Zombie Apocalypse Chap 97

"It's alright, don't you smirk." Yang Bing saw Li Hu laugh and hurriedly dragged Li Hu over.

This boy was 80% in love with that girl, and based on Yang Bing's understanding of Li Hu, he immediately reached a conclusion in his heart.

"Do you have anyone else?" Li Hu's laughter disappeared, and Wang Yi finally had the opportunity to ask questions.

"My classmate is still in the villa. She had an official holiday today and was unwell, so she didn't follow it." Jiajia said hurriedly when she asked Wang Yi.

"Why do you leave her alone in the villa, isn't it dangerous?" Li Mei wondered.

"No, all the zombies near the villa were cleaned up by Brother Shen and his team." Wei Ping shook his head.

"She refers to Brother Shen in your mouth." Wang Yi's tone was gloomy, and Wang Yi couldn't understand the human nature in the last days.

Hearing what Wei Ping said, Brother Shen and the group occupied the food in the villa. If they didn't give it to Wei Ping, they should not be a good person, but they even dared to leave the girl alone in the villa, they could only say that they had no experience. .

"No, no, they only dare to deal with zombies, and shouldn't be able to do other things." Wei Ping saw Wang Yi point out, and immediately became uncertain.

"Huh! No? I tell you, there are no good people nowadays, that is, you are lucky and met Brother Yi." Ling Xuan exclaimed as if thinking of something.

"Ah? Then, what should we do?" Jiajia was a little panicked when she heard the words. The girl is her best friend. If anything happens, Jiajia will probably feel guilty for a lifetime.

"Brother, take us back quickly." Wei Ping seemed to have figured out something, and grabbed Wang Yi's arm and said anxiously.

Twenty minutes later.

The villa is still in that room.

"Hey, Shen, Brother Shen, do you want to send another shot."

The skinny man climbed up from the girl who had been in a coma, shaking his blood-stained lower body, and smiled weakly at Ge Shen on the side.

"Go to your mother, do you still play like this?" Brother Shen stepped forward and looked at the girl's normal body like a sack.

There is no good place in the entire upper body. The neck and chest are full of bruises and purple-red, while the lower body is weakly drooping on top of a pool of fishy blood. A pair of thighs that should have been white and tender are full of dirty and sticky. The liquid shows how much she has suffered.

"Go, call in Gao Song and Zhou Ren from outside. Just now they belonged to them to play the most times. Now it's up to them to work. Send her back and give Wei Ping a surprise to those boys."

Brother Shen said with a lewd smile.

"When they come back, they will definitely be extremely angry. Then we will have the opportunity to attack them, but there are still two chicks over there!"

"Hey, Brother Shen, we won't be able to play like this at that time, there are only two girls left, we can play longer."

The thin man put on his clothes with a lewd smile, and opened the door. After a while, Gao Song and Zhou Ren, two pale-faced men, entered the room.


"Brother Shen.

As soon as the two entered the room, a pleasing smile appeared on their faces.

"Yeah." Brother Shen snorted and pointed to the **** the ground.

"Go and carry her over, let Wei Ping and the others see with their own eyes, what will happen to us against us!"


The two immediately agreed, and randomly found a few pieces of rags to cover the girl's body, one pulled the girl's blood-filled legs, and the other lifted the girl's shoulders and danglingly carried her to a room on the third floor. , The two have never come out again.


Two commercial vehicles were driving on the road, obviously not too fast, but the sound of the engine was unusually loud.

auzw.com There is no way, this commercial vehicle is not too big to squeeze nearly 20 people, except for Wang Yi who is driving the vehicle and Li Mei who is sitting in the co-pilot, others Being squeezed hard enough to run is not easy.

"Yi, Brother Yi, the villa is in front of you."

Wei Ping struggling to stick out his head from behind, panting heavily.

"How many of them are there? Do they have weapons?" Wang Yi turned the steering wheel slightly, his eyes flashed with solemn expressions, the closer he got to the villa, the more uneasy Wang Yi felt.

"A total of eight people, with weapons, there seems to be nothing but a machete."

Wei Ping answered without thinking about it.

"Okay, I see." Wang Yi nodded, and slammed on the accelerator. The commercial vehicle roared and drove towards the villa!

"Boom boom boom!

"Brother Shen! Brother Shen!"

An anxious shout came from outside the door, awakening Shen Gui who was still taking a nap.

"What is it called!"

Shen Gui yelled in dissatisfaction. Overworked in the morning made Shen Gui still have some soft feet. He was awakened by someone outside when he fell asleep. How could Shen Gui be satisfied.

"Brother Shen, there are two cars coming by outside, and they will be at the villa soon."

"Two cars?" Shen Gui muzzled thinking.

"Could it be that Wei Ping's gang of boys are back?"

"Hey, this kid, come back as soon as you come back, and bring back two cars. It seems that if you kill him later, you can make him suffer less."

Shen Gui changed his mind and couldn't help feeling his chin and laughing lustfully.

"Boom boom boom!

A violent knock on the door sounded again, interrupting Shen Gui's thoughts.

"Knock what knock!"

Shen Gui opened the door with a sullen expression.

"Go, call the brothers up and get me down to pick up the car!"

There was a mess in the villa. If it weren't for Wei Ping to say that there are no zombies here, Wang Yi said that nothing would break in so hastily.


Two fast-driving commercial vehicles rushed into the messy mountain village. Just after they stopped, several people suddenly walked out of the three-story restaurant facing them.

"Brother Yi, they are Shengui's group."

Wei Ping pointed to the middle-aged man with his upper body naked at the front and said to Wang Yi.

"It's still a social man." Wang Yi squinted his eyes, and looked up at Shen Gui through the windshield.

A red and green python coiled around the shoulders along Shen Gui's waist, with an inch head and a face full of fierceness. It really felt like a social person. If you hadn't seen a young man in the world, you might have been really frightened by his aura.

With his back to the sun and the dense steel bars in front of the car windows, Shen Gui did not see the inside of the two cars clearly, but felt that the inside of the car was dark and lacquered, as if a lot of things were installed.

"Brother Shen, it seems that these guys have found food."

The small gangsters behind Shen Gui also didn't see the situation in the car clearly. They thought that Wei Ping had found the food, and they couldn't wait to wait.

"Don't worry, wait until they see that girl is out of control." A sneer hung on the corner of Shen Gui's mouth. He had already settled to pay attention. These two cars, as well as the supplies on the car, must be ordered before tonight. Get it.