Zombie Apocalypse Chap 67

When everyone arrived, Li Mei arranged the food too, and the few people ate and chatted.

"Zhang Fei, how many barrels of gasoline or diesel can you have here?"

Wang Yi came up straight to the subject. Now there are cars, but there is not much gasoline and diesel, which is not enough for these eight cars. Naturally, Wang Yi has to consider how to get some gas.

Hearing Wang Yi's question, Zhang Fei quickly swallowed the instant noodles in his mouth and said to Wang Yi.

"Brother Yi, when you went to get the car, I thought about the use of oil drums. Zhang Cong and I looked at all the oil containers in the garage, except for the ones you took away the other day. Four oil barrels, I still have five large oil barrels, and seven or eight smaller ones, but they can hold oil."

After listening to Zhang Fei's words, Wang Yi thought to himself: "Now there are four barrels full of diesel fuel on his truck, plus the five mentioned by Zhang Fei. There are a total of nine large oil barrels, one can hold Two hundred liters of oil, plus some small drums, should be enough for the team to use for a while."

"Okay, these oil drums are enough for the time being, now think about where to get oil tomorrow."

Wang Yi looked at Zhang Fei thoughtfully.

Yang Bing listened to Wang Yi's question, thought for a moment, and quickly replied.

"Brother Yi, I know that there is a gas station not far from us, and there are no crowds around."

"where is it?"

Wang Yi asked directly.

"Just where the Lushan Expressway and the Jinling Ring Expressway meet, it is Sinopec's oil. The oil is of good quality. It will take us about half an hour to drive there.


Yang Bing immediately answered Wang Yi's question without thinking about it. He originally ran logistics and had some understanding of the entire province of Jiangsu and the neighboring provinces and cities, and the roads and gas stations in various places in Jinling were better. It is very clear.

"It doesn't matter if the distance is too short, as long as there are no people living nearby, no school or the like."

What Wang Yi said also affirmed Yang Bing's idea.

"It's so decided. Tomorrow we will go to the gas station that Yang Bing said, and then Yang Bing, Zhang Cong, and Li Long brothers, five of us will go, and we will drive Yang Bing's truck."

Wang Yi looked at Yang Bing's white truck in the gloomy moonlight. Although it was a minivan, it had to be compared with whom. If it was compared with Wang Yi's truck, it would definitely be a minivan. Compared with the commercial vehicles that Wang Yi and the others drove, it was a huge monster.

Yang Bing's truck was also a closed carriage, which was more than five meters long, and it was nearly seven meters long after including the front.

"By the way, I heard Zhang Fei say that on the day of the end of the world, you happened to be going out to deliver goods. I don't know what is in your truck?"

Wang Yi suddenly remembered that Yang Bing was running logistics. At this time, the car must be loaded with goods. He will have to drive to the gas station tomorrow. If the cargo in this carriage is not unloaded now, there may be a delay tomorrow.

"Oh! Brother Yi, you said this. There are clothes in this car. An old customer asked me to send it to the provincial capital of Henan Province. I paid half of the money, but I didn't expect to catch up with the end of the world."


"What costume?"

When Wang Yi heard Yang Bing say that there were clothes inside, his eyes flashed by.

After the outbreak of the last days, what is the most precious thing is firstly food, then weapons and vehicles, and clothes behind. Of course, the clothes here are not the kind of thin, summer clothes, but down jackets and padded jackets.

After the apocalyptic outbreak, human society was severely damaged by zombies, and heating and power supply have long since stopped.


After the winter comes, only a few gathering places can barely supply electricity and heating due to their good location, but they are also used by a small number of people. Most people still shrink in the gathering places, wearing summer clothes and relying on their bodies. Survived the cold east sky.

But they have no choice. The city is basically occupied by zombies, and the various perceptions of zombies have become more and more sensitive in the later period. Not to mention going into the city to find clothes, even if they are slightly closer to the city, there may be a large group of zombies. Get out of it!

Therefore, when Wang Yi heard Yang Bing said that all the clothes on the car were clothes, he immediately became a little nervous.

It is September, and the weather has become a bit colder. If Wang Yi guessed correctly, there should be cotton clothes or thicker clothes in the carriage!

Although Yang Bing didn't understand why Wang Yi was so interested in this car of clothes, he answered truthfully.

"When I was loading the car, I heard the boss say something like military coats and military boots custom-made by a labor insurance company. It doesn't seem to be true to hear what the boss meant. If it was true, I wouldn't be pulled by a truck."

Wang Yi immediately smiled upon hearing this.

Even if it's not true, it's just checking the quality of the clothes from a serious military factory. As for the warmth, it shouldn't be worse.

"Good!" Wang Yi patted his thigh.

"Li Hu, go and call everyone over, let's take out this box of clothes and put them on my car!"

Li Hu immediately agreed, and hurried to call someone.

The group walked to the back of the truck, and Yang Bing stepped forward and opened the carriage.

Wang Yi stood behind holding a flashlight, looking at the camouflage coat of this car, his mouth couldn't close.

"Brother Yi, what's wrong, how can you be so happy looking at this torn coat?"

Chen Hui and Li Mei stood together and whispered.

"I don't know what's wrong with Brother Yi, he should have some thoughts in his heart."

Li Mei looked at Wang Yi who was as happy as a child, and couldn't help laughing. No matter what he was happy, Li Mei was happy.

"Don't be in a daze, come up and unload the goods!"

Wang Yi greeted him, ignoring that his injury was not healed, jumped onto the carriage, and threw down his coat and army boots one by one.

Everyone saw that Wang Yi was on the scene, and they were not pretending to be pretentious, and rushed to get busy.

The two little girls, Xiao Jingjing and Ling Xuan, took several flashlights to illuminate everyone.

Although working at night is a bit risky, there are not many people around the repair shop, and there are few zombies, but there are still a few zombies attracted by the lights, all of which are one and two. Wang Yi didn't care, and gave them all. Lin Feng and Yang Bing dealt with them.

A group of people was busy working until ten o'clock in the evening, and then they moved all the coats to Wang Yi's truck, half of which was food, half of the coat, and at the front were four large oil drums. Zhang Fei held the rope firmly. It is fixed to ensure that things in the carriage will not tip over when driving in the future.

Everyone was so busy and tired, but seeing Wang Yi as if there was something else, they didn't leave, and gathered together to discuss what Wang Yi meant for this car of coats.

Wang Yi looked at Lin Feng, who was still talking to Yang Bing, and called Lin Feng over with a hello.

"Lin Feng, go and bring the basic meat that you got from the 4s store today."

Lin Feng knew that Wang Yi was going to distribute the base of the meat. He happily agreed, and ran to the car to get it.

Wang Yi took the six pieces of basic meat, plus the zombies that were attracted to him when he was working, there were a total of eleven pieces.