Zombie Apocalypse Chap 58

"You, you, you are too much!"

Wang Yi's stern tone made Ling Xuan shudder, the corners of her mouth grinned, her big eyes closed, and the tears that had just stopped flowed again.

"Uuuuuu...you bully me, they bully me too, uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"

Xiao Nizi cried very sadly, her hands kept wiping tears, and her thin shoulders twitched.

"Yi, Brother Yi, let it go, I don't think this girl did it on purpose."

Lin Feng, who was supporting Li Hu, saw that Ling Xuan was crying miserably, and he couldn't help thinking of his daughter Xiao Jingjing, who loved the house and Wuxia, and hurriedly persuaded him.

"Yi, Brother Yi, I'm fine, just, it just hurts a bit." Li Hu said, the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably, as if he was cooperating with Ling Xuan on the opposite side. of.

"Forget it, let's do it." Wang Yi waved his hand. After all, the opposite was just a girl movie. Since there was no big problem, Wang Yi didn't want to continue to pursue it.

"Can't delay anymore, I'm going to the 4s shop soon." He raised his hand and glanced at the watch. It was almost noon. If you have time here, you can return to the repair shop to determine when.

"and many more!"

Suddenly, Ling Xuan vaguely heard Wang Yi saying that she was going to the 4S shop, and immediately stopped crying, and opened her mouth to stop the few people who were helping Li Hu to go back.

"Why, something else?" Wang Yi turned around and looked at Ling Xuan, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly, obviously a little unhappy.

"Well, are you going to the 4S store over there?" Ling Xuan stretched out her small hand and pointed weakly to the front of the road.

"Why, what are you doing?" Wang Yi said in a bad tone.

"Yes, can you take me there?" Ling Xuan suddenly became excited, trotting two steps, and almost hit Wang Yi's arms.

"Take you? Didn't you just come from over there?"

Lin Feng on the side asked casually, this little girl had just walked from that direction, now why is she going back again.

"Oh! Can't explain it to you, let's go quickly!" Ling Xuan suddenly lost control of her emotions, grabbed Wang Yi's palm, and ran towards the 4S shop frantically.

"Hey, hey! We have a car!"

God knows where this little Nizi came from so much strength, turned Wang Yi somersault.

"Huh? Have a car? That's better!"

Ling Xuan reacted in an instant. Seeing where a military green pickup truck was in the direction of Wang Yi's finger, she immediately released Wang Yi's palm, ran to the car and got in in three steps.

"Hey! This girl?" Lin Feng was puzzled, always feeling that something was wrong.

"She's too familiar, didn't we say to take her?"

Li Long couldn't help scratching his hair. It was the first time he saw such a familiar girl.

"Forget it, let her go." Wang Yi waved his hand. It is not normal for the little girl to walk alone on the street. As soon as she heard that they were going to the 4S shop, she was like a change.

"It is estimated that there is something else in the 4S shop. Be careful when you get there."

Wang Yi turned his head to give orders to several people, and hurriedly got on the pickup.

Closely relying on a little girl who met by chance, Wang Yi could detect what was wrong with the 4S store. This intuition alone was not comparable to others.

In the 4S shop, the blood in the lobby has been wiped dry, and several commercial vehicles parked evenly on both sides, and in the middle of the lobby, a few bullies were discussing something in a low voice.

"Fuck, Boss is too unnatural, so Shuling, a woman, just won't let us touch it!"


The shrew with a sharp voice lowered his throat and complained to the others.

"What can we do, whoever makes him the boss, apart from him, we dare not kill zombies."

Another man in a tattered vest also complained a little.

"Why don't I think so." Seeing that these people were all unhappy with a sharp voice, they immediately hooked their fingers and motioned them to come over.

"Let's kill him. Without him, we can play a few more times with this woman and share more food."

"No way, no way." The man in the vest shook his head hurriedly.

"We can't beat him."

"He is going to the toilet now, and he has no ability to resist. As long as you agree, I will plug him now!"

The sharp man said that he took out the blood-stained wallpaper knife from his pocket, his face was harsh.

"No, no, no, who would kill the zombie without him?"

The remaining two gangsters still hesitate.

"I'm here! Damn, I dare to kill people, am I afraid of zombies!" The sharp man suddenly shook the wallpaper knife in front of a few people, and forced them back again and again.

"Why don't I see it? Anyway, the boss said to play at night, it's not bad for a few hours."

The man in the vest said and glanced at Han Xue who was **** in the car by several people, his eyes were full of desire.

Similarly, when the other two **** looked at Han Xue Linglong's body, their eyes flashed with desire.

"In this way, as long as you kill him, you play with this woman first!" The sharp man caught the expressions of the three, gritted his teeth, and said simply, although he also wanted to play with that woman, in order to be the boss of these people , He can only do so.

It doesn't matter if they play after they have played it anyway, but is it just a little loose? It doesn't matter.

"Okay! That's it!" The three reacted very quickly, almost in unison.

He is going to kill people on both sides, and it doesn't matter if they can't kill.

"Okay, wait for my good news." The sharp man waved the wallpaper knife in his hand. Although he knew that he was used as a gun by these people, if he succeeded, he would be the boss in the future.

When the sharp man walked towards the bathroom in the store with a wallpaper knife, the remaining three gangsters also dragged Han Xue out of the car.

"Haha! Little lady, you pretend to be, wait for the boss to die, I will let you know how good your brothers are!"

The **** in the vest reached out and wiped Han Xue's delicate face.

"Tsk tusk! This woman is so **** tender."


The door was knocked suddenly, and the thin tall man sitting inside the door was taken aback for a moment, his face suddenly gloomy, and the feeling of being interrupted by someone to defecate was really uncomfortable.

"Who the hell, don't you know if I go to the toilet!" The thin tall man yelled and kicked the front door panel hard.

"Old, boss, that girl, she ran away while the brothers were not paying attention."

A sharp voice came from outside the door, and the thin and tall man's face immediately changed several times.

"Damn, it's such a **** trash, even a woman can't stand it!"

While cursing, the thin man quickly pulled the toilet paper off the wall without folding it up, so he wiped it on his **** indiscriminately, not knowing if it got on his hands.