Zombie Apocalypse Chap 81

Looking at the tragic death of Chen Gang, Wang Yi suddenly felt anxious.

"Brother Yi, what's wrong with you?"

Zhang Fei got out of the car and asked Wang Yi in a daze at the corpse.

Zhang Fei interrupted Wang Yi's thoughts, raised his head and glanced at Zhang Fei, Wang Yi said calmly.

"It's nothing, are you all ready?"

Zhang Fei turned around and took out a big bag from the car, put it on his back, and nodded to Wang Yi.

"Then go back."

Wang Yi got up and walked to the front, preventing Zhang Fei from seeing his current expression.

The two returned to the convoy to see Li Hu driving over with Jimny, and they were discussing the danger with Lin Feng.

"Zhang Fei, what is your back?"

Lin Feng watched the two come back, while Zhang Fei still carried a big pocket, saying casually.

"It's nothing, just some food and water. There was a person over there pointing his back. The car broke down on the road and was bitten to death by these two zombies. I took the contents of this car back."

Zhang Fei opened the pocket as he said, took out some chocolates and other things, and gave them to several people.

Seeing Wang Yi silently, Yang Bing seemed to be thinking about something, took the Jihua Flesh in his hand, and said to Wang Yi.

"Brother Yi, how do you divide these two basic meats?"

Wang Yi was thinking about the scene just now in his heart, and said casually.

"Just eat with Lin Feng and wait for the zombies next time. Give Zhang Fei and the others a few."

Hearing what Wang Yi said, the two of them didn't pretend, they washed them with alcohol and swallowed them.

"Li Hu, you are still exploring the road ahead. It's getting late. The speed of the convoy speeds up. Try to get to Laoshan Park before dark."

Wang Yi gave an order, and Jimny, who was sitting on Li Hu, returned to the truck. After a while, the convoy started and continued to drive towards the destination.

Laoshan Park, sightseeing area, Tiande Hotel.

Tiande Hotel is not that big in this Laoshan Park, but the environment is definitely the best one. It is a three-storey building with exquisite carvings on the exterior walls and two strings of red lanterns hanging on the gate. On both sides, ancient charm and ancient style.

On the right is a ginkgo forest. The yellow leaves are scattered all over the place, exuding ancient and mysterious fragrance. On the left is an artificial lake. A small pavilion is built in the middle of the lake. If there is no clear water in the lake. Those few broken bodies, here is definitely a good place for people to play.

There is a small square directly in front of the hotel. Several cars are quietly parked on the side of the road. The most conspicuous is a red Ford Raptor. The row of bright lights on the roof is much higher than the cars parked here. .

However, the owner of the car didn't know where it was, leaving the car covered with leaves.

There were zombies in twos and threes wandering in the square, and there was a pool of blood stains on the ground. Some were dry, and there were still some broken clothes on the blood. It seemed that this person was just killed.

On the third floor of the hotel, in a luxuriously decorated room.

"Brother, what should I do, our food is gone, I'm going to starve to death!"

A seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl leaned weakly against the corner of the wall and called to the man who was watching the outside by the window.

Hearing this sister's shout, the man immediately turned his head and made a silent gesture to her, looking nervous.

auzw.com "Be quiet, people who rushed out every day these days were eaten by those zombies. If you attract the zombies, we will be finished!"

When the little girl heard her brother say this, she rolled her eyes immediately, muttering in her mouth not knowing what she was talking about.

Shen He looked at his sister helplessly, with fire in his heart, but couldn't make it out. If it wasn't for this sister to be playful, and she would have to visit this park for everything, we would have been home long ago, and it would not be guilty to endure starvation here and be trapped by zombies in this hotel.

These two were the brothers and sisters who met Wang Yi on the road a few days ago. The older brother is Shen He and the younger sister is Shen Bing. They are playing in this Laoshan Park, but they are catching up with the zombie outbreak and have been trapped for seven days.

"Brother, I'm really hungry, let's go out and find something to eat, can you bear to see me starving to death alive? If I starve to death, see if you go home and dad won't beat you!"

Although Shen Bing had been hungry for a day, he still had a cunning look when he spoke and shouted to his brother.

"Oh my sister, please keep your voice down, there are five or six zombies outside, why go out to find food!"

Shen He was also frightened by this younger sister. The zombies outside seemed to have heard Shen Bing's voice, and suddenly looked up at Shen He.

Shen He reacted quickly, quickly lying on the ground, winking at his sister, and beckoning her not to speak.


The zombies outside the hotel didn't know what was wrong, and howled for a while, terrifying.

Shen Bing stopped quarreling with his elder brother, and ran into Shen He's arms, shivering.

"Brother, brother, do you think they will eat us?"

Shen Bing spoke with a hint of crying, and the little girl was frightened by the roar of the zombies, tightly holding on to her brother's collar.

"Cough, cough, hurry up, let go, if you let go, I'm going to be slapped to death, where can I wait for the zombie to eat!"

Shen He was dragged by his younger sister, his eyes turned up, and he didn't dare to make any movements. For fear of attracting zombies, he had to gently pat his younger sister's hand.

"Uh, sorry bro, are you okay?"

Shen Bing hurriedly released the hand that was holding his brother's neck, looking embarrassed.

"Brother, listen!"

Shen Bing saw that his brother was going to blame himself, and quickly pointed out to his brother.

"Brother, the outside voice seems to be quiet, have all the zombies gone?"

Shen He listened carefully, and there was indeed no sound outside. He hurriedly leaned over to the window, exposed half of his head, and looked out.

At this time, the sky was already dark, but before he could see people clearly, Shen He saw the zombies swaying outside, as if chasing something.

"Sister, these zombies ran away for whatever reason. Waiting for a while, if the zombies don't come back, let's go down and find something to eat!"

Shen He looked back at his sister and nodded, then turned to stare outside, waiting for all the zombies to leave.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Zhang Fei and Liu Yang ran quickly in the ginkgo grove, and from time to time they punctured a few convenience bags and threw them on the ground. They were all the towels Chen Hui had used these days.

Behind the two of them, there are six zombies roaring constantly, following the pace of these two people, moving fast in the forest.

"Huh, Brother Fei, the place ahead is where I made an appointment with Brother Yi!"

Liu Yang panted and said anxiously to Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei raised his head and suddenly saw a bright light flashing by in front of him. Knowing that it was a signal from Wang Yi, he immediately grabbed Liu Yang with one hand. The two of them ignored the zombies behind them, jumped, and passed the barrier in front of the ground. At the same time, the few convenient bags left in the handle all smashed the steel wire rope that was more than meters high and threw it in front of the wire rope.