Zombie Apocalypse Chap 95

Before Wang Yi could react, Ling Xuan "broke away" from Wang Yi's arms and ran to the car with a blushing face.


Wang Yi was short-circuited by Ling Xuan's kiss, and he didn't know whether he should cry or laugh.

Everyone didn't realize that there was anything. Ling Xuan was just a little girl, she was happy for a while, and probably didn't mean anything else.

But Li Mei saw this scene in his eyes, but she was a smart woman, suppressing the anger in her heart, planning to wait until she went back to ask Wang Yi what was going on.

After Wang Yi reacted, he also felt nothing, and ordered everyone to get in the car and continue to drive quickly to the destination.

Qingyuan Mountain Villa, located in the ecological zone of Laoshan Park, is said to be a mountain villa, but in fact it is a slightly larger hotel, surrounded by a row of wooden walls.

On the side is a row of wooden houses with exquisite shapes. If it is normal, it would be considered a landscape.

But now it is not the case. Several large holes, one-person tall, appeared on the wall of the wooden house. From the outside, there are still blood stains in the house, which is extremely horrible.

A small fishing lake is in the middle of the yard, surrounded by a row of low willows, which are used to cool the anglers. The lake water has been stained red with blood, and several broken hands with skin and bones are floating quietly on the bright red lake. .

In the middle is a four-story building, surrounded by oval flower beds, and inside are all tattered clothes with blood.

The small building should be a place for dining or entertainment, but there are no people coming and going in the past. The windows on the first floor are all shattered, glass **** is scattered on the ground, and the ground near the flower bed is scattered with fingers. Or bones, like in the villa of purgatory on earth, if you are close at this time, you can hear a woman's weak moan!

"No, no, don't come over."

On the second floor, in the room closest to the inside, the woman's painful groan came from here!

"Hey! Call, call! The bigger you call, the better I will play!"

In the dim and small room, seven or eight naked men surrounded the girl who had been beaten by them that was almost inhuman.

"Fuck, this chick is quite temperamental, Brother Shen, it's probably not fun to fight."

One of them was a small, wretched man who was rubbing his life while laughing lustfully.

"Hey, who made her knock our hands on her own, if she followed Wei Ping's gang of boys, we wouldn't be able to start."

The man named Shen Ge is a sturdy bald head with no inch strands on his body. His exposed skin is covered with colorful tattoos. It is not difficult to see what occupation he was before the end of the world.

"Brothers, let's eat meat today!"

With a strange cry, Shen Ge violently stepped forward to tear down the last line of defense from the girl.


In a small valley not far from the villa.



The roar of zombies came from the valley.

In the dense weeds above the valley, a few hidden figures lurked there. It was Wang Yi and several people who heard the roar of zombies on the road and came to check.

"This is a tourist attraction."

Zhang Ming explored the wild grass and pointed at the cave road in the valley surrounded by dozens of zombies.

"Patio cave?" Li Hu muttered, his eyes scanned the stone stele next to the cave, and he asked with a little doubt.

"This is an ordinary cave. What are the zombies doing around it?"

"There should be survivors inside." A trace of puzzlement flashed in Wang Yi's eyes.


These zombies are only interested in flesh and blood. Apart from the surviving humans in the cave, there can be no other things, but how did they come to this remote cave and how were they besieged by the corpses.

The people above the valley did not immediately go down to kill the zombies, but continued to observe the situation in the valley.


The closed red wooden door of the cave groaned in pain as the zombies collided.

That is to say, thanks to the zombies not knowing what unity is, otherwise the wooden door would have been smashed open, but even so, the wooden door has been knocked out by the zombies with a big hole.

"Fight with them. If you still stay in this cave and wait for the zombies to rush in, we will all die. If we go out, we might still live so one or two!"

A strong man in his twenties wearing a security uniform, panting heavily, said to the men and women around him.

His name is Wei Ping. He was originally just a security guard at the nearby village. After the end of the world broke out, because all the food was snatched by Brother Shen and his team, he had no choice but to bring people out to find food, but now the food is not found. On the contrary, it attracted zombies and was trapped in this cave as food.

"Ooo, ooo ... If, if it does not come out just fine, and now still drizzly Villa, but we stuck in here, hum ...

When the two girls heard Wei Ping's resolute words, they couldn't help crying.

There are more than ten people in this cave. Half of them are in security uniforms, and the rest are dressed in sportswear. At first glance, they are young people like students.

"Don't cry Jiajia, we have hope of life as long as we rush out, and you will be behind me for a while.

A young boy dressed as a student stepped forward and patted Jiajia on the shoulder. His slightly childish face was full of men's responsibility.

"Okay, just listen to Wei Ping, and rush out. Whoever lives or dies depends on luck!"

Everyone took a deep breath and squeezed their weapons. The security guards were basically holding steel pipes and the like, while the weapons of those students appeared to be diverse, such as kitchen knives, swing sticks, and even The girl student was holding a vase in both hands.

"Everyone listen to me, when I count to three, let's rush out!"

Wei Ping gritted his teeth and said with a firm face.


"Listen to your Ping brother!"

Seeing everyone nodded, Wei Ping no longer hesitated.




As soon as the voice fell, several people near the wooden door slammed into the wooden door. The wooden door was overwhelmed and collapsed outwards with a bang.

The zombies outside were about to continue hitting the door, but saw that the door suddenly turned upside down, unable to dodge, and was directly hit by the wooden door.

Before the zombies could react, a dozen people in the cave roared and rushed out.

"not good!"

Wang Yi watched these more than a dozen people rushed out, and cried out.

"Hurry up and save those people!"

Wang Yi shouted at Li Hu and the others, and rushed down the hill first.

Suddenly, Wang Yi could not watch those people bitten to death by zombies anyway.

"Look, Brother Ping, someone came to rescue us!"

Wei Ping avoided the claws of the zombies and looked at the few people rushing down from the hillside. He immediately felt confident. Although there were no zombies tyrannical, the number of people was dominant.