Zombie Apocalypse Chap 93

Wang Yi thought for a while, but decided to go to that villa.

Although not sure how many zombies there are, there shouldn't be too many zombies, and they are not far away.

A group of people drove two modified commercial vehicles, guided by Zhang Ming, toward the villa.

This Laoshan Park was originally a forest park. Wang Yi and others walked on small roads. There were large trees on both sides. The breeze blew and the golden leaves fell. In these last days, there is also an alternative beauty, as if Place in a dream world.

Such a beautiful view also dilutes everyone's fear of the end times. Li Mei didn't know if there was a CD out there and inserted it in the car radio. If there were no such nasty zombies along the way, it would be considered agreeable.

As soon as the team entered a bamboo forest, the sharp-eyed Li Mei discovered the situation.

"Brother Yi, you see there are two zombies!"

Li Mei, who was sitting in the co-pilot, pointed to the bamboo forest not far ahead and said.

Wang Yi looked in the direction of Li Mei's fingers. As expected, there were two zombies kneeling in the forest. They were probably eating something. They didn't notice the vehicle Wang Yi and the others were driving in the distance.

"Send a signal to the back, stop here, don't go forward yet."

Wang Yi gave an order, then slowly stopped the car, turned his head and asked Zhang Ming who was sitting behind him.

"Zhang Ming, how far is it from that villa now?

Zhang Ming took out the map Wang Yi gave him, looked at it for a while, and replied.

"Brother Yi, we have already walked more than half of the distance now, and it will be almost there in another ten minutes."

Wang Yi nodded, and it has been nearly 20 minutes since the start, which is similar to what Zhang Ming said.

The two cars stopped slowly on the side of the road, and Yang Bing knew that Wang Yi must have discovered something unexpected, so he hurriedly got out of the car.

"Brother Yi, have you found any zombies?"

Yang Bing asked Wang Yi, who had just gotten out of the car.

Wang Yi made a silent gesture and pointed to the bamboo forest in front of him. Yang Bing followed his gaze to see that there were two zombies kneeling on the ground, not knowing what they were eating.

Wang Yi asked Yang Bing to attach his head and whispered in his ear.

"Yang Bing, you go get all the people in the car down, take your weapons, and keep your voice as quiet as possible."

After Wang Yi finished speaking, he asked Zhang Ming to take down all the weapons. Wang Yi and Zhang Ming took long knives, and Chen Hui was still an iron spear.

But Li Mei looked mysterious, and after looking for it in the car for a long time, Wang Yi felt a headache for what she took out!

A black iron rod, with blood stains faintly visible at the tip, but I don't know if it is a zombie or Wang Yi's.

"Why are you still holding this broken iron rod? Hurry up and throw it away. Tomorrow I will let Zhang Fei make you a handy weapon!"

When Wang Yi saw this iron rod, he felt dizzy. He was injured twice for no apparent reason before being beaten by Li Mei holding the iron rod. Now that I think about it, I am still a little scared.

"No, I will use this iron rod in the future, if you dare to throw it at me, then you won't want to get on my bed in the future!"

Li Mei shook the iron rod tightly, in a posture of coexistence and death with the iron rod, and cracked his teeth at Wang Yi.

"Forget it, don't care about you, just don't hit me!"

Wang Yi felt helpless, watching everyone surrounding him, and not entangled with Li Mei, and whispered to several people.

"When I go up for a while, I will deal with one zombie alone, Li Hu and Zhang Ming deal with the other, Yang Bing and Li Mei wait with a few women in the back, but don't take it lightly, there is a possibility of escaping nearby at any time. Zombies, everyone, be careful!"

"I know Brother Yi.


Everyone nodded, and Wang Yi waved his hands, motioning Li Hu and Zhang Ming to come with him.


The three of them slowly walked to the edge of the bamboo forest. They were already relatively close to the zombies, but the two zombies didn't seem to find a few people. They still knelt there and didn't know what they were doing.

"Li Hu, you shouted and brought the two zombies over."

Li Hu nodded, opened his mouth wide, and cursed at the two zombies.

"My *you* mother's zombie!

"Your grandfather is here, come here in kind!"

Li Hu's voice used his full strength, let alone zombies, even the two Wang Yi who stood by were taken aback by the voice, worried that they would attract other zombies.

The women who followed a few people were also dumbfounded, wondering what Li Hu was crazy about.

But even though Li Hu scolded loudly, the two zombies turned a deaf ear, looked up at Li Hu, roared twice, as if to warn everyone, then continued to lower their heads and stuff their mouths with blood.

"Hey, fuck!"

"Brother Yi, what's the matter with these two zombies, ignore us!"

Li Hu was also a little confused. With such a loud voice, the zombies did not come over, it was completely different from before!

Wang Yi is also a little strange. It's all so close. It stands to reason that the zombies should have smelled it a long time ago. With Li Hu's voice, how could there be no response, or is there something attracting them?

Wang Yi thought for a while, bent over to pick up a stone, and threw it at the nearby zombie.


The stone accurately hit the zombie's head and smashed the zombie to the ground!


Although the zombies were attracted by the delicious meat, they were still agitated by the actions of Wang Yi and others. With a roar, they rushed towards Wang Yi and others.

Wang Yi saw that the zombie was finally drawn out, and they quickly took up their weapons and waited for the zombie to run over.

The zombies rushed forward, jumped, and rushed towards the nearest Li Hu.

Li Hu had already prepared, seeing that the zombie had come, waved a long knife and greeted him.


The long knife and the zombie's claws suddenly intersected in the air, and then the two missed, and the zombie flew towards Wang Yi and Zhang Ming.

The two were also unambiguous, one of them aimed at the zombie's arm and chopped it over.

The zombie dodges from the left but not to the right, bitterly passing through between Wang Yi and Zhang Ming, and with a snorted sound, one arm was taken off by Zhang Ming.

Zhang Ming saw the zombies rolling behind, and hurried to chase them, but Wang Yi grabbed them.

"Brother Yi! They are still behind!"

Zhang Ming anxiously shouted to Wang Yi, the zombie knew that it was not the opponent of a few people, and directly rushed towards the girl Li Mei behind!

Wang Yi didn't feel nervous, let alone that the zombie had lost an arm, even if it was intact, it would not be Li Mei's opponent.

"You don't have to worry about it, leave the zombie to Li Mei and the others!"

Wang Yi ignored Zhang Ming's surprised expression and took the two of them to the only remaining zombie.

Even though its companion had already rushed out, the zombie ignored it, and his attention was still attracted by the flesh and blood under him.

After nearly ten meters away, Wang Yi and the others finally saw clearly what the zombie was eating!

"Yi, Brother Yi, how come there are pythons in this park!"

Li Hu pointed to the emerald green python under the zombie, surprised