Zombie Apocalypse Chap 110 Gunshot

If you meet on a narrow road and the brave wins, this sentence does have a certain truth, but it means that if the strength of the two is not far apart, if you know that you don't have many enemies, but you still have to bite the bullet, it's not courage. It's silly!

Wang Yi has more than ten years of experience in the end times. I am afraid that no one in this world will know the end times better than himself, but it is precisely because of this that Wang Yi knows himself better than most people.

Wang Yi knows what dangers can be solved head-on, and what dangers there are that need to be avoided and dodged.

When the bull and the cart were about to collide, Wang Yi suddenly held the steering wheel, and when Yang Bing didn't know what to do, he quickly hit the rudder to the right and rushed into the wilderness below the road!


The sturdy cow passed by the vehicle, and Yang Bing sitting in the driver's seat clearly felt the rubbing of the corbel against the door.

Immediately afterwards, several people felt weightless, as if they were flying, and Li Hu sitting in the back row slammed his head on the roof of the car.


The car flew directly over the deep ditch along the roadside and landed in the wasteland on the side!

"Step on the accelerator!"

Wang Yi yelled to Yang Bing, who was still somewhat dull, and drove in a hurry in the wasteland while controlling the steering wheel.

Yang Bing slowed down, knowing that it was not time to speak, his feet pressed **** the accelerator pedal, the car screamed again, four wide tires rolled up the dirt on the ground, forming a dividing line of dirt behind the car , Cut the vast expanse of wasteland in half.

The cow was shook by Wang Yi, and his body rolled on the ground twice uncontrollably. When it got up, Wang Yi was already driving the vehicle away, leaving only a cloud of dust in front of it.


The cow looked at the drifting car, let out a cry unwillingly, and walked back to the color steel room with a swaying step, where there were still its people waiting for it to conquer.

"Huh, huh~

"Brother Yi, the blame cow has gone back and didn't follow us!"

Li Hu poked his head out of the car window, watching that the cow did not follow up, and turned to Wang Yi, who was still holding the steering wheel.

Hearing that the cow did not follow, Wang Yi hurriedly released his hand and handed the steering wheel back to Yang Bing. After all, this posture was indeed extremely uncomfortable.

"Brother Yi, how did the cow become so big?"

Yang Bing stabilized the steering wheel and controlled the vehicle back on the road. He couldn't help but doubt in his heart, with a trace of fear in his eyes.

Everyone was also wondering whether this cow was fed with chemical fertilizer or something, how could it grow to such a big size.

Wang Yi took out the cigarette from his pocket casually, lit it slowly, and exhaled the smoke. It seemed calm, but he was actually thinking about how to explain the cow mutation.

"This cow should have evolved, just like the mouse I met at 4s. It is several times larger than the original, and it has become much more manic."

Li Mei couldn't help asking suspiciously when Wang Yi said this.

"But why didn't the cow become a zombie? I think although its size has changed, it should still be conscious, not like a zombie.

Wang Yi shook his head, saying that he was not clear.

It wasn't that Wang Yi was concealing anything, but he really didn't know that even in his previous life, no one could answer this question. Whether it was humans or various beasts, they belonged to animal species.

But it happened that only humans were infected and became zombies, and other animals, even if they were bitten by zombies, would only change a little mania, never as bloodthirsty as zombies.

When everyone saw Wang Yi shook their heads, even though they were puzzled at the center, they had no answer. After all, if Wang Yi didn't even know about it, it is estimated that others might have never heard of it.

Since there was no danger, the few people calmed down for a while, so they didn't think about the problem anymore, but the person driving the vehicle was changed from Yang Bing to Wang Yi.


It's not that Yang Bing is not doing well, but that Yang Bing will be a little slow and lack judgment in sudden situations.

Parked the car to the side of the road, the two exchanged positions before continuing on the road.

"Boom! Boom!


Not long after the two exchanged, three gunshots interrupted the thoughts of several people!

"what happened?"

Li Mei sat in the back seat and looked out of the car window with a look of confusion. The shot was clear, and it should be not far from everyone.

Wang Yi suddenly slowed down the speed of the vehicle. Since someone fired a gun, there must be zombies nearby, but I don't know how many. If you drive rashly and plunge into the group of zombies, it won't be easy.

The gunfire sounded one after another, and the sound became louder and louder, which proved that Wang Yi and the others were gradually approaching the place where the gun sounded.

Just after the vehicle turned a corner, Wang Yi and Yang Bing, who were sitting in front of them, finally found out the situation.

"Brother Yi, there are zombies besieging outside the factory building in front!"

Yang Bing pointed to a dilapidated factory building not far in front and said.

Wang Yi found the zombies in front of him the first time, but it was too far away. Wang Yi wanted to get closer to see what was going on, and he was making plans.

"Yang Bing, I think there are a few black off-road vehicles parked on the side of the road. Use a binoculars to see if it says Special Police!"

Wang Yi squinted his eyes and pointed to the road on the side of the house where several black off-road vehicles were parked there. There were a few large white characters on the body, and the words Special Police could be seen vaguely.

"Okay Brother Yi!"

Yang Bing took the telescope handed over by Li Hu and looked at the cars.

After a short time, Yang Bing put down the telescope and said to Wang Yi.

"Brother Yi, I have read it. The words on the car are indeed written by special police!"

Wang Yi groaned slightly, said.

"Look again, it's an armed police special police or a public security special police."

"Uh, good brother Yi."

Although Yang Bing doesn't know what Wang Yi means, what is the difference between the special police and the special police? But he raised his binoculars and looked at the cars carefully.

"Brother Yi, see clearly, it's a special police officer!"

Wang Yi nodded. Since it is a special police officer, Wang Yi wants to save them.

As for why, the police and troops, whether it is combat effectiveness or the character of the personnel, Wang Yi has some understanding of his own.

In addition to their different tasks, the People's Liberation Army and the Armed Police Forces have different tasks. One is external and the other is internal, while the other concepts and beliefs are not much different.

If there are any problems with countries around the world that cannot be resolved, it is the issue of the People's Liberation Army.

The armed police force handles various domestic emergencies, fighting floods, maintaining stability and disaster relief, and most importantly, anti-terrorism.

But despite the different responsibilities of the two types of troops, their beliefs are exactly the same: everything is for the people and everything is for the motherland.

It can also be said that China's troops may not be the most powerful troops in the world, but in terms of the quality of their personnel, their belief in the country, and the people, the troops of other countries can't keep up.