Zombie Apocalypse Chap 65

"came back?"

Hearing the news, Li Mei walked quickly to the window, looked at Li Long who was still tapping the door, and said repeatedly.

"Quickly, go down and open the door to let them in!"

Zhang Fei and the others listened to Li Mei's instructions and hurried downstairs to meet Wang Yi and the others, leaving Xiao Jingjing alone and slowly walking down the stairs. The tears of anxious tears almost fell.

Zhang Fei stepped forward to open the door, and several cars filed in.

Li Mei watched anxiously from the side, a car passed by, not Wang Yi, and another car passed by, not Wang Yi.

Until the last car drove in and saw Wang Yi sitting in the co-pilot, Li Mei's hanging heart finally fell.

Fortunately, Zhang Fei's yard is not small. Six cars came in just enough to fill the yard.

"Brother Yi!"

As soon as Wang Yi got off the car, Li Mei ran over and threw directly into Wang Yi's arms, reluctant to leave for a long time.

"It's alright, don't cry, am I not coming back? I'm not afraid of Zhang Fei and the others laughing."

Wang Yi gently patted Li Mei's trembling shoulder. This woman didn't know when she had regarded Wang Yi as everything.

"No, let me hold you for a while."

Li Mei shook her body in Wang Yi's arms, a little girl's posture.

Zhang Fei came over to say hello to Wang Yi. They also had the insight. Seeing Li Mei acting like a baby in Wang Yi's arms, they left on their own and went to talk with Yang Bing, Li Hu and others about what they encountered when they went out to find a car. Danger.

Lin Feng searched in the crowd for a long time, but he didn't find where his daughter had gone, so he became a little anxious.

"Where is Xiao Jingjing, why are you not here?

Grasping Chen Hui who was still following Zhang Fei to greet everyone, Lin Feng asked eagerly.

"Hey? Just now I saw Xiao Jingjing upstairs. Maybe he hasn't come down yet. Don't worry, Brother Lin.

Chen Hui knew that Xiao Jingjing must have been upstairs. The few people who came down in a hurry just now did not care about her. "

Lin Feng listened to Chen Hui's words, and his eagerness was relieved, and he walked upstairs slowly.


As soon as he walked to the door, Xiao Jingjing ran towards him, seeing Lin Feng, a smile appeared on his face under the snot and tears, and he ran a few steps into Lin Feng's arms.

Lin Feng stretched out his hand to wipe off the snot on Xiao Jingjing's face, and kissed Xiao Jingjing hard.

Xiao Jingjing was amused and giggled, and Lai was unwilling to come down in Lin Feng's arms.

After a while, Li Mei was also tired, and came out of Wang Yi's arms, only to find that there were two women standing behind Wang Yi, looking at herself suspiciously.

Before, Li Mei was too excited to notice the wound on Wang Yi's body, but now it has recovered, and quickly pulled Wang Yi's arm, anxiously said.

"Brother Yi, how did you do this?"

Wang Yi didn't want to worry Li Mei, and said lightly.

"There was no major injury, so I was bitten by the mutant beast, it's okay!"


"Mutant beast!"

Li Mei and Wang Yi encountered a mutant cat before they came. That time it was killed by Li Mei. Li Mei didn't realize how powerful the mutant beast was. He wanted to come to Wang Yi's hand wound. It shouldn't be serious.

"I am not asking about your wound, I am asking who you bandaged it!"

Li Mei looked at the wound with a beautiful bow tied on it, and she felt a little unhappy. It was the woman who made it, and her eyes passed Wang Yi and looked at Han Xue and Ling Xuan behind.

Wang Yi touched her nose in embarrassment, thinking that this woman changed quickly. She was crying in her arms just now, and her face changed as soon as she saw the bow.

Han Xue saw that Li Mei looked at her with a vigilant look, and she was not afraid of Li Mei, she stood up and said openly.

"I bandaged Brother Yi. I saw that Brother Yi was still bleeding on his hands, so I helped Brother Yi wrap up the wound."

When Li Mei heard Han Xue say this, her face immediately changed, and she thanked Han Xue with a smile.

"Thank you so much for helping me bandage the wound on my husband's hand."

"By the way, you are..."

Han Xue answered Li Mei's question quickly.

"My name is Han Xue, and I am a teacher from Jinling University, an affiliated high school. This is my student, Ling Xuan."

"Oh, my name is Li Mei, Wang Yi's wife."

The two introduced each other, which was considered polite, but Wang Yi, who stood by for a while, couldn't see what Li Mei was thinking.

After everyone chatted together for a while, several women took the initiative to prepare meals. Wang Yi and his party hadn't eaten anything since they set off in the morning, and their stomachs were also hungry.

It was still the big table made of various steel plates. Wang Yi instructed Li Hu to find two more stools and let Han Xue and Ling Xuan sit on it.

The food was brought up by several women, and the whole table was filled, but everyone just watched, no one moved the chopsticks, they were waiting, waiting for Wang Yi to speak.

Seeing that the women were all seated, Wang Yi didn't hesitate. He opened his mouth and started the meal. He took the lead in picking up a bucket of instant noodles and eating it first, with a few pieces of beef jerky floating on it. The taste was good.

When everyone saw Wang Yi's speech, they were not polite, and each started to eat the food in front of them.

"Brother Yi, would you like to talk about Jihua Flesh?"

Lin Feng on the side saw that everyone had almost eaten, got up and walked to Wang Yi's side, and whispered to Wang Yi.

It can be said that Lin Feng's life was saved by Wang Yi. In addition to his daughter Xiao Jingjing, Li Mei has also taken care of him in the past two days. If we say that among this group of people, who admires and convinces Wang Yi the most, except for Li Mei is Lin Feng.

When Wang Yi heard Lin Feng say this, he thought for a while.

"You can talk to everyone, but pay attention to the language, it has caused too much reaction."

Wang Yi did not conceal the existence of Jihua Flesh, and he also had his own thoughts in his heart.

Now it has been almost a week since the end of the eruption, and the matter of the basic meat will be discovered by the capital gathering place in half a month, and then all the surviving humans will be notified by broadcasting.

Since they are about to be discovered sooner or later, Wang Yi has no intention of concealing it. It is not that when everyone learns of the existence of Jihua Flesh, it will threaten Wang Yi and his team, but Wang Yi does not want everyone to have any thoughts on him. Doubt, how did you know the existence of this basic flesh.

But since Lin Feng said that Wang Yi didn't have any concerns. After all, Yang Bing and others who went out to get a car with Wang Yi also knew about Ji Huarou. There was no unusual reaction, just a little excited.

With Wang Yi's consent, Lin Feng returned to his original position, cleared his throat, and signaled everyone not to make any noises, and then slowly talked about Jihua flesh.

However, Lin Feng didn't tell everyone that it was the basic meat that Wang Yi found alone, but said that on the way Wang Yi drove the truck, several people fought with zombies, and the basic meat found inadvertently could improve human physique.