion of a wheel, but Li Long and Li Hu didn't have time to look down. They were like Zhang Fei. After throwing the steel plate down, they immediately withdrew to both sides. The location was reserved for Liu Yang and Jiang Li's husband Zhang Cong in the car's 4s shop.

Although the men on the second floor did not see the horror of the zombie, Chen Hui and Jiang Li on the third floor could see clearly in front of the window.

I saw that the zombie was sandwiched between the middle of the body by two steel plates, and the whole belly burst open suddenly, and the intestines and internal organs overflowed from the middle of the two steel plates, like a hamburger with more cheese sauce, except that the cheese sauce was dark black. , Accompanied by a stench!

The jet black blood sprayed on the ground, making people lose their appetite.

But the zombie's vitality is indeed tenacious. Even if it's pressed like this, its limbs are still moving, trying to push the steel plate away, but it no longer has the strength to push the steel plate. He didn't move at all, pressed tightly on it.

Even if the zombie has no pain and its vitality is stubborn, once its body is severely damaged, it will lose the ability to move like ordinary people, but the process of death is a bit slow.

The next zombies did not have that bad luck. Seeing that the first two zombies had been knocked down, they quickly stopped their steps and did not dare to move forward.

But Liu Yang and Zhang Cong are not stupid. Yang Bing guessed that this might happen when a few people lifted the steel plate. He told a few people to try to throw the steel plate as far away as possible when the last two people were throwing the steel plate. The zombies saw that the front was smashed, and the rest did not dare to move on.

At this time, the zombies behind did not continue to move forward, but stood in front of the zombies that was smashed into a hamburger and slowly raised their heads and looked towards the second floor window. Even if they no longer have the consciousness of a normal person, they can feel it. The steel plate flew down from the second floor window.


A zombie in a security uniform was looking up at the window on the second floor, but suddenly saw something flying out of the window, quickly attacking him!

The security zombies reacted quickly and quickly retreated to the back, but who would have thought that the few zombies at the back might feel that the steel plate could not hit them, so they did not retreat, but looked at the steel plate and kept roaring, as if they could The steel plate roars back in general.

This move made the security zombie pit bitter and unable to retreat. When he kicked his feet **** the ground, he stepped on the intestines of the zombie that had just been smashed by the steel plate. The foot slipped and fell with a grunt. When it reaches the ground, the steel plate also falls!


The steel plate hit the security zombie's legs without error, and there was a crisp sound. The security zombie's legs were directly broken. The security zombie quickly grabbed the ground with both claws, trying to crawl forward, but The legs were firmly pressed by the heavy steel plate, and the zombies could not move the slightest after struggling for a long time!

Zhang Fei and the others on the second floor threw all the steel plates down, and hurriedly lied down at the window to see how the results were.

I saw that the original six zombies are still intact and only three are left. One of the other three zombies has been blasted by the steel plate, and one is standing aside in a strange posture, one shoulder High, one shoulder is low, two ribs have penetrated through the belly, dripping with traces of blood on the ground, terrible.

Another zombie was hit by a steel plate in his feet, and was dragging the steel plate towards the gate with anger, leaving long blood stains on the ground.

The four zombies downstairs that are still able to move, three good and one disabled. Seeing a few figures appeared on the second floor, they may have realized that these steel plates were thrown down by them. Together, their eyes suddenly gave out cruel eyes. , Constantly yelling at several people upstairs.

"Brother Fei, let's go down and fight with these zombies!!"

Li Long saw that there were only four zombies downstairs, and one of them was not threatening, and he said to Zhang Fei eagerly.

"Yes, Brother Fei, if we don't wait for the zombies to hit the door and come in, we won't have an advantage in numbers."

Yang Bing on the side considers more than Li Long and the others. There are now four zombies, but there are these six men upstairs. If the zombie with limited mobility is not included, then Zhang Fei and others are quite the same. Yu two people beat a zombie.

But if the zombies are allowed to enter the house, the place is small. Although Zhang Fei and the others have killed a few zombies, after all, they rely on more people to win. The house is so big, and the zombies only need to injure a few of them. For a moment, these people will be infected with the virus, and it is far from safe to fight with zombies outside.

"it is good!

"When we went out for a while, Yang Bing and I dealt with a zombie with a collapsed shoulder, and the zombie in sportswear, Liu Yang and Zhang Cong dealt with the female zombie, and the remaining one was handed over to your two brothers."

Zhang Fei said to the brothers Li Long and Li Hu.

Several people nodded after hearing this. Zhang Fei's decision was also very correct. Liu Yang and Zhang Cong were not people doing manual work, and they were not as strong as Zhang Fei and others, so they gave him the thin female zombie. both.

Zhang Fei and Yang Bing are the two most burly people among the few. They dealt with two zombies and one of them was half-handed, so it should be no problem.

"Let's go out and fight the zombies!"

Zhang Fei gritted his teeth and rushed out with a machete decisively on his face. Except for Liu Yang and Zhang Cong who took two steel pipes, the remaining Yang Bing, Li Long and Li Hu all took them. Wang Yi asked Zhang Fei to make a machete.