Zombie Apocalypse Chap 83

The two of them felt so dark and walked slowly towards the first floor, but the sound of smashing the door became louder and louder, echoing in the empty hotel.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

In fact, Shen He had already weakened his legs long ago, but he was just holding on. Who would let a younger sister follow him behind him?

I saw that I was about to reach the first floor, and I saw a slight light coming in from the stairs, but accidents always happen at critical times!

"Kang Dang!"

Seeing bursts of light coming from the top of the stairs, Shen He couldn't help speeding up his steps downstairs. Unexpectedly, he stepped down and fell straight down.

Shen He knew that there might be zombies on the first floor. He endured the pain and didn't scream out, but his sister didn't know what was going on. She just felt the belt in her hand suddenly shrugged forward, and then there was a stabbing. Know where it went!


"Brother, where did you go!"

Shen He directly rolled to the first floor, his body pain was unbearable, but he heard his sister scream twice and quickly responded.

"I'm on the first floor, come down quickly!"

Listening to the familiar voice of his brother, Shen Bing resisted the fear in his heart, ran down the stairs, watched Shen He lying on the ground, and wanted to step forward and help him up.

But these two brothers and sisters have forgotten, there are more than them in this hotel.

"Kang Dang!

As soon as Shen Bing supported his brother, he heard a louder slamming door in a room on the first floor. It should be that the two people screamed too loudly and stimulated the zombies in that room.


Shen He didn't care about the pain at this time, and suddenly jumped up from the ground, pulling his sister and ran out.

The two were eager to escape, but did not notice that in the dark corridor, a claw-covered arm suddenly pierced the thick wooden door!

Shen He dragged his sister and ran to the parking lot quickly. Seeing that he was about to reach the red bird of prey, Shen Bing suddenly heard the sound of footsteps behind him, and turned his head subconsciously, and found that there was a shadow behind him vaguely, because of the sky. Shen Bing hadn't seen the reason for the dimness. When the figure was getting closer, Shen Bing found that his eyes were glowing red!

"Ah, zombies!"

Shen Bing's yelling shocked Shen He, without turning his head back, and regardless of whether his sister said it was true or not, she hurriedly pulled her sister to the run.


The zombie saw that Shen He and Shen Bing ran quickly, roared, and ran after them.

This sinking river is sure that there are zombies behind him, gritted his teeth and endured the pain, and the running speed has accelerated a bit. Although Shen Bing was dragged forward and backward by his brother, he still did not fall for half a step. The zombies behind were unexpectedly momentary. The two can't catch up between them, which shows how strong their desire to survive.

The two of them corpses and ran around the parking lot, circle after circle.

But this zombie has been strengthened by the virus, although the speed is not far beyond that of ordinary people, but the physical strength is not weak. The Shen He brothers and sisters did run faster than the zombies when they first started, but they could not stand it for a long time. Slowly followed by the zombies, she couldn't shake it off.

"Brother, huhu, you run slowly, I can't keep up!"

Shen Bing panted behind Shen He, only feeling that his lungs were about to explode, his face flushed.

"Run quickly, if you don't run, the zombie will bite your butt, and it will see how you get married!"

Shen He couldn't do it anymore. He took a strong breath, turned his head and shouted to his sister, only to find that the zombie was already less than two meters away from the two!

"Sister, be careful!"

auzw.com Shen He dragged his sister abruptly, avoiding the attack of the zombies. He didn't know where his strength was, and he lifted it up with a quick speed. Although he was still dragging his sister, both People still throw the zombies a little distance.

"Huh, huh, brother, let me go, I can't run anymore, we're all going to die if this continues, it's better to let me go."

"To shut up!"

"It's my death to die, it's not your turn!"

Shen He heard his sister's weak voice, tears fell in an instant, and turned around and yelled at her sister.

After all, blood is thicker than water. There is always something that will make people ignore their own self and protect another person's life when real danger comes.

Shen He exhausted his last bit of strength, violently dragged his sister in front of him, then turned around and looked at the zombies that were getting closer.


Shen Bing didn't know what was going on, so he was dragged to the front by his elder brother. When he could react, his elder brother stood in front of him with Jing.

Shen Bing had already foreseeed the fate of his brother, closed his eyes involuntarily, not daring to watch the heartbreaking scene.


Suddenly, two bright lights hit Shen He and the zombies. Shen He couldn't open his eyes because of the irritation of the light. He couldn't help but raise his hand to block his eyes.

And the zombie was also taken aback by this sudden light. When it slowed down and wanted to continue to pounce on Shenhe, an off-road vehicle swiftly drove from the side and slammed into the zombie!


The zombie was directly hit by a car, and then hit a car.


Li Hu braked and stopped Jimny, Liu Yang quickly got out of the car, ran to the zombie, and chopped off the struggling zombie's head with a single knife.

Li Hu got off the car and saw Shen He still covering his eyes with his hands, with a hideous expression on his face.

"Hey, wake up, the zombies have been killed by us!"

Li Hu shook Shen He's shoulder vigorously, and Shen He slowly lowered his arm, staring blankly at Li Hu in front of him, and said blankly.

"Zombie, did you kill the zombie?"

Li Hu shook his head helplessly, "It seems that this kid was scared by zombies."

"Liu Yang! Cut off the zombie's head and show him if the zombie is dead!"

Liu Yang was looking for Jihua Meat in the zombie's head. Hearing Zhang Fei's voice, he directly took the zombie's head and placed it in front of the car lights, and continued to search for Jihua Meat.

"See, the zombie's head is here, do you think it can live?"

Li Hu was slightly proud, just about to blow, but suddenly saw the lights flashing by the roadside.

Li Hu knew that it was Wang Yi and the others who had come, and ignored Shenhe. He trot two steps, took out the flashlight in the car, and shook the car for three laps. He saw Wang Yi's truck light turned into a low beam. Li Hu greeted Liu Yang, and the two stood by the side of the road to show Wang Yi the way.

Shen Bing had already reacted, but looked at Li Hu and Liu Yang with fierce faces and did not dare to speak.

"Brother, brother, who are these people?"

Shen Bing whispered to Shen He and ran to the side of Shen He.

"Let's take a look first, I guess they should have escaped, and happened to pass by here."

After Shen He finished speaking, he naturally stood in front of his sister, watching the cars slowly passing by with a vigilant face, the dazzling lights illuminating the two of them, as if they were standing on the stage, becoming everyone's focus.